Mrs. Smith’s PEEK of the WEEK Massey Ranch Elementary **********Nov. 16-20, 2015 ********** I am so THANKFUL to have such a wonderful class, a great job, and truly supportive PK parents!! Concepts About Print (CAP) Letter Gg Reading/Language Arts Please remember to read to your child every night! Please remember that Tuesday is Blue Reading Folder homework-“surprise sacks”. Now your baggie will be filled with an item for letter Gg, our thirteenth consonant to study. NOTE: Some of the children are arriving with their baggies, ONLY TO NOT KNOW WHAT THE OBJECT INSIDE IS!!??? Thanks for discussing the sound/symbol and item connection before you place it into the Reading Folder! Wednesday is your Red Writing Folder homework. Please find the letter of the week (letter Gg) and have your child write the entire page, starting with their first name at the top. Have them do the ENTIRE page. Thursday is the Purple Math Folder. Please have your child start at the top by writing their name, and then complete the entire page. 16 of our 19 children have mastered their sight words and are reading short sentences!! Excellent job, children!! Book Walks Visual Clues Author Illustrator Title Page Publisher Marvelous Math Directionality Main Character, Supporting Characters Setting Plural-use letter “s” on the end of the word. Magic Ee—sits SILENTLY while the first VOWEL says its name; also the long sound of the vowel. Compound Words-two words put together to make one word. Sentences Punctuation Cover, Spine, Back of a book Sight Words Page four is complete! Calendar One-to-One Correspondence Empty Set Zero Shapes-Triangle-3 straight sides, 3 corners, 3 angles Squares-4 straight sides, a “special” rectangle, four corners, four angles Hexagon Octagon Numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11 Number 12 Greater Than/Less Than/Equal/Not Equal <,> symbols Touchpoints Remainders Patterns!!! We are working with an AB pattern. You must have at LEAST two choices to make an AB pattern. A pattern is something that repeats itself or happens over and over again. Graphs! A graph is a tool to document, visually represent, organize, and present mathematical information. Superb Science Splendid Social Studies Order vs. Chaos Entropy Laws of Physics, Thermodynamics and Entropy Solar System Living vs. Non Living Life Cycles Reptiles Mammals Spiders/Arachnids Attributes of Categories for Scientific Classification IMM Method of Scientific Study IB Learner Profiles: Communicator!! A good communicator listens carefully and speaks clearly. IB Attitude: Respect IB Planner: Exciting Extras ! ! ! Contact me at School begins at 7:45. You are considered tardy at 8:00. There are 13 children in our am classroom. There are 8 children in our pm classroom. SAVE THE DATES!!! Thanksgiving Break: Information will be coming home SOON, about our Holiday Party! We will sign up in a special website called Sign-Up Genius! Information to follow! Please check your PISD website and Parent/Student Handbook for information on CLOSED CAMPUSES, or call us at 281-727-1700.