We are overjoyed to be your child's teacher for this school year

We are overjoyed to be your child’s teacher for this school year, remember you are their first
teachers. Our job is to develop each child’s academic learning. Early childhood is about
learning and exploring. Our days will be filled with learning letters, phonics, reading, math,
science, and social studies. Students will also be involved in physical education (P.E.), music,
recess, art, and many other fun activities. We truly want their first year to be a positive
SCHOOL HOURS AND ATTENDANCE: Our school hours are from 8:00 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. The students
will be walking into the classroom between 7:50 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. If they arrive before that time
they will wait in the cafeteria. Breakfast will be served from 7:50-8:00 a.m. only, if your child will be
eating breakfast please plan accordingly. If they arrive after 8:00 a.m. they will be tardy and
must be signed in at the office to receive a tardy pass. If you arrive before 3:20 p.m. to pick up
your child, please go to the office and have the clerk call your child out for an early release. The
same will apply if you need to pick up your child at any time during the school day. If your child
is absent please be sure to call the office and notify the school. The office secretary will
document the reason for your child’s absence. Always send a doctor’s note to school with your
child when they return to school. You may take this note to the office yourself, or send it to the
teacher in your child’s daily folder. If your child arrives at school after 10:00 a.m. your child will be
counted absent for that day.
TRANSPORTATION: You will let us know in advance if your child will ride a bus, walk home (only
with an older relative), or if you will pick them up. Please also let us know ahead of time if
someone else will be picking up your child. If there is a change in end of the day transportation
you MUST write us a note or contact the office. We will not accept word of mouth from a
student. Your child must be picked up by 3:25 p.m. every day.
HOMEWORK: Your child will be taking home a folder each day with their homework inside it.
Homework is not an option; it is mandatory and must be done every night. If you have a family
emergency and the homework could not be completed please let us know. We are very flexible
and will work with you. There will be some days where your child will bring home a baggie with a
book in it. Your child will need to read this book to you and this book must be returned in the
baggie the following day. If your child does not bring home a baggie with a book, please take
the time to read to your child that night. If you do not have books to read at home, please let us
know and we will send some for you to borrow.
1:00- 1:45 p.m. We may have conferences during that time if you would like, please call us to
schedule one. If you need to speak to us please call the school (432-240-8200) and leave a
message, or you may send a note to school in your child’s daily folder.
We will be having two parties during the school year. One will be in December and one will be in
I will let you know ahead of time when we will be going on a field trip and you are welcome to
join us.
If your child is on medication or uses an inhaler, the nurse will be the only one who will handle
this. If your child becomes ill at school, the nurse will call you. The nurse is the only one who will
determine if your child is sick and needs to go home.
DISCIPLINE: Each child will have a discipline calendar in their folder which will be sent home
daily. Please sign or initial and return the folder the following day. If they have a happy face,
your child had excellent behavior that day. If they have a sad face, this indicates that one or
more classroom rules have been broken and that behavior was less than expected. If your child
has a sad face, the reason why will be listed in the folder. Please discuss this behavior at home. If
your child becomes violent you will be notified immediately and will be expected to come to
school to talk to your child or stay with them in the classroom. All students are expected to
respect all adults who work or visit the school. You will get a copy of our classroom rules and
these will be followed by your child each day. If rules are not followed the consequences we
have in place are: eating alone at lunch, minutes off recess, or may have to sit alone during
class time.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/ SCHOOL UNIFORMS: At the beginning of the school year, if your
child is not writing his or her name, please practice this at home.
Your child must wear a uniform to school every day. If you do not have a copy of school uniform
requirements, please let me know. College t-shirts may be worn every Monday with uniform
bottoms, and Travis t-shirts may be worn ever y Friday with uniform bottoms. Any shoes may be
worn to school, but they must have sneakers for P.E. You may keep a pair in your child’s
backpack and they will have time to change before going to P.E.
**Please put an extra uniform in your child’s backpack in case of an accident.** This will save
you and your child time during the year.
Please keep all toys at home. Toys from home can cause a distraction and can become lost or
go home with other children.
If your child has reduced or pays full price for lunch, you may send the money to school with
them. We will turn it into the office. You may also pay the cafeteria or on our school website.
Remind your child that we are going to school to learn and have fun. We cannot waste time!
Your child is very important to us and to Travis. It is very important that we communicate during
the school year.
Together, we will make your child’s kindergarten year the best!
The Kindergarten Teachers at Travis Elementary
Contacting Ms. Martin
The easiest way to communicate with me will be by sending a note in your child’s folder. Please
note that I will not be able to check my personal phone during school hours (7:50- 3:20) or after
9:30 p.m.
E-mail: haley.martin@midlandisd.net
School phone number: 432-240-8200
Personal phone number: 817-559-2022
To keep our brains active and ready to learn, each day you are encouraged to pack a healthy
snack for your child to eat while they are working. I will not provide students with a snack. These
will need to be brought from home. You may also send a water bottle for your child to drink
during the school day.
I have enclosed a list of some ideas that you may find helpful.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Snack Ideas
Sliced apples (dip in orange juice to keep from turning brown)
Pineapple chunks
Individual unsweetened applesauce containers
Oranges (peeled or cut into triangles)
Celery sticks
Baby carrots
Cherry or grape tomatoes
Sliced cucumbers
Low-fat cheese (cubed or string)
Rice cakes
Low-fat pudding
Healthy crackers, graham crackers, or pretzels