Probable Essay Questions

Unit 2
Study Guide
1700 Through the Revolution
Chapters 4,5,6
Unit Objectives:
Identify and explain the basis for constitutional rights in the United States
Evaluate the importance of other factors in promoting democracy in America
Analyze the growing population and diversity in the British colonies in the 18 th century
Analyze the economy of the colonies in the mid 18th century
Examine the significance of the Great Awakening
Provide examples of Mercantilist philosophy in Britain’s governance of the colonies
Explain and evaluate the reaction taken by colonists in rejecting colonial governance
Analyze the importance of propaganda in turning public opinion against Britain
Describe the readiness of both sides for War on the eve of the revolution
Explain and evaluate the problems with the British form of gov’t. as presented by Paine
Analyze arguments for and against reconciliation and independence
Explain the grievances put forth in the declaration of Independence
Describe the major figures, battles and turning points in the Revolutionary War
Evaluate the Revolutionary war as a social movement
Probable Essay Questions:
Assess the impact of the following on the democratic institutions of the US: Magna Carta,
Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights
What factors contributed to the rise of democracy in the United States?
How was the “American Character” developed in the 18th century? What made Europeans
How did mercantilist philosophies and colonial economic realities clash with political ideas
and ideals contribute to the American Revolution?
When and how did “No Taxation Without Representation!” become “Give me liberty or give
me death!”? Who was more responsible for this change, the British or the Colonists?
Which statement is more correct? “The British lost the war.” or “The Continentals and their
allies won the war”
Evaluate the validity of the following statement: The American Revolution was more an elitist
movement than a broad based popular revolution.
Key Names, Events and Terms:
Roots of Democracy
Magna Carta
Petition of Right
Habeus Corpus Act
English Bill of Rights
John Locke
“American Character”
Economic Opportunity Social mobility
Religious Freedom/Toleration
John Peter Zenger
Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards
George Whitefield
Tent Meeting / Revival
Old Lights
New Lights
Iroquois Confederacy
Ohio country / Ohio Valley
Albany Congress
Fort Necessity
George Washington
French and Indian War (7 Years War)
Fort Duquesne
General Braddock
William Pitt
Battle of Quebec
Plains of Abraham
Treaty of Paris 1763
Proclamation of 1763
Salutary Neglect
George Grenville
Sugar Act (Revenue Act) (1764)
Currency Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
Stamp Act Congress
James Otis—Rights of the British Colonies…
Virtual representation
Patrick Henry--Virginia Resolves
Sons/Daughters of Liberty
Declaratory Act (1766)
Charles Townshend
Townshend Acts (1767)
Sam Adams
Boston Massacre
Crispus Attucks
Paul Revere
Committees of Correspondence
Tea Act (1773)
East India Tea Company
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) (1774)
Quartering Act (1774)
Quebec Act (1774)
1st Continental Congress
Richard Henry Lee
Declaration of Rights and Grievances
Continental Association
Committees of Observation
Common Sense—Thomas Paine
Absolute Monarchy
George III
Lord North
Thomas Gage
Paul Revere
William Dawes
Lexington Concord
Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill)
2nd Continental Congress
Olive Branch Petition
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
General George Washington
Continental Army
General Howe
General Gates
Battle of Saratoga
General Burgoyne
Battle of Yorktown
General Cornwallis
Von Steuben
Ben Franklin
King Louis XVI
Count Vergennes
Treaty of Paris (1783)
John Adams
Abigail Adams