Fahrenheit 451 - Odyssey Charter School

Fahrenheit 451
Scrapbook Project
Objective: Students will create a scrapbook that shows an understanding of theme,
characterization and symbolism in the novel Fahrenheit 451. The scrapbook will contain a total
of 7 written documents, 5 quotes and 3 symbols from the book.
7 Written Documents
Any of the following genres are acceptable for your written documents:
● diary or journal entries
● poems
● newspaper articles
● letters
● dialogues
At least 4 of these written documents must be written from the perspective of the protagonist,
Guy Montag. The remaining 3 documents can be written from any other character’s perspective.
Remember, the goal of each written document is to show an understanding of theme,
characterization or symbolism.
At least 5 of your written documents should contain a quote from the novel. This quote should
be blended into your own writing to make it sound authentic. As we read the novel in class, you
should write down any quotes that you think reveal themes, character traits or symbolism.
3 Symbols
There are many items, objects and events in the novel that have a deeper meaning. Think about
the title of each section as an example. As we read the novel, pay attention to these symbols,
ask questions in class discussions and write down your ideas. You will “archive” at least 3 of
these symbols in your scrapbook. Any of the following forms are acceptable for your symbols:
● original illustrations
● original photos
● original graphic design using the computer
The Scrapbook
We will be making scrapbooks in class by hand. All of your written documents will be typed and
pasted into your scrapbooks. This means you need to produce a rough draft for each written
document before pasting into your scrapbook. We will have class time to do this.
You will be graded on your ability to analyze the book’s themes, characters and symbols using a
variety of writing formats. As such, students will receive both a “process” and a “product” grade
for this project.