PROJECT OVERVIEW Name of Project: Duration: 6 weeks The Immigrant Experience Subject/Course: ELA, Social Studies Teacher(s): Morgan, Cizenski Grade Level: 7/8 Other subject areas to be included, if any: Project Idea Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: Students will analyze informational texts and narratives to identify with and understand the hardships of immigrating to a new country. They will then create an Immigration Writing Portfolio in ELA and a DBQ’s and a DBQ essay in Social Studies to examine what it is like to be a new face in a strange place, specifically as a foreigner in a new country. Driving Question What is it like to be a new face in a strange place? CCSS to be taught and assessed: ELA: 7.RL.6a, 8.RL.6a, 7.RL.11, 8.RL.11, 7.RI.1, 8.RI.1, 7.RI.10, 8.RI.10, 7.W.4,8.W.4, 7.W.6, 8.W.6, 7.W.9, 8.W.9, 7.W.10, 8.W.10, 7.W.11, 8.W.11 Social Studies: 8.RH1, 2, 5, and 7, WHST 7 and 8 Additional Standards to be taught and assessed: 21st Century Competencies to be taught and assessed: Collaboration Creativity & Innovation Communication (Oral Presentations) × Critical Thinking × × Other Presentation Audience: Group: Class: Major Products & Performances School: × × Community: Individual: Creative Writing, Informational Text Summary, Compare/Contrast Essay, Writing Portfolio, DBQ’s, Experts: © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 1 Web: DBQ Essay, Interactive Web Tour of Ellis Island × Other: PROJECT OVERVIEW Entry event to launch inquiry, engage students: A documentary film entitled Island of Hope-Island of Tears narrated by Robert Redford served as the entry event for the project. The film focused on the processing of the wave of immigrants that entered the country at Ellis Island in the early 20th Century and the trials and tribulations they endured in immigrating to a new country. Assessments Formative Assessments (During Project) Quizzes/Tests × Practice Presentations Journal/Learning Log × Notes Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes × Checklists Rough Drafts × Concept Maps Online Tests/Exams Other: × Written Product(s), with rubric: Summative Assessments (End of Project) ________Poems with a visual representation of the concept of the poem__________________________________________ __________________________________________________ × Oral Presentation, with rubric Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric: × Peer Evaluation Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test Self-Evaluation Essay Test Other: . Resources Needed On-site people, facilities: ELA, SS Equipment: Materials: Computers, REACH Facebook page, Pre-writing and Organizational Handouts, Narratives and Articles on the Immigrant Experience, DBQ’s and DBQ Essay Prompt, Ellis Island Interactive Web Tour with summary analysis guide questions Community resources: © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 2 Reflection Methods (Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class) Journal/Learning Log × Focus Group Whole-Class Discussion × Fishbowl Discussion Survey Other: © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 3 PROJECT TEACHING AND LEARNING GUIDE Project: The Immigrant Experience Course/Semester: 3rd-4th Quarter Knowledge and Skills Needed by Students to successfully complete culminating products and performances, and do well on summative assessments Knowledge of Memoir and Informational Text Scaffolding / Materials / Lessons to be Provided by the project teacher, other teachers, experts, mentors, community members History of US Immigration Informational texts addressing early 20th Century and modern Immigration issues; Memoirs from immigrants; Independent Reading Logs; Prewriting and organizational handouts for Informational Text Summaries, Compare/Contrast Essays, and Creative Writing Prompts; Allegory on the Immigrant Experience (An American Tail); foreword reflecting on the learning experience from the project; presentation of learning experience and portfolios to younger students in other BOCES programs Interactive Web Tour of Ellis Island with guide for summary analysis, DBQ’s on Immigration Statistics and the Nativist perspective of immigration, DBQ Essay Prompt-Why did people immigrate to America? What hardships were endured during the voyage? © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 4 © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 5 P R O J E C T Project: The Immigrant Experience M O N D A Y C A L E N D A R Start Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y 3/13/14-ELA-“Once Around Manhattan” analysis of a narrative allegory on Immigration 3/14/14-ELAImmigration Vocabulary PROJECT WEEK ONE 3/11/14-ELA-Entry Event in 3/12/14-ELA-“Once Around Manhattan” analysis of a narrative allegory on Immigration PROJECT WEEK TWO 3/17/14-ELA-Common Interim Assessments 3/18/14-ELAImmigration Writing Portfolio Overview 3/19/14-ELAIndependent Reading Choices-Read and Respond to an Informational Text of your choosing 3/20/14-ELAIndependent Reading Choices-Read and Respond to an Informational Text of your choosing, practicing in-text citation 3/21/14-ELAImmigration Vocabulary PROJECT WEEK THREE 3/24/14-3/28/14Students will use the week to compose an informational text summary of one of the texts they selected and responded to on their 3/31-4/4/14-NYS ELA testing © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 6 reading logs. Warm ups will be using examples from the texts students have been reading and will be extended to teach in-text citation rules and best practices prior to the ELA exam. PROJECT WEEK 4 4/7/14-ELA-The genre of memoir is introduced as students will be selecting memoirs from immigrants to read and respond to in preparation for the independent writing choices for the unit. 4/8/14--ELAIndependent Reading Choices-Read and Respond to a memoir of your choosing 4/9/14--ELAIndependent Reading Choices-Read and Respond to a memoir of your choosing 4/10/14--ELAIndependent Reading Choices-Read and Respond to a memoir of your choosing SS-Students will use a summary analysis guide to track their progress and learning during the Interactive Web Tour of Ellis Island SS-Students will use a summary analysis guide to track their progress and learning during the Interactive Web Tour of Ellis Island SS-Students will use DBQ’s focused on immigration statistics and the nativist perspective of immigration to analyze the process of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries 4/11/14--ELAIndependent Writing Choices-Select one of the independent creative writing choices to assume the role of an immigrant from one of the memoirs selected SS-Students will use DBQ’s focused on immigration statistics and the nativist perspective of immigration to analyze the process of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 7 Centuries PROJECT WEEK FIVE 4/14/14--ELAIndependent Writing Choices-Select one of the independent creative writing choices to assume the role of an immigrant from one of the memoirs selected 4/15/14--ELAIndependent Writing Choices-Select one of the independent creative writing choices to assume the role of an immigrant from one of the memoirs selected 4/16/14--ELAIndependent Writing Choices-Select one of the independent creative writing choices to assume the role of an immigrant from one of the memoirs selected SS-Students will use DBQ’s focused on immigration statistics and the nativist perspective of immigration to analyze the process of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries SS-Students will use DBQ’s focused on immigration statistics and the nativist perspective of immigration to analyze the process of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries SS-Students will use DBQ’s focused on immigration statistics and the nativist perspective of immigration to analyze the process of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries Ultimate Goal Field Trip Spring Break 4/184/27/14 Pre-writing and drafting for Compare/Contrast Essay in ELA Monday, 428-Tuesday, 4/29 NYS Math testing 4/30-5/2/14 PROJECT WEEK SIX 5/5/14--ELA-Peer editing and revision of compare/contrast essays SS-Students will use DBQ essays answering the questions of why 5/6/14--ELA-Final Draft of Compare/Contrast Essay SS-Students will use DBQ essays answering the questions of why people immigrated to 5/7/14--ELA-Foreword and Table of Contents SS-Students will use DBQ essays answering the questions of why people immigrated to the USA and what 5/8/14—ELA-Foreword , Table of Contents, and Published writing piece to the web SS-Students will use DBQ essays answering the questions of why Culminating EventStudents will select one of their three required compositions to post to the REACH Facebook page. Parents, administrators, and other teachers will be contacted via email to view and post © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 8 people immigrated to the USA and what hardships they endured on the journey the USA and what hardships they endured on the journey hardships they endured on the journey people immigrated to the USA and what hardships they endured on the journey on the student writing samples. Students will also be offered an extra credit option to present their project work and experience to students in primary grade-level programs within our building. © 2013 Buck Institute for Education 9