Mr. Williamson - Social Studies Writing DBQ Essays 1. Answering the DBQ questions Read through all documents first. Read through each document again and answer the questions. Underline important words. DBQ answers MUST be in complete sentences. Label each document with the topic that it supports. Examples: Document A – Background Info Document B – Document C – Document D – Document E – Document F – 2. Writing an Introduction Paragraph – Thesis Statement - Provide background information/historical context. Example: Hammurabu’s Code: Was it Just? Ancient Mesopotamia – Babylon Religious society Shared water supply and fertile land Consider everything you’ve learned about the topic from the documents and current unit. - You MUST put it in your own words and ADD outside information. - Your last sentence is your claim/argument. (Start by rewording the main question.) 3. Writing the Body Paragraphs - You MUST use ½ of the documents PLUS one more. For example, if you have 10 documents, you MUST at least use 6 documents. Play it safe…USE THEM ALL! - You MUST properly cite the documents o Mention the title or author of the document first o After the sentence, show the document number Examples: King Hammurabi says, “….” (Doc. 1). Anything there is outside information, cite it using OI. (OI). This could be something from your textbook. o Do NOT cite the document by writing “Document 1 says…” or “In Document 2 it states that….” This is a big no no in DBQ writing. Use the title or author! - You MUST write a paragraph for each topic discussed. - Need at least 3 paragraphs… discuss at least 3 laws of Hammurabi’s Code 4. Writing the Conclusion Paragraph - Restate the thesis statement (claim/argument) in the first sentence. - Summarize the body paragraphs using examples.