The Catcher in the Rye Scrapbook A Creative and Analytic Response Ms. Molnar- English 11 DUE DATE: LATE WORK WILL LOSE TEN POINTS PER DAY (UP TO 3 DAYS) For this major project, you will be creating a scrapbook that conveys YOUR reading of the novel. You must include the following pages: 1. A character analysis of Holden Caulfield. Answer the question: Who is Holden Caulfield? You must analyze Holden’s character and use direct support from the text in your analysis. 2. A symbol analysis. Analyze ONE major symbol (such as the ducks, the red hunting hat, The Catcher in the Rye, Jane’s checkers, or Allie’s mitt) from the novel. 3. Author Information. Who is J.D. Salinger? Research the author and tell us about his life. You should not try to cover his entire life but instead focus on one or two aspects of it. Include a list of Works Consulted, using MLA format, on the next page. Do NOT simply print out a biography from a website. 4. Something else. For this page, you may react to anything that you feel stands out from the novel. For example, you could address the question: Why has this novel had such an impact on American culture? You could also take on the voice of another character, such as Phoebe or Ackley, and tell us your opinion of Holden; or you could tell us, in Holden’s voice, what becomes of him ten or fifteen years after the novel ends. If you have other ideas, just run them by me. I’m open to your suggestions. 5. A creative cover. Your scrapbook must have a compelling cover that represents the material found within it. For example, you could create a collage of Holden’s favorite words, draw a scene from the novel, or use a photograph of an important New York setting. Within your scrapbook, you must -incorporate at least 5 direct quotations, along with their page numbers -include visuals that relate to the accompanying writing -type and double space the written work See (or email) me at with any questions The Catcher in the Rye Scrapbook Name___________________ I. CONTENT/DEVELOPMENT ______(50) -the character analysis looks closely at Holden Caulfield and includes details from text -the symbol analysis is well developed -Salinger research is organized clearly and documented using MLA format -“something else” conveys another level of understanding of the text -there are at least five quotes throughout the scrapbook II. CONVENTIONS ______(20) -all work has been proofread and is free of grammatical and spelling errors III. CREATIVITY AND EFFORT -a great deal of effort and creativity is shown in the work -the cover is captivating and fits the mood of the scrapbook -the visuals enhance the understanding of the text ______(30)