Catcher in the Rye Creative Project.doc

Jones(as adapted by Loun)
Honors English 10A
Name ________________________ Pd. ___
Catcher in the Rye Creative Project
1. The Visual Motif/Symbol- Create a piece of art that relates to a particular theme or motif. For example,
you might create a piece that shows the importance of the little boy in the street. Or you might create a
piece that is important in representing Jane. With your piece you must include at least a two paragraph
analysis/explanation on the motif/symbol you are trying to capture.
2. The Mixed Tape: Make at least a five (5) song soundtrack for The Catcher in the Rye. Explain why you
are including each of the five songs on the mixed tape. Each song should have a paragraph of in-depth
analysis as to when you think the song should be played (for what scene—the book has never been
made into a movie, but where should the song appear). Use evidence in your analysis from the themes,
symbols, motifs, and moods of the novel. Requirements: 5 songs (artist/song title) on tape or CD, lyrics
to all the included songs (if there are lyrics), at least a paragraph explanation for each including the
rationale for the use of the song, and a cover for mixed tape.
Holden's Scrapbook: Compile a scrapbook of memorabilia that Holden might have collected or come
across during the novel. All artifacts must be captioned with what the object is and where he got the
object. it, its significance to him, and the page you found it on. Think of the images that keep recurring
in the novel, the places Holden travels to, and anything he collects. This project will be assessed based
on the amount of memorabilia collected and its presentation. As a benchmark, expect to get at least five
(5) pieces of memorabilia for your scrapbook. All pages should be well-planned and ascetically
pleasing. Along with your scrapbook, you should turn in an analysis of the importance of the collected
object. The analysis of each object should be at least one paragraph discussing the significance to
Holden. The use of quotes and page numbers is highly recommended.
4. Catcher- The Movie- A movie version of Catcher has yet to be filmed in Hollywood. Write a
screenplay for Catcher and film it. The film version should be at least five (5) minutes long. You will
need to collect friends to act as the characters of the novel. A short director’s note regarding the filming
and screenplay should be included. Both the typed screenplay and the video should be turned in.
5. Holden, Ten Years Later: Write a piece of short fiction in Holden’s point of view ten years after the
story ends. Try, as best you can, to replicate Holden's unique voice, but remember he would be 28 years
old. Try to use what you know of him from the book along with Holden's state of mind throughout the
novel to guide your prediction. Requirements: Minimum Three (3) pages typed, double spaced, Times
New Roman 12 point font.
Jones(as adapted by Loun)
Honors English 10A
Name ________________________ Pd. ___
1. All requirements listed are fulfilled. ____/20
2. The student shows understanding of the text through the project and through the analysis
of the project by connecting to themes, motifs, symbols, and ideas presented in The
Catcher in the Rye. ____/20
3. There are no spelling or grammar errors in the written portion. Writing is thoughtful,
intellectually stimulating, and shows careful analysis of characters, symbols, motifs, and
themes from the novel. ____/20
4. The project is creative and original. ____/20
5. The project shows attention to detail and pride in the quality of the work. ____/20
Total: ____/100