Analyzing Narrative Techniques Parts I & 2

The Catcher in the Rye
Close Reading – Analyzing Narrative Techniques
Parts I & 2
In his novel The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger introduces several motifs, symbols, settings that are linked to conflicts and the
development of character in the novel.
The Red Hunting Hat
Allie & his baseball mitt
Cabbies & Ducks
Nuns in the Diner
Mr. Antolini
Phoebe/Carousel & Gold Ring
James Castle
Sally, Jane & Sunny
In an effort to look more closely at the text and, later, to be able to make connections to how device creates and can affect the
meaning of a work, we are going to investigate these topics in the novel more closely.
PART 1—Reflecting on the Assigned Element of the Narrative
For your assigned topic from the list above, review the chapter(s) and record specific details related to the topic in the space
below. Using your Narrative Technique Packet, respond to applicable questions that share information about your topic.
Setting: What setting or social environments are associated with your topic? What emotion is connected to the
setting/social environment?
Character: What other character(s) are associated with your topic? What epiphanies or revelations occur for Holden
or other characters? How does this topic impact Holden or how does Holden impact this topic?
Conflicts: What conflicts are associated with your topic? What resolutions, if any, result from Holden’s encounters
with the topic? If no resolution, how do things remain?
Style: What symbolism is connected to your topic? What patterns are emerging (words, situations, etc.)?
What does your topic suggest about Holden’s character? His view of life? His fears and anxieties?
What does your topic contribute to the work as a whole.
PART 2—Creating a Narrative Technique Display
You’re going to meet with students who researched the same topic as you and compare notes. Then, create a small poster in
which you convey the important details of the topic.
Identify your Topic
Theme Work
DISPLAY Instructions:
 Prominently list your topic.
 Include 3-5 illustrations, symbols, or graphic elements
 Include detailed notes from each of the four sections of the Holman and Harmon definition of setting (above).
For example:
o In grid (A), you should write about the connections of your topic to setting/environment.
o In grid (B), you should write about other character(s) or the character themselves and how they connect to your topic as
well as what your topic suggests about Holden’s character and his view on life and/or his fears and anxieties.
o In grid (C), you should write about plot/conflicts that connect to your topic.
o In grid (D), you should write about the key stylistic techniques associated with your topic.
 After considering all of your group’s notes, select 3-5 thematic subjects and a fully fleshed out thematic statement that highlights a
clear connection to your topic and its use in the novel.