classroom management form - Bellwood Antis School District

Bellwood-Antis Middle School
Teacher’s Name:
James W. Mackereth
Behavior Rules for my Classroom:
1. Students will report to class on time and prepared for class. “Prepared for class” means
everyone will be seated with their own notebook and a pen or pencil. Students who are not
prepared for class will follow the procedures outlined below.
2. Only one person speaks at a time. If Mr. Mackereth is talking, no student speaks. If you
have a question, RAISE YOUR HAND! I may not answer you right away, but I will help you
as soon as I have completed what I need to say. Everyone else will listen to the question.
3. Students will cooperate with each other and show each other respect. Part of the grade
you receive in classroom assignments will be based upon how you treat the teacher and each
other during class. Do you remember the “Golden Rule?” You will follow it in this class.
4. Students will complete ALL class work and turn in homework ON TIME.
5. Students will complete make up work (ALL class / homework assignments.)
I have a simple but effective solution for getting you to complete all of your class work, homework, and make-up work: YOU WILL NOT WORK IN THE SHOP UNTIL ALL WORK
IS COMPLETED ! ! This includes any disciplinary essays.
6. Students will complete the clean up work assigned to them by the teacher.
Students who are not cooperating or listening during clean-up will find themselves cleaning the
shop for the ENTIRE CLASS the following class period.
7. Students will exhibit safe action and behavior in the shop laboratory.
Everyone will be safe, or follow the consequences listed below.
Disciplinary Consequences when students do not follow the rules:
**1st offense- After class conference and verbal warning
**2nd offense- 50-word written essay (graded assignment)
**3rd offense- 150-word written essay (graded assignment)
**4th offense- 250-word written essay (graded) & PARENT CONTACT
Note: Students will not be permitted in the shop until essays are completed.
**All following offenses- DETENTION/ REFERRAL TO OFFICE
**PLEASE BE ADVISED that major violations of school rules,
such as fighting, swearing, bullying, or threatening, may bypass
the disciplinary steps outlined above and result in IMMEDIATE