Grading Procedures

Grading Procedures
Grades will be determined by the following manner:
 Major (Tests, Projects, Quizzes)
 Minor (Classwork, Activities, Quick Check)
 Daily (Problem of the Day, Journals
Students are responsible for all missed assignments. Students are responsible for
contacting the teacher on the day of return in order to receive make up assignments and
determine a reasonable due date (this is based on the number of days absent). The time
line for make-up work is as follows:
 Absent 1 day- Two days to complete assignments
 Absent 2 days- Three days to complete assignments
 Absent 3 days- Four days to complete assignments
 Absent 4 days- Five days to complete assignments
A zero will be not be assigned for excused absences.
Late assignments are not accepted for classwork or homework. Late projects will be
penalized 10 pts/day.
Extra credit will not be assigned to any student.
Each student will be allowed to drop one low grade each nine week grading period.
However, this cannot be a test or project grade.
1. Be on time.
2. Be polite and courteous.
3. Be prepared for class with proper material everyday.
4. Be respectful of classmates, classroom materials, classroom property, and school
building at all times.
5. Request permission to operate equipment or use of manipulative.
6. Raise hand and wait to be recognized.
7. Maintain positive attitude and follow the guidelines in student handbook.
1st Offense- Warning
2nd Offense- Isolation or Detention
3rd Offense – Parent Conference (Phone or Personal)
4th Offense- Discipline Referral
*Students will be immediately referred to office for severe offenses.
Tardy Policy
A student that is tardy must have a pass in order to enter the room. The student must then
sign in at the table in the front of the room and place the pass in the folder. The
following consequences will apply to those entering without a pass:
1st Offense- Teacher Warning
2nd Offense- Documented parent contact by the teacher
3rd Offense- Lunch detention
4th Offense-30 minute after school detention with the teacher
5th Offense and all subsequent tardies will result in a discipline referral.
Procedures for Class
1. Enter the room- sharpen pencil, sit in assigned area, and take necessary materials for
2. Class dismissal- quietly clean up area and wait to be dismissed by the teacher. The
bell does not dismiss class.
3. Restroom Breaks- will be provided on emergency basis only*. Students should raise
hands and request permission to leave. Students must sign out/in at the desk before
exiting the room.
4. Pencil Sharpening- Students should raise their hands and request permission to
sharpen pencils. This also applies to borrowing lead from classmates.
5. Answering questions- Students should raise their hands and wait to be acknowledged
before speaking.
6. Turning in Assignments- All assignments should be properly labeled and turned in to
the designated area.
7. Tardiness- will be excused with passes only!!! Enter quietly, sign the in/out book,
present pass to teacher and resume to designated seat.
8. Absences- Present excuse to teacher and make the necessary arrangements to
complete missed assignments at the end of class.
9. Fire or Tornado Alarm- Students should quietly exit to designated areas and follow
proper procedures previously practiced. (Failure to do so will result in disciplinary
*Students are only allowed one emergency pass per week. Teacher discretion will be used in
determining emergencies.
 1 Binder
 1 Notebook
 1 Folder with Brads
 Pencils
 Color Pencils
 Glue Sticks
 Scissors
* Please make sure materials are replenished on a regular basis. When students do not have the
appropriate materials, it takes away from valuable instruction time. Excessive borrowing of
materials also creates confusion with other students.
Homework Incentive (Free Points for completing homework on time)
Students will receive points for homework completion*. Daily grades/homework
completion is assessed by the following:
 √+ = 100. The student has made an attempt at every assigned problem. The
problems are not graded upon accuracy. However, the student must show
work/process for an attempt upon completion.
 ¾ = 75. The student has made an attempt at completion of at least 75% of the
assignment. The problems are not graded upon accuracy. However, the student
must show work/process for an attempt upon completion.
 ½ = 50 pts. The student has made an attempt at completion of at least 50% of the
assignment. The problems are not graded upon accuracy. However, the student
must show work/process for an attempt upon completion.
 0 = 0 pts. Student did not attempt the assignment as directed. (GRIP procedures
*If a child is not completing homework, they will have difficulty actively participating in
class discussions. The grade will be given based upon the total number or the difficulty of
the problems assigned.
**The Digits curriculum assigns a grade for homework. The grade that shows on
mymathuniverse will not be used to calculate homework. It is used as an assessment tool
to drive classroom instruction.