Respiratory Care and Oxygenation

NUR101 LAB #10
Basic Respiratory Care
 Please complete lab handout, assigned readings, and review appropriate ATI DVD in advance of lab
 Students who are unprepared for lab are negatively affecting their grades and more importantly, their
ability to make the most from the learning opportunities in the lab.
Nursing Responsibilities:
A. Describe types of oxygen delivery systems
B. Discuss safety precautions while using Oxygen
C. Demonstrate skill using the pulse oximeter to measure oxygen saturation
D. Discuss positioning patient to promote maximum oxygenation of the client
E. Discuss signs and symptoms of hypoxia
F. Identify assessment data in the client who requires suctioning
G. Demonstrate ability to perform nasotracheal or oral pharyngeal suctioning
Methods of Oxygen Therapy:
Oxygen is administered to increase oxygen concentration in the blood.
Oxygen is considered a medication and must be ordered by the physician.
Oxygen Device
Nursing points to
Nasal Cannula
Simple Face Mask
Non-Rebreather Mask
Venturi Mask
Fi02 = Fraction (percentage) of inspired O2. Oxygen concentration. The FiO2 of room air is 21%
Oral Airway
Drug Nebulizer
Incentive Spirometer
Pulse Oximeter: SpO2 indirect measurement of arterial oxygen saturation of hemoglobin
Normal values 95-100%. Documentation of pulse oximeter value should
indicate if the patient is breathing room air (R/A) or type of oxygen delivery.
NUR101 LAB #10
What may cause false (inaccurate) oximeter readings?
Critical Thinking Question #1
List some signs and symptoms of a client with hypoxia (hypoxemia).
Critical Thinking Question #2
The nurse observes that his client, who has been on oxygen therapy for the past 24 hours, has signs of
worsening respiratory status. What interventions should the nurse take?
Critical Thinking Question #3
The nurse is monitoring the pulse oximetry readings of her client Mrs P. She was admitted with peripheral
vascular disease yesterday. She is alert and oriented, skin color pink, HR = 70 reg, BP 90/60, R = 18 even
and unlabored. Her pulse oximetry reading = 88%. What interventions should the nurse take?
Critical Thinking Question #4
The physician orders 40% ventimask for Mr. Z. Patient may use nasal O2 at 4LPM while eating. What
nursing measures will maintain safe and appropriate O2 delivery?
Critical Thinking Question #5
Why is good oral hygiene important for respiratory patients?
Critical Thinking Question #6
Describe safety precautions while using oxygen.
Critical Thinking Question #7
List some signs and symptoms of a client who requires suctioning.
Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Suctioning:
NUR101 LAB #10
Orotracheal and Nasotracheal suctioningSuction is used to remove abnormal or excessive secretions from the respiratory tract when the client is
unable to cough up secretions. Suction ONLY when necessary!
What is the correct patient position for suctioning?
What equipment is needed for suctioning?
Describe correct measurement for nasopharyngeal suctioning. How far down is the suction catheter
Describe methods to hyperoxygenate your patient prior to suctioning:
What are the necessary elements of Documentation after suctioning procedure:
What are some of the potential complications associated with suctioning?
How do you prevent bacterial growth in respiratory equipment?
Can suctioning be delegated to unlicensed personnel? Defend your answer.
KEY POINTS to remember when suctioning:
Demonstration / Practice:
Oropharynegeal suctioning
Nasopharyngeal suctioning
Applying nasal cannula
Pulse oximetry
Sputum culture
Throat culture
Rev: rmk 06/10