RNSG 1140 – NURSING SKILLS MODULE IX - RESPIRATORY PROCEDURES A. OXYGENATION Behavioral Objectives Skill Content 1. Describe the principles of respiratory physiology. 1. Pulse Oximetry, pages 568 - 570. 2. Describe age-related differences that influence care of the client with respiratory problems. 2. Skill 50 – 1 Administering Oxygen via Nasal Cannula, Tent, face mask Devices, and T-tube. Identify factors that influence respiratory function. 3. Incentive Spirometry, page 1393. 4. Insertion of Oral airway and Nasal trumpet airway, pages 1403 - 1404. 3. 4. Describe nursing strategies to promote adequate respiratory functioning, identifying their rationale. 5. Identify different equipment used to administer oxygen. 6. Explain the purpose of an oral airway and nasal trumpet. 7. Describe the procedure for inserting and removing an oral airway and nasal trumpet. 8. Discuss the rationale for oxygen flow rates on clients with chronic lung disease. 9. Explain the benefits of using incentive spirometry. 10. Discuss and demonstrate use of Bag-ValveMask Device on a manikin. Berman and Snyder: Learning Opportunities 1. Read: a. Read applicable pages in Berman and Snyder, Chapter 50. b. Read applicable pages in McKinney, Chapter 45. 2. View: a. TVCC Library – Nursing Education in Video http://tvcc.ent.sirsi.net/client/tvcclibraries Basic Oxygen Administration (Medcom Inc., 2011) Normal Breath Sounds in Auscultation of Breath Sounds Episode 1 (Medcom Inc., 20 b. Internet: http://www.atriummed.com/EN/chest_drainage/edufiles/ocean-video1.asp 3. Practice Administration of oxygen with a nasal cannula and face mask. Practice inserting the flow meter into the wall suction. Discuss the use of a pulse oximeter and administering oxygen by tent. Instructor will demonstrate use of the pulse oximeter in the clinical facility. Discuss inserting oral and nasal airways with two peers. Practice using bag-valve mask device on a manikin. Have a peer review your ability to perform skills #1-4. RNSG 1140 – NURSING SKILLS MODULE IX – RESPIRATORY PROCEDURES B. SUCTIONING Behavioral Objectives 1. Demonstrate oral, endotracheal and tracheal suctioning. 2. Demonstrate oropharyngeal and naso pharyngeal suctioning of an infant using a bulb syringe and a DeLee mucous trap. Skill Content Berman and Snyder text. Learning Opportunities 1. Read: Applicable pages in Berman and Snyder, Chapter 50. Applicable pages in McKinney, Chapter 45. 1. View: a. MyNursingLab: http://www.prenhall.com/mynursinglab/ Real Nursing Skills 2.0: Physical and Health Assessment : Oxygenation and Ventilation 1. Suctioning: Endotracheal 3. Describe the different uses for suction tubes and pharyngeal suction tips. 4. Demonstrate the use of an in-line suction device. 2. Oral suctioning. (Yankauer), pgs. 1406 - 1413 a. Bulb suctioning b. Yankauer c. De Lee Mucous Trap (equipment available in skills lab) 3. a. TVCC Library– Nursing Education in Video Inline suctioning. http://tvcc.ent.sirsi.net/client/tvcclibraries Suctioning: Nasotracheal, Oropharyngeal Endotracheal Techniques (Medcom Inc., 2005) 2. Practice suctioning skills. 3. Have a peer review your suctioning techniques using a Yankauer, bulb syringe, DeLee mucous trap and in-line suction device. 4. Have two peers review your ability to perform all suctioning techniques. 5. Have an instructor evaluate all your suctioning techniques in a group. RNSG 1140 – NURSING SKILLS MODULE IX - RESPIRATORY PROCEDURES C. TRACH SUCTIONING Behavioral Objectives Skill Content 1. Define tracheostomy. Berman and Snyder 2. Identify the types of tracheostomy tubes and explain the purpose of each. 1. Suctioning via the Tracheostomy Tube. 2. Endotracheal Tube Care, Chapter 50 3. Identify safety measures required for clients with tracheostomy openings and explain the rationale for each. 3. Checklist in syllabus. Learning Opportunities 2. Read: Applicable pages in Berman and Snyder, Chapter 30. Applicable pages in McKinney, Chapter 45. Applicable pages in Lewis, pages 530 – 571. 3. View: a MyNursingLab: http://www.prenhall.com/mynursinglab/ Real Nursing Skills 2.0: Physical and Health Assessment : Oxygenation and Ventilation b. TVCC Library– Nursing Education in Video 4. Demonstrate the procedure for suctioning a tracheotomy tube. 5. List risks associated with tracheal suctioning. 6. Describe the frequency and indications for suctioning. 4. Compare and contrast tracheostomy tubes and endotracheal tubes. Examine the various types of tracheostomy tubes available in skills lab. 5. Practice suctioning techniques for the tracheostomy. 6. Have two peers review your technique in suctioning of the tracheostomy using checklist in syllabus. 7. Have an instructor evaluate your technique for suctioning the tracheostomy. 7. http://tvcc.ent.sirsi.net/client/tvcclibraries Airway Care:Tracheostomy Care, Tube Change, and Artificial Airway Cuff Management (Medcom Inc., 2005) RNSG 1140 – NURSING SKILLS MODULE IX – RESPIRATORY PROCEDURES D. CHEST TUBES Behavioral Objectives 1. Skill Content Describe the similarities and differences in function of one bottle, two-bottle, three-bottle, disposable chest drainage systems, and the waterless chest tube system. Berman and Snyder 1. Figure 50 - 33 Closed Chest Tube Drainage System, pg. 1418. Describe observations which indicate that the waterless system and water-seal drainage systems are functioning properly. 2. See handout on chest tubes. 3. See checklist in syllabus. 3. Compare various waterless chest drainage systems. 4. Answer 12 questions on Chest Tubes Questions form. 4. State nursing actions that will help maintain the integrity of the closed chest drainage system. 5. Explain the significance of fluctuations in the water-seal system. Learning Opportunities 1. Read: Applicable pages in Berman and Snyder. Applicable pages in Lewis, pages 569 – 571; 588-592. 2. View: 2. 6. Explain the significance of bubbling in the water-seal chamber. 7. State observations which indicate that air has entered the pleural space. 8. State indications and precautions in clamping chest tubes. 9. Describe the appropriate nursing actions required if a chest tube becomes dislodged, an air leak develops at the site of insertion, or unusual bleeding occurs. a MyNursingLab: http://www.prenhall.com/mynursinglab/ Real Nursing Skills 2.0: Physical and Health Assessment : Oxygenation and Ventilation b. Internet: http://www.atriummed.com/EN/chest_drainage/edu -files/ocean-video1.asp 2. Answer chest tube questions provided in syllabus. 3. Watch instructor lecture on video. N/ADN Syllabus/Transition/RNSG 1140 Mod IX Revised 04/13