Summary of Organic Reactions by F.7B 2000/01 Alkane General Features Hydrocarbon sp3 single covalent bonds = saturated Each C is tetrahedral hydrophobic = immiscible with water general molecular formula = CnH2n+2 Physical Properties of Alkanes Boiling points Van der Waals’ forces molecular size degree of contact Chemical Reaction of Alkanes - 1.Combution of alkanes CH4(g)+2O2 (g) 2.Halogenation CH4(g)+Cl2 (g) hv 2H2O (g) CH3—Cl(g)+HCl(g) Free Radical Mechanism, mixture of products 3.Nitration 4. Oxidation 5. Dehydrogenation C3H8(g)+HNO3(g) C3H7—NO2(l)+H2O(g) CH4 + 2 O2 CO2+ H2O C2H6---850oC --->H2C=CH2+H2 (not in school lab) MECHANISM OF Free Radical SUBSTITUTION (Halogenation) of ALKANES Initiation Cl2 --------> 2 Cl Propagation Cl (chlorine radical) + CH4 ------> HCl + CH3 CH3 + Cl--Cl ------> CH3Cl + Cl Termination Cl+ Cl ------> Cl2 CH3 + CH3 ------> CH3—CH3 Cl + CH3 ------> CH3Cl USE OF ALKANES methane in the form of natural gas is widely used as a fuel but it is also an important sources of many other chemicals . Ethane is used for making chloroethanes and as a sources of ethene on dehydrogenation. Alkenes YMC&MPY General Features 1. 2. 3. 4. Unsaturated The pair of electrons in theπbond are more diffuse Cannot rotate about the double bond If double bond and single bond occurs alternately, resonance will occur.( e.g. CH2=CH-CH=CH2), stability increases. Important Points (Exam.) Geometrical isomers Rotation of the C-C double bond will destroy theπbond. The restriction to rotation of C-C double bond give rise to geometrical isomers. Markownikoff’s Rule When a non-symmetrical electrophile is added onto the double bond of a non-symmetrical alkene, the problem of orientation of addition arises. Markovnikov’s Rule : addition will take place so as to give the most stable intermediate carbocation. Addition will take place so as to give the most stable intermediate carbocation. CH2=CHCH3 + HBr CCl4 CH3CHBrCH3 Mechanism︰ CH2=CHCH3 + H-Br CH3CHCH3 + Br CH3CHBrCH3 Decolourization of permanganate solution CH2=CH2 + KMnO4/OH - cold Decolourization of bromine water CH2=CHCH3 + Br2/H2O CH2OHCH2OH CH2CHCH3 Br OH Catalytic hydrogenation The addition of hydrogen to the C=C double bond always involves catalysis by such metals as Ni, Pt at room temperature and pressure. Ozonolysis of alkenes Ozone, O3, is highly reactive electrophile. When it is bubbled through a solution of an alkene , it reacts with the C=C double bond to yield a five-membered ring . since the –O-O-O- is quite unstable, this intermediate immediately rearranges to give the more stable ozonide. This ozonide then cleaved with zinc in aqueous acid to form aldehydes or ketones. Used in the determination of positions of C=C bonds in alkenes Ozonolysis provides a useful method for determining the position of C=C bonds. The parent aldene can be reconstructed by recombining the aldehyde or ketone with a double bond at the carbonyl carbons. For example, Elimination alcoholic KOH (CH3)3C-Br (CH3)2C=CH2 Polymerization(Free Radical Mechanism) Alkenes undergo addition polymerization, in which individual monomers are joined together without the elimination of molecules. Chain initiation R•+ CH2=CH2 R-CH2 CH2• Chain propagation R-CH2 CH2• + CH2=CH2 R- (CH2 CH2)n-CH2 CH2• (two eqn. needed for exam.) Chain termination 2 R- (CH2 CH2)n-CH2 CH2• R- (CH2 CH2)n-CH2 CH2-CH2 CH2- (CH2 CH2)n- R Use of Polymer Low density poly(ethane) is made by the ICI high –pressure process. This polymerization takes place at a high pressure of over 1500atm and a temperature of about 200℃ AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS General Features Structure of benzene: The above is one of the 3 Kekule structures ( Do you know the Dewar Structures ) benzene is a resonance hybrid of all the canonical forms. Important Points C6H5-C-(CH3)33 is the only alkylbenzene resistant to side-chain oxidation by hot KMnO4/H+ REACTION CYCLOHEXAN E COMBUSTION Orange and blue flame Very little soot Appearance of flame CYCLOHEXENE METHYLBENZENE Orange and blue flame Dark orange flame Little sootiness Very sooty ACTION OF Br2 (in 1,1,1-trichloroethane) 1) in dark 2) in light 3) in dark with iron powder Liquid mix No other change Liquids mix and decolourise Liquid mix No reaction Liquid mix and Liquids mix and Decolourise Decolourise Steamy gas evolved No gas is given off Which forms white Fumes with NH3 The gas is HBr Slight reaction Some decolourisation of bromine No gas detectable Liquids mix No other change Liquids mix Brown colour fades rapidly Steamy gas evolved Which forms white fumes with ammonia Liquids mix and decolourise ACTION OF BROMINE WATER No reaction Bromine rapidly Liquids remain Decolourised separate Liquids remain separate On shaking, The brown colour slowly transfers from the lower aqueous to the upper organic layer ACTION OF ACIDIFIED POTASSIUM MANGANATE(VII) Liquids remain separate No reaction No reaction Liquids remain separate On shaking,brown colour transfers from aqueous layer to benzene Bromine rapidly Liquid remain separate decolourised No reaction Liquids remain separate ACTION OF Liquids remain CONCENMTRATED separate SULPURIC ACID No reaction` Liquids mix and react vigorously Colour darkens to charred black mass Liquid remain separate No reaction Liquids remain separate No reaction` Liquids mix and react vigorously Colour darkens to charred black mass A yellow solution is formed fairly rapidly rapidly in the cold ACTION OF CONCENTRATED NITRIC (V) AND SULPHURIC (VI) ACID REACTION OF BENZENE REACTION 3 CH=CH --------> C6H6 REACTANT USED nickel cat. NITRATION OF BENZENE HNO3 + 2 H2SO4 -------> NO2+ + H3O+ + 2HSO4S U L P H O NA T I O N C6H6+ SO3 ------> C6H5---SO3- + H+ H A L O G E NA T I O N C6H6 + 3 Br2 ------> C6H6Br6 F R I E D E L -C R A F T S A L K Y L A T I O N C6H6 + R+ ------> C6H5---R + H+ F R I E D E L -C R A F T S A C Y L A T I O N C6H6+ RC+O Conc.HNO3 ConcH2SO4 50-55 c ConcH2SO4 80c reflux (prolonged) FeBr3 Br2 25oC Aluminium halide AlCl3 AlCl3 -----> C6H6--CO-R + H+ O X I DA T I O N O F A L K Y L B E N Z E N E C6H5-R----------> C6H5--COOH + carboxylic acids KmnO4/OHH3O+ Reflux Halogeno-compounds General Features Volatility For RX compound, when X = Cl or F ,the b.p. will be higher than alkane which have the same molecular mass due to the dipole-dipole interaction between the molecules. Solubility As the interaction between water and RX are quite different, (H-bond and dipole-dipole),they are only sightly soluble in water. Classification The compounds can be classified as primary, secondary and tertiary, depending on the C atom to which the halogen atom is linked. Reactions SN and Elimination . Chemical Reaction They undergo two types of reactions:(1) SN reaction and (2) Elimination Reaction. Both (1) and (2) are brought about by basic reagents, and hence there is always competition between the two reactions. (1) SN reaction e.g. R-L + Nu R-Nu + L(leaving group) Nucleophiles are characterized by being bases, and leaving groups are characterized by being weak bases.(i.e. the stronger of two bases is often the more powerful nucleophile, and the weaker of two bases is often the better leaving group.) N.B. However, we must notice leaving group and nucleophile are matters of rate while basicity is a matter of eqlm. To say which Nu is stronger, we compare their attacking speed to carbon and it is the same for comparing leaving group. And it also depends in the extent of polarization on α-carbon. S N1 R-X (slow) R+ + Xr.d.s. R+ + Nu (fast) R-Nu Since the reaction is unimolecular , as only one specie is involved in the r.d.s. ,the overall rate of the reaction is usually independent to the concentration of Nu but proportional to the conc. of RX as found from experiment. An example: (CH3)3CBr + OH- (CH3)3COH Rate=k[(CH3)3CBr] S N2 Nu- + R-X [Nu---R---X]- Nu-R + XRate = k[RX][Nu-] Example: CH3-Br + OH- [HO---CH3---Br]- HO –CH3 +BrRate = k [CH3-Br][OH-] Comparing SN1 and SN2 The essential difference between Sn1 and Sn2 is that Sn1 involves the initial splitting of the R-X bond, whereas in Sn2 Nu- begin to attach itself to R-X before the R-X bond is actually splits. Which one occurs depends on the nature of R, X and Nu- and on the solvent in which the reaction is carried out. There are also stereochemical issues involved. 1.The nature of R. CH3-Br C2H5-Br (CH3)2CH-Br ------- SN1 rate increase----- <------ SN2 rate increase------ (CH3)3C-Br THE RATE OF SN1 IS DETERMINED BY THE STABILITY OF THE INTERMEDIATE, WHICH IS Carbocation of the α-carbon. Therefore, 30 RC+ ions undergo SN1 in majority while 10 does not. The SN2 is inhibited by steric effect as the R group increase in size and by the increased build up of the –ve charge, through the +I effect of Me groups , on the α-carbon. This will make the C less open to attack by the OH- in forming the transition state. 2.The effect of solvent. If the solvent is itself Nu, it may participate in the reaction as a reagent. 3.The nature of X. The weaker the C-X bond, the more readily will the sub. take place. Alternatively, X is a good leaving group if HX is a strong acid, or X- is a weak base. Therefore, the reactivity increases in passing from RF to RI.Also, it is not easy to replace –OH, -OR or –NH2 groups as the leaving groups are strong bases. In acid solution, however, the leaving group are less basic.(H2O, ROH, and NH3) 4.The nature of Nu Its nature has no effect on Sn1 which are independent of the Nu conc but in Sn2 the rate does depend on the nucleophilicity of Nu-. For different atoms within the same periodic table group it is the larger atom that has the highest Nu strength, e.g. F- Cl- Br- I---.> increase in nucleophilic power ------.>decrease in basic strength--------- Halobenzene Halobenzene is unreactive as the C-X bond has multiple bond character due to a slight extent of overlapping of the p orbital. Also, as sp2 bond is shorter than sp3, C-X bond is stronger than and hence difficult to react. Preparation Reactants ROH Products RCl Reagents, condition (1) Bubble with dry HCl reflux with ZnCl2 as cat. (2)reflux with PCl5/SOCl2 ROH RBr ROH RI RCH=CH2 RCH=CH2 RCHBrCH2Br RBr RH RCl (1) reflux with PBr3 (2) red P + Br2 Distill. Reflux with I2 +red P. Distill. Br2 in CCl4 Pass alkene into HBr in CCl4 Cl2 in sunlight(gives a mixture of product) Reaction of Halogenoalkanes Reactants RX RX RX Products RCN(one more carbon added) HX + RNH2 (if not excess, RNH2 further react with RX to form R2NH ,then R3N ,an finallyR4N+X-) ROH + HX (if comparing the rate of hydrolysis add sliver nitrate(ethanol as solvent), ppt. formed equ: HX + AgNO3 For I- --- pale yellow ppt. For Cl- --- white ppt. ROH ROR(ether) RX(elimination reaction) RCH=CH2 RX RX Reagents, condition KCN(in alcohol),reflux. Warm with excess NH3 in sealed container. (prevent formation of mixture of product) H2O (hydrolysis) Reflux with NaOH Na + R’OH ROR’O- + RX ROR For 10, high tempt. Reflux with KOH(alc.) For 30 , dilute OH-. Summary of halogeno-compound Characteristics of halogeno-compound: High polarity of C-Hal due to electronegative difference(EN) Two types of reactions: 1. Nucleophilic substitution(SN) Nucleophile: molecule or anion that contains unshared pair of electrons to seek positive center [Molecularity is the no. of molecules in transition state in rate determining step] 2. Elimination(E) Base: attack the positive –carbon E may compete with SN1 ∵Same r.d.s. CH3X CH2+ + X∴C-X C-Nu (unimolecular nucleophilic substitution) Alkene (elimination) 1o : SN2 2o : SN2 with E 3o : SN1 with E E dominant SN -- high temp --strong base Haloalkane Reactions/explanations Conditions SN2(Bimolecular) CH3CH2Br + OHMethyl or 1o [HO---CH2CH3---Br]CH3CH2OH + BrSN1(Unimolecular) r.d.s.: CH3CH2Br CH3CH2+ + Bro Mainly 3 Factors affecting rate of SN I. structure of haloalkane SN1:stability of carbocation e.g.alkyl group -electron donating group intermediate-stabilized by resonance relatively unhindered SN2:steric effect Nature of nucleophile Order of nucleophilic ability: SN1:no effect not involve in RO->HO->>ROH>H2O r.d.s. (negative chargeuncharged SN2:concentration of molecule) nucleophile and nucleophilicity III. Nature of leaving group ease of leaving(agree with I->Br->Cl->Forder of bond enthalpy) uncharged molecule -better leaving group Protonation(alcohol in acid) H2O>>OH->ORII. Rate of reaction: Unreactivity of Halobenzene ∵C-X bond has multiple bond character ∴ no SN2 ∵Sp2 overlap C-X bond shorter and bond enthalpy larger ∵If SN1 loss of aromaticity Elimination HX + R-OH+ R-X + H2O (neutral; good leaving group) SN1+SN2>SN1>SN2 e.g. Ar–CH2X Ar-COCl (Both O and Cl are electronegative to withdraw electrons form C, making C become more positive) Halide Dihalides (-2mole Br) H-C-C-Br -C=CBr-C-C-Br -C≡C- Alcoholic NaOH Excess KOH/C2H5OH with reflux Formation of bond C-C: ↑1 carbon atom R-C-Br + R-C-CN COOH C-O bond: alcohol ether R-X R-OH R-X R-O-R KCN/alcohol;H+ ≠HCN ∵weak base→ poor nucleophile toxic gas NaOH/reflux CH3CH2O-Na+/reflux (CH3CH2-OH + Na CH3CH2O- + Na+ + H2 C-N bond Conc.NH3 mixture of products may be formed ∵alkyl group bonded to N act as electron donating group→ nucleophilic power↑ large excess of NH3 Mixture of products CH3CH2-X + NH3 CH3CH2-NH2 (CH3CH2)2-NH (CH3CH2)3-N (CH3CH2)4-N+X- CN- as base(↑1 C) NH3 + CH3CH2I CH3CH2-NH2 (monosubstituted) CH3CH2I + CNLiAlH4/ether or 2H2/Ni CH3CH2CH2-NH2 <<Alcohols>> LLK P H Y S I C A L P R O P E R T I E S ~~ 1) Melting points, boiling points: Relatively high due to intramolecular H-bonds. 2) Solubility in water: -OH group form H-bond with water molecules, so miscible with water in all proportions. For members with >6 carbons, degree of significance of -OH group decrease, so less or not soluble. 3) Highly inflammable for short-chained members. 4) Characteristic deep, broadband between 3300 cm-1 to 3600 cm-1 in IR spectrum due to presence of -OH group. 5) Relatively neutral. C H E M I C A L P RO P E RT I E S ~~ Reactions involving breakage of C-O bond: 1) Dehydration of alcohols: (a) Intramolecular dehydration (alkenes formation): -alcohol heat with excess conc. sulphuric acid. -heat with pumice stone ,Al2O3. ease : 3。>2。>1。 (b) Intermolecular dehydration (ether formation ): -Excess alcohols heat with conc. H2SO4. (Reversible) 2) Halide formation: (a) With hydrogen halide: - R-OH + HX ---> R-X + H2O -Lucas Reagent ,ZnCl/HCl --(b) rate of cloudiness exist:3。>2。>1。. With phosphorus halide: - 3 R-OH + PX3 ---> 3 R-X + H3PO3 - R-OH + PX5 ---> R-X + POX3 + HX Reactions involving breakage of O-H bond: 1) Reaction with active alkali metals (alkoxide formation): - R->-OH <----> R->-O- + H+ - the alkoxide ion formed is destablised by the +ve inductive conferred by the electron donating alkyl group, equilibrium position shift to the left. 2) Esterification: - Formed by refluxing with carboxylic acids, acyl chlorides, acid anhydrides under catalyst of conc. H2SO4. 3) Oxidation: - oxidizing agents commonly used: KMnO4/H+ (aq), (violet to colorless) K2Cr2O7/H+ (aq). (orange to green) - 1。alcohol ---> aldehyde ---> carboxylic acid - 2。alcohol ---> ketone - 3。alcohol ---> no reaction. - Green colour changes from orange forms the basis of the breathalyser. 4) Triiodomethane formation (Iodoform test): - alcohols with -C(CH3)H-OH group + I2/NaOH (aq) ---> R-COO-Na+ + CHI3. <<Phenols>> P H Y S I C A L P RO P E RT I E S ~~ Solubility in water: slightly dissolved. Relatively acidic. The lone pair of O is partially overlap with the ring system, this multiple bond character confers it a strong C-O bond. C H E M I C A L P RO P E RT I E S ~~ 1) Alkoxide formation: - The negative charge is dispersed throughout the phenoxide ion(conjugate base) by conjugation with the π- e- of the ring, so it's well stabilized and more acidic. - Due to the acidity, it react with NaOH(aq) but alcohols do not, reaction with NaOH(aq) can be used to distinguish between them. 2) Other reactions of the -OH group: - Halide formation: slow/no reaction. - Oxidation: complex polymers formed. - Elimination: product is not stable due to high angle strain. - Esterification: slow reaction. Can be modified by using acyl chlorides instead of acids and converting phenol into phenoxide ion. - Reaction with NaHCO3: no reaction but carboxylic acids do, a means for distinguishing the two. - Reaction with neutral Iron(Ⅲ) chloride: Violet coloration. (Identification of phenols.) Topic: Hydroxy Compounds 1.1 General properties of Hydrox Compounds LSC Alcohol: The hydroxyl group(OH) is attached to a sp3 C atom CH3 CH3 C CH3 tertiary(3。) ROH 3C attached to the C containing OH OH 2-methylpropan-2-ol CH3CH2 CH CH3 secondary(2。)ROH 2C attached to the C containingOH OH butan-2-ol CH3CH2CH2 OH primary (1。) ROH 1 C attached to the C containing OH propan-1-ol Phenol: OH is directly attached to a sp2 C atom in an aromatic ring. OH OH phenol OH benzene-1,4-diol In alcohols R-O-H, the O is sp3 hybridized (similar to H2O) In phenols Ar-O-H, the O is mainly sp2 hybridized because the lone pair of O has to overlap with the p orbitals of the benzene ring so that the C-O bond has some double bond character. Therefore, It is more difficult to break. Due to the presence of the polar O-H group & the ability to from hydrogen bond with water, alcohols with 1 to 6 C atoms are very soluble in water. Phenols are slightly soluble in water. Hydrogen bonding: alcohol & phenol molecules can form intermolecular H-bonds. Then, It has usually higher melting point & boiling point than other carbon compounds with the same no. of carbon atoms(except RCOOH). 1.2Preparation of ROH: A. Hydrolysis of RX KOH(aq), reflux (1。/ 2。)R-X(l) + OH (aq)------------------------> (1。/2。)ROH (aq) + X (aq) AgNO3(aq)/ethanol, warming (3。) R-X(l) + H2O(aq)---------------------------------> (3。)ROH(aq) + HX(aq) {3。RX undergo elimination easily if heating under reflux with KOH(aq) in addition to substitution . It is better to warm with AgNO3(aq) + ethanol mixture.} B. reduction of ketone , aldehyde & carboxylic compound (NOT for 3。 ROH) O LiAIH4/dry ether ,H2O OH ketone R-C-R`------------------------------------- R-CH-R` 2。 aldehyde, RCOOH, RCOOR`----------------------- 1。ROH LiAIH4 is a very powerful reducing agent. > heating is usually not required because the reaction is already vigorous(especially for aldehydes) O LiAIH4 can also reduce RCOOH,RCOOR`,R-C-CI LiAIH4 does not react with C=C bonds NaBH4 only react reduces aldehyde & ketone C. Hydration of alkene: H2SO/cold OSO3H H2O OH R-C=C-R` ----------- H H R- C-CH2R --------- R-C-CH2R` H H D. From 1。 aliphatic amine: RCH2NH2 +NaNO2/HCI-- RCH2OH +N2(effervescence) 1.3 Test for Phenol & ROH: ROH & Phenols react with Na but NOT Mg (RCOOH react vigorously with both Na and Mg) ROH do not decolorize cold Br2/CCI4 or Br2(aq) in the absence of light but >phenols decolorize Br2(aq) with the formation of a white ppt. at room temperature (Note that phenylamine also react with Br2(aq) to give a white ppt.) >Phenol can form a coloured( usually violet )complex with neutral FeCI3(aq). Water soluble ROH (1 to 6C) can be distinguished by the Lucas test(by mixture with saturated ZnCl3 + conc. HCI) ~~3。 turn cloudy at once. ~~2。 turn cloudy at about 5 minutes (not precipitation) ~~1。 does not change( only dissolves in the acid, due to the formation of ROH2 positive ion). > ROH (RCOOH ,NOT phenols) react immediately with PCI5 to give HCI(g) which fumes with NH3(g) CH3 O >-CH-OH group(& -C-CH3 too ) can be identified by the iodoform test(I2/NaOH) BECAUSE OF formation of yellow ppt.of CHI3. >Further reaction for ROH & phenol: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Method | ROH | phenol | +acidified K2Cr2O7 | no observable change | acidified K2Cr2O7 from orange to green ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ +NaOH+ | | | BENZENEDIZONIUM | orange ppt | no observable change | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 1.4 Preparation of Phenols FROM diazonium salt ( an important intermediate in synthesis ) The diazonium ion will begin to breakdown with the resulting formation of phenol and effervescence of nitrogen at above 278K. N2 ------- OH dil H positive above 5.`C 1.5 reaction phenol phenol reacts with NaOH .Therefore, phenol is a much stronger than alcohol. OH O Na + + Na OH ------ +H2O alcohols do not react with NaOH, 1to 5 Carbon alkanols are only miscible NaOH(aq). The fact that phenol is soluble in Naoh(aq) can be used in isolation of phenol from other organic compounds(except RCOOH). 1.6 Acidity of Alcohols & Phenols AC I D I T Y: OH BA S I C S T R E N G T H : H2O is more acidic than ROH because RO > H-O-H > R-OH O < H-O <R-O is less stable than OH . Phenol is more acidic than ROH because a phenoxide ion is more stable than an alkoxide ion due to the delocalization of e while the e donating alkyl group in ROH destabilizes the alkoxide ion. 1.6 ESTERIFICATION alcohol react with mineral acid or organic acid (with H2SO4(l) or dry HCIas catalyst ) to give ester& water Ester can be found when alcohol reacts with acid chloride or acid anhydride. [no catalyst]. ~ LEE SUN CHUN 7B 23~ SUMMARY OF REACTIONS OF ALDEHYDES AND KETONES R E AC T I O N S /R E AG E N T S A L D E H Y D E S KETONES Nucleophilic Additions HCN NaHSO3 methyl addition occurs addition occurs addition occurs with Ketones only, not for other Specially hindered ones. Condensation Reactions Substituted ammonia Derivatives, e.g. 2,4-DNP condensation reactions occur Oxidation KMO4/H⊕ oxidize, gives gives acids with same C no. more difficult to acid with fewer C no. (C-C bond breakage) Tollen’s reagent Fehling’ solution silver mirror formed red ppts. with aliphatic Aldehydes no reaction no reacion reduced to 10 alcohols reduced to 20 alcohols occurs only with CH3CHO occur Reduction LiAlH4 or NaBH4 Special Reactions Triiodomethane having (I2/OH) with ketones CH3•CO group Observations Test ETHANANL PROPANONE Addition Reaction with hot. Sodium Hydrogensulphate (IV) precipitate 2 cm3 of carbonyl compound added dropwise shakes the tube and cool under a stream of cold water 2 cm3 saturated NaHSO3 solution Condensation Reaction with yellow Tube became hot. Tube became Some milkiness which White soon disppreared. (With methanal and ethenal the addition products are so soluble that they rarely crystallize) Formed. Orange yellow Orange 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine precipitate precipitate Orange solution turned blue/green No change 2. With Fehling’s solution Add Fehling’s solution into Carbonyl compound dropwise until ppt. dissolve and warm for 5-10 mins till no further colour change Blue Solution formed a reddish brown ppt No change 3. With Tollens’ reagent NH3 solution added drop by drop until the Ag2O ppt. is nearly dissolved and add 1 cm3 of 0.05M AgNO3 with 3/4 drops of NaOH after mixing with the carbonyl compound, warm it Grey precipitate Silver is usually produced too rapidly to form a good silver mirror No change 2 cm3 of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine + 1-2 drops of the liquid carbonyl compound Oxidation Reactions: 1. With Acidified Dichromate (VI) 5 drops of carbonyl compound + 2 drops of K2Cr2O7 + 10 drops of dil. H2SO4 (warm with hot water) TRIIODOMETHANE REACTION PALE YELLOW PRECIPITATE PPT 5 drops of carbonyl compound shaken with 1 cm3 I2 solution and NaOH added drop by drop until colour of I, just disappears Formed PALE YELLOW formed S.H.H. LEUNG KWAI YEE SECONDARY SCHOOL AL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY REVISION NOTES Aldehydes and Ketones 請用整頁模式 Aldehydes have the general formula ROCH and ketones ROCR'. Carbonyl group has a noticeable effect on the properties of these compounds. Both compounds have a planar structure because the carbonyl carbon is sp 2 hybridised. Trigonal planar structure of ketones or aldehydes Since oxygen is more electronegative than carbon, the carbonyl carbon is electron deficient and the carbonyl oxygen is electron rich. Furthermore, the carbonyl group, being flat, is open to unhindered attack from above and below in a direction perpendicular to this carbonyl group plane. The carbonyl group should, therefore, be highly reactive. The reactions of carbonyl group generally involve the formation of bonds with the election deficient carbonyl carbon. The reagents, which attack the carbonyl group will, therefore, be electron rich (nucleophile). In other words, reduction of aldehyde and ketone will be initiated by nuclophile, and most of the reactions are nucleophilic addition. The general pattern of nucleophilic addition may be represented as follows: N.B: X- is a nucleophile All the above processes are reversible. It should be noted that (a) It is a nucleophilic addition and followed by protonation. (b) There is no net reaction. (c) It is a nucleophilic addition and followed by an elimination. Usually aldehydes and ketones most commonly react by the mechanism (a). The carbonyl group of ketones and aldehydes shows a strong IR absorption at around 1700 cm-I. This is due to a C = 0 stretching vibration. The IR spectrum of propanone is shown as follows R E AC T I V I T Y O F C A R B O N Y L C O M P O U N D S The reactivity of carbonyl compounds are affected by (a) Electronic effect (i) Electron-withdrawing group makes the carbonyl carbon more electron deficient and this facilitates the attack by nucleophiles. (ii) Electron-releasing group decreases the electron deficiency of the carbonyl carbon atom. Consequently carboxylic acids and their derivatives such as esters and amides are less reactive than ketones and aldehydes towards nucleophilic attack because they contain electron-releasing groups. On the other hand, acid chlorides are very reactive towards nucleophiles, because chlorine is very electronegative and makes the carbonyl carbon more deficient. (b) Steric effect If the substituents bonded to carbonyl group are very bulky, it will hinder the approach of the nucleophiles. Consequently, aldehydes are more reactive than the corresponding ketones. In short, the reactivity of carbonyl compounds towards nucleophiles is outlined as follows R-COCI > R-CO-H > > RCOR RCONHR > RCOOR Preparation of aldehydes and ketones The carbonyl group is an extremely important functional group, and indeed the chemistry of carbonyl compounds is virtually the backbone of synthetic organic chemistry. As the aldehydes and ketones can be readily oxidised to carboxylic acids with common oxidizing agents, so they can be reduced to alcohols by metal hydrides like NaBLI4 and LiAlH4. The preparation of aldehydes and ketones are as follows: L Aldehydes (a) Oxidation of primary alcohols Aldehydes are obtained by the oxidation of primary alcohols, provided that the aldehydes, as soon as it is formed, is removed from the reaction mixture by distillation, and use of excess oxidising agent is avoided, otherwise the aldehydes will be oxidised to carboxylic acids. The common oxidising agents are acidified dichromate and acidified permanganate. For example, CH3CH2OH + K2Cr2O7 / CH3COOH CH3CHO(heating is required) (b) Catalytic dehydrogenation of primary alcohols Aldehydes can be obtained by passing vapour of primary alcohol over finely divided copper at 300-5000C. For example, CH3CH2OH+Cu at 3000c CH3CHO (c) Oxidative cleavage of alkenes This reaction has been discussed in details in Chapter 4 (See pg~ 54). A reductive condition should be employed for synthesis of aldehyde. For example, CH3 CH3 C =CHCH3 +O3+ Zn +H2O CH3CH2 C =O + CH3CHO CH3CH3 (d) Reduction of acid chlorides Acid chlorides can be reduced to aldehydes when they are treated with hydrogen in the presence of palladised barium sulphate catalyst (Rosenmund reaction). The activity of the catalyst is usually moderated by the poison - sulphur and the reduction does not proceed to the alcohol stage. For example, \ CH3COOH+SOCl2CH3COCl+H2Pb/BaSO4.SCH3COH+HCl Reduction of acid chloride to aldehyde can also be brought out by a specific reagent, tri-tert-butoxy lithium aluminium hydride, LA lH(0-t~449)3. IL Ketones (a) Oxidation of secondary alcohols The reaction is similar to the oxidation of primary alcohols. Common oxidising agents may be used. (b) Oxidative cleavage of alkenes R1 R3 C=C R2 + O3 + H2O2 R1COR2 +R3COR4 R4 (c) Hydration of alkynes Mercury salt is used as catalyst. For example, CH3C CH Hg2+,dil. H2S04 -- CH3COCH3 (d) Reaction between organocadmium compounds and acid chlorides Ketones can be prepared from organocadmium compounds with acid chlorides: (CH3)2Cd + 2C2H5COCl ~ 2C2H5COCH3 + CdCl2 Organocadmium compounds are usually prepared from the corresponding organomagnesium compounds (Grignard reagents) by reaction with dry CdCI2: 2RMg X + CdCl2 R2Cd + 2MgXCl Organocadmium compounds are less reactive than RMgX and they do not further react with ketone to form alcohol. Furthermore, organocadmium compounds unlike organomagnesium compounds, they do not react with functional groups like -CN, -COOR, -N02 etc. For example R2Cd + 2R'CCI 2R'OCR + CdCI2 It should be pointed out that only organocadmium compounds containing primary alkyl groups are stable. The above reaction is successful with such organocadmium compounds only. Reactions of aldehydes and ketones According to the revised syllabus , the following reactions are included CARBONYL COMPOUNDS N E C L E RO P H I L I C A D D I T I O N A D D I T I O N E L I M I N AT I O N MECHANISM OF ADDITION OF HCN L Nucleophilic addition R E D OX Aldehydes are usually more reactive than ketones largely because of the inductive effect and steric effect. Another point should be mentioned is the reaction medi~ Nucleophilic addition of carbonyl compound can occur in either acidic or alkaline medium. An alkaline medium increases the concentration and reactivity of the nucleophile. For instance, cyanide ion is more reactive than its conjugate acid, hydrocyanoic acid, in alkaline medium; hydrocyanoic acid is neutralized and exists in the form of anion. An acidic medium is capable of increasing the electron deficiency of carbonyl carbon because H+ + C=O C=O+H The protonated carbonyl group should be more electrophilic than the neutral carbonyl group. Therefore, it is easier for the nucleophile to attack the carbonyl carbon. On the other hand, an acidic medium decreases the concentration of nucleophiles. which are derived from the dissociation of weak acids. (e.g.CN- from HCN) The common nucleophilic addition for carbonyl compounds may be classified as follows: OOH RCOR’ + CN- RCR’ + H+ CN (a) Formation of cyanohydrin RCR’ CN Cyanide ion can be added to the carbonyl group of aldehydes and ketones to yield compounds known as cyanohydrins: OH CH3COOH OH CH3CHCN CH3CHCH2NH2 (Cyanohydrin) OH CH2=CHCN On hydrolysis, cyanohydrin yields ot-hydroxyacids cyanohydrin and is thus a very useful intermediate compound in organic synthesis. For example, (b) Bisuiphite addition Sodium bisulphite adds to most aldehydes and unhindered ketones (especially methyl ketones) to form bisulphite addition products, adduct. The formation of the adduct is highly sensative to steric hinderence. On cooling the sodium salt of the bisulphite addition compound is crystallized. This reaction is a method for purification and separation of suitable carbonyl compounds (ketones and aldehydes) from non-carbonyl compounds. As the addition is reversible, the addition of acids or bases destroys the bisulphite ion in equilibrium with the addition compound, and carbonyl compound is regenerated. (c) Addition of alkanols Alcohols are added to the carbonyl groups in the presence of acid to form acetals or ketals, which are only stable in alkaline solution. Carbonyl compounds are regenerated on acid hydrolysis. RCH=O +R’OH OR’ with dry ammonia and dil. H+ R OH C +H+ R C H OR’ H OR’ (hemiactal) (acetal) (d) Addition of ammonia and its derivatives A wide variety of substance with -NH2 group reacts with aldehydes and ketones by an addition-elinanation sequence to give ~C = N compounds and water. This reaction usually requires acid catalyst. The derivatives of ammonia that can undergo this reaction are listed in the following table. Table 9.1 Derivatives of ammonia NH3 NH2OH H2NNHC6H5 H2NNH- H2NNHCNH2 NO2 NO2 Ammonia hydroxylamine phenythydrazine 2,4-DNPH semicarbazine The mechanism is similar to the acetal or ketal formation: The derivatives prepared from 2,4 - dinitrophenylhydrazine and carbonyl compounds are usual crystalline compounds with well defined melting point. The derivatives are, therefore, very useful for identification and characterization of aldehydes and ketones. It should he noted that there is no addition-elimination between carbonyl compound and the nitrogen containing compounds in the above table except ketones and aldehydes. Furthermore, as these derivatives can be decomposed by boiling with dilute acids to regenerate the parent carbonyl compounds, they are also used for the purification of carbonyl compounds. The condensation products between carbonyl compounds and other nitrogen containing compounds in the above table are similar except ammonia. The mechanism of the reaction is similar as shown below: The aldehyde-ammonia adducts usually are not very stable. They readily undergo polymerization and dehydration. For example, IlI Reduction (a) Hydrogenation The carbonyl group is reduced to hydroxyl group by catalytic hydrogenation. More vigourous reaction condition is required for the hydrogenation of carbonyl group than a double bond: (b) LiAIH4 and NaBH4 reduction Lithium aluminum hydride is a very powerful reducing agent, which can reduce ketones, aldehydes, esters and acids to alcohols Rowever, sodium boron hydride is a mild reducing agent, which can reduce ketones and aldehydes only, but it has no effect on other carbonyl compounds. Both Lyk1R 4 and NaBR4 have no effect on the carbon-carbon double bond. (c) Clemmmensen reduction Ketones or aldehydes are reduced to hydrocarbon by amalgamated zinc in the presence of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Only ketones and aldehydes are reduced but not other carbonyl compounds. Distinguishing between aldehydes and ketone Most of the reactions described above take place with both aldehydes and ketones. There are a number of tests, however, to distinguish between these classes of compounds. The basic difference between aldehydes and ketones is that aldehydes show reducing properties but ketones do not. The common simple tests used for carbonyl compounds are stated below. (a) Brady's reagent 2,4~dinitrophenylhydrazine dissolved in either alcohol or dilute hydrochloric acid may react with both ketones and aldehydes to form an insoluble yellow or red precipitate. The structure of carbonyl compound may be deduced by testing the melting point of the precipitate after recrystallization. Usually mixed melting point methed is used for an accurate result. For example, (b) Tollen's reagent (Silver mirror test) Tollen's reagent is freshly prepared silver nitrate in alkaline ammonia solution. It is a mild oxidising agent which oxidises aldehydes but leaves most ketones untouched. If the reagent and aldehyde are carefully mixed in a test tube the metallic silver will deposit on the walls to form a mirror. It should be noted that the test tube must be clean. RCOH+2Ag(NH3)2 + + 2OH RCONH4 + H20 + 3NH3 +Ag Both aliphatic and aromatic aldehyde are able to show positive silver mirror test (c) Fehilng's reagent It is similar to Tollen's reagent. It involves the reduction of complexed copper(U) ion to copper(I) oxide, which is a red precipitate. it is also used to test the presence of ftee aldehyde group in a sugar molecule. RCOR + 2Cu2+ + NaOH + H20 RCO2Na + 4H+(aq) + Cu20 Ketones and aromatic aldehydes cannot reduce Fehling's solution. AW Carbolic Acid and their Derivatives Formation of Carboxylic acids: (1) Hydrolysis of Nitriles RCN RCOOH + NH4+ RCN RCOO- + NH3 (2) Oxidation of alcohols and aldehydes RCH2OH RCOOH RCHO RCOOH (3) Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes Ar-R Ar-COOH (1) H3O+ ,reflux (2) acid hydrolysis (1) OH- , reflux (2 ) alkali hydrolysis KmnO4/H+(aq) or K2Cr2O7/H+(aq) (1) KMNO4/H+ (2)heat (4) Oxidation of Methyl Ketones and some Alcohols OH O | || --C—CH3 + 3I2 + 3OH- --C—CI3 + 3I- + 3H2O O || --C—O- + CHI3 The resulting carboxylate has one carbon less than the original carbon skeleton (1) OH- R E AC T I O N O F C A R B OX Y L I C AC I D S <1>Acidity of carboxylic acids (1)The several factors affect the acidity of the organic compound: the strength of the H-A bond the electronegrativity of A factor stabilizing its conjugate anion A- with respect to HA (2)The order of acidity: RCOOH > Ar-OH > R-OH (3)E-group can increase acid strength, as the OH bond is weakened and the acid anion is stabilized. (5) The inductive effect on acidity will decrease rapidly when the substituents are placed father away from the carbonyl group. <2>Reduction with Lithium Tetrahydridoaluminate R-COOH RCH2OH (1)LiAlH4/anhydrous ether Primary alcohol (2)H3O+ The unsturated acids are unaffected by it <3>Conversion to Acid Derivatives (1) Conversion to acyl chlorides PCl5 Or RCOOH + SOCl2 RCOCl Or PCl3 (2) Conversion to acid anhydrides RCOOH + R’COCl RCOOCOR’ + HCl (1)pyridine (3) Conversion to amides RCOOH + NH3 RCOO-NH4+ RCONH2 + H2O (4) Conversion to esters RCOOH + R’OH RCOOR’ + H2O (1)excess RCOOH (2)reflex (1)H3O+ (2)reflex The yield of the ester can be enhanced by : (a) increasing the amount of carboxylic acid or alcohol (b) increasing the amount of inorganic acid Some specimen results of the investigation of the reactions of ethanoic acid A. pH of aqueous solution Orange-red-pH3-4 B. Reaction with sodium Hydrogencarbonate solution C.Reactionwith sodium D.Reaction with phosphorus pentachloride E.Reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine Gas evolved which turns limewater milky-CO2 Gas evolved which popped with a lighted splint-H2 Steamy gas evolved which gave white fumes with ammonia-HCl No change No change F.Triodomethane reaction Reaction of Acyl chlorides: (1) Hydrolysis with water CH3-COCl + HCl CH3COOH + HCl (2) Ester formation with alcohols CH3COCl + CH3OH CH3COOCH3 + HCl CH3COCl + Ar-OH CH3COOAr + HCl Ar-COCl + Ar-OH Ar-COOAr +HCl (3) Amide formation with ammonia and amines CH3COCl + 2NH3 CH3CONH2 + NH4Cl Ar-NH2 + Ar-COCl Ar-NHCO-Ar + NaCl + H2O +NaOH (4) Anhydride formation RCOCl + R’COO-Na+ RCOOCOR’ + NaCl R E AC T I O N O F AC I D A N H Y D R I D E S (1)Hyduolysis with water (RCO)2O + R’OH RCOOR’ + RCOOH (2)Ester formation with alcohol (RCO)2O + R’OH RCOOR’ + RCOOH alkaline medium (3)Amide formation with ammonia and amines (RCO)2O + 2NH3 RCONH2 + RCOO-NH4+ (RCO)2O + 2R’NH2 RCONHR’ + RCOO-R’NH3+ REACTION OF ESTERS (1) Hydrolysis of ester RCOOR’ + H2O RCOOH + R’OH RCOOR’ + H2O RCOO- + R’OH H3O+ /reflux OH-/reflux (2) Reduction to alcohols with lithium titrahydridoaluminate RCOOR’ RCH2-OH + R’OH (1)LiAlH4/dry ether (2) H3O+ R E AC T I O N O F A M I D E S (1)Hydrolysis RCONH2 + OH- RCOO- + NH3 (reflux) + + RCONH2 + H3O RCOOH + NH4 (reflux) (2)Dehydration – nitrile formation Ar-CONH2 Ar-CN + H2O -H2O (1)P2O5 (2)reflux (3) Hofmann degradation CH3CH2CONH2 + 4KOH + Br2 CH3CH2NH2 + K2CO3 + 2KBr + 2H2O One carbon atom less (4) Reduction to amines with lithium tetrahydridoaluminate RCONH2 RCH2NH2 (1)LiAlH4 (2)dry ether