Introduction of Parenteral Nutrition By 陳昭文, 外傷科 What is Parenteral nutrition (PN)? 非經腸道營養也commonly, via venous access PPN: peripheral parenteral nutrition, 低濃度(<1000mosm/1,約 12%dextrose) TPN: total, or central parenteral nutrition, higher tolerated conc. Indication of TPN: 當病患無法藉由腸道攝食足夠之營養, 則應考慮非經腸道營養之給予。The common possible causes are described as below; 亦可參考本院 TPN 處方籤背面之 appendix… 1.G-I disease: IBD, short-bowel syndrome, instertinal fistula, pancreatitis… 2.preoperative preparation: for malnutrition patients 3.postoperative complication: ileus, fistula, or prologation of sarvation 4.others:severe burn or trauma, anorexia nervosa, some liver or renal disease… **一般術前評估 TPN 施用與否,可依循幾個準則: -第一印象, PE(muscular atrophy, flabby skin…), 較主觀而不科學! -body weight loss>15% -Lab finding: serum Alb<3g/dl, transferrin<200mg/dl, total lymphocyte<1200/ul How is the TPN ordered? Thinking process: Total calorie and fluid -> protein ->carbohydrate -> C-N ratio(*1) is used for rechecking the rationality! Daily requirement Energy requirement: Harris-Benedict equation for BEE(basal energy expenditure) Mal:66+(13.7×W)+(5×H)-(6.8×A) Female:655+(9.6×W)+(1.7×H)-(4.7×A) TEE: BEE × stress factor (or activity factor) 簡易心法 1:mild stress : 1.0-1.2 moderate stress : 1.2-1.5 severe stress : 1.5-2.5 簡易心法 2: BEE 約略等於 25kcal/kg/day Macronutrient daily requirement: Protein:0.8-2.5g/kg/day, 4kcal/gm Fat:1-2g/kg/day, 9kcal/gm, (intralipid 10%:1.1kcal/ml, 20%:2kcal/ml) Carbohydrate:2-5g/kg/day, 3.4kcal/gm(???mohydrate vs ahydrous glucose) Micronutrient daily requirement: Electrolyte Na:60-200mEq/day*(60-80mEq/day) K:50-150mEq/day*(30-60mEq/day) Ca:8-32mEq/day*(4.6-9.2mEq/day) e- supply vary from place to place!! Mg:8-24mEq*(8.1-20mEq/day) Phosphate: 15-30mM/day*(12-24mEq/day) Vitamin:5ml/day (from Lyo-povigen), VitK10-25mg/week(TPN 習慣給 1-2ml/d) trace element: 2ml/day(不一定有必要, 但通常會給予) Acetate: 50-120mEq/day (product bicarbonate to correct acidosis) Additive: RI: TPN 中, initial dose:5-1u/l(*2) Heparin:有些醫院會加入 TPN,防止 thrombosis (1000u/liter) Explaination of the special term: T15:standard solution, 以 Aminosyn;不用大腦,懶人專用!(1ml=1.02kcal) TH: 以 aminopoly-H 泡製, rich in branched-chain amino acid TR: 以 amiyu 泡製, rich in essential amino acid, R/Q: respiratory quotient, CO2 Prduction/02 consumption 3-in-1 admixture: 早期為 Y-set, 現為三合一大袋一包. Calorie-nitrogen ratio: 正確地說,應為 non-protein calorie 與 nitrogen 之比值, Nitrogen balance: 氮素平衡, NB = (intake protein/6.25) – (UUN+4), “4”表 UUN 以外之氮素損失,各家定義數值不同. PN osmolality: 【10xprotein(g) + 6xCHO(g) + 0.3xml(20% intrallpid)】/ total fluid(L),單位為 mosm/l, 對 PPN 較有意義. Protein sparing: carbohydrate intake 可減少蛋白質異化, minimal requirement 約 為 100gm, that is, 每天給予 1000ml 之 10% G/W 可 ”短期保護蛋白質”!! Example: 假設 30y/o 病人 160cm, 60kg, stress factor 1.4 (暫不考慮 activity factor) our thinking process: 1.find the total calories and fluid requirement 則其 BEE=66+(13.7x60)+(5x160)-(6.8x30)=66+822+800-204=1484 (比較!簡易心法 2:25kcal/kg/day->60x25=1500kcal/day) patient’s TEE=1484x1.4 = 2077.6kcal/day fluid requirement = 2300 ml (via 100-50-20 rule, or 4-2-1 rule) 2.find the daily protein requirement 設每日需要量為 1.5g/kg/day –> patient requirement = 60x1.5 = 90g energy supply = 90x4 = 360kcal (一般而言,protein 不應當作能量來源,只作為維持 nitrogen balance!!但實 際上,在計算能量時, 我們仍將其產生能量計入 total calories 之中!) 3.find the daily fat requirement 設每日需要量為 1g/kg/day –> patient requirement = 60x1 = 60g 假設我們以 intralipid 20% (20g/100ml/bt, 2kcal/ml) 作為脂肪來源, 則其 energy supply = 300ml 20% intrlipid = 2x300ml = 600kcal 4.find the residual calories provided by carbohydrate dextrose calories = total amount - protein supply - fat supply = 2077.6 - 360 - 600 =1117.6kcal 換算為重量, dextrose = 1117.6/3.4 = 328.7 g 5.check the formula with C/N ratio non-protein calories = 1117.6 + 600 kcal = 1717.6 protein 90 g = nitrogen 14.4 g C/N ratio is 1717.6/14.4 = 119.2:1(acceptable!) 最後呢, 計算 protein and dextrose 濃度, 並填入 TPN 處方籤中: total fluid requirement 2300ml - intralipid 20% 300 ml = 2000ml dextrose 328.7g/2000ml = 16.4% protein 90g/2000ml = 4.5% 輸注速率為:2300/24=95.8ml/hr (including the fat emulsion) 泡製完成, 大功告成, 如何使用呢? Initiating: a. 1st day 1000ml->2nd day 2000ml ->3rd day 3000ml b. 1st day 1000kcal, increased by 500kcal/day till reached your goal c. 50ml/hr->75ml/hr->100ml/hr tapering and discontinuing: tapered over 48 hours, reduced to 50ml/hr for 30-60 mins, then DC. Halved for 1 hour, halved for a second hour, then DC. TPN supply <1000kcal/day, no need to taper the infusion rate. 2-3 days later, 可開始 Lab survey; 記得要 check UUN for nitrogen balance!!! The last dance…… Complication: Catheter-related infection Metabolic complication (sugar, electrolyte and others..) Hepatic dysfunction Acaculous cholecystitis Venous access: The catheter entered via subclavian v. and int. jugular v. is much better Appendix: (*1) C/N ratio : non-protein calorie / nitrogen (kcal/g), explained subsequently. (*2)insulin 會與 plastic bag or drip set 結合, 估計損失量約 5-10u, 添加 RI 時需 考量之!