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IV Therapy, Blood Transfusion, TPN, PCA Study Guide

Foundations Test 1
IV Basics
● Drop Factor – drops per mL
● Pumps – mL/hr
● Gravity Hang- gtts/min
● Micro drop – 60 gtts/mL
● Macro drop – 10 gtts/mL
● Adults – 16 to 20 gauge
● PEDS – 22 to 24 gauge
● Priming – Getting air out of line, typically flushed with 0.9% NS
Nursing Considerations
● Hypertonic solution for PT with edema to pull water out of the cells and back into the vessels
● Alcohol – Under 6 months of age, 60 second prep
● Chlorohexidine – Over 6 months of age, 30 second prep and 1 minute air dry. Don’t fan dry
● Make sure skin prep dries before placing tegaderm on
● Use alcohol on stat lock before removing catheter
● Always document catheter is intact when removing them
● Close roller clamp first before spiking bag as it will pour everywhere
● Chemistry profile 7 should be done daily for all patients on IV fluids
● Change central line dressings every 7 days
● Change PICC line dressings every 72 hours
● If greater than 0.5 round up, if less than 0.5 round drop down. No decimals in drops
● IV solution can only hang 24 hrs, discard the solution and hang another bag
● IV tubing needs changed every 24 hours for intermittent care
● IV tubing needs changed every 96 hours for continuous care
● Primary bag hangs lower then secondary bag
● When giving D5W, the dextrose is used up fast causing free water leading to hypovolemia
● If Pt. is receiving Coumadin IV and starts bleeding at the site, apply pressure for 5-10 mins
● PT most at risk for fluid overload via IV infusions are the young, old, CHF and renal issues
● Monitor all PT receiving fluids as they are fall/seizure risks
Passive Leg Raising – lay torso horizontal and passively raise leg at 45 degrees
Tilt Test – Take PT vitals laying, sitting, then standing to test fluid balance
MUSC Test – Score of 5 or more shows dehydration/sepsis
IV complications/Reactions
● Phlebitis – infection showing erythema with red streaks proximal from the IV site
● Infiltration – When the IV fluid is leaking into the interstitial space causing edema. Skin is
cold and swollen
● Extravasation – When a caustic substance has infiltrated through a peripheral IV site and
causes skin to slough off and necrose. Can lead to amputation
● Transfusion-related Acute Lung Injury – respiratory distress during transfusion from
female donated plasma and the antibodies it contains. Will need to be on Ventilator
● Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload – when fluid is transfused too rapid
● Acute Hemolytic Reaction – The wrong blood type was given. The blood bank will ask for
a blood specimen to be take and a culture from their first void. They need to know if cross
matched wrong or if the wrong blood was ordered.
● Febrile Non-Hemolytic Reaction – an onset of fever and is most common. This is from
sensitization to donor blood products
Blood Products / Blood Transfusions
● Packed RBC’s – Low Hemoglobin and Hematocrit. Treats anemia. Normal is 12 and 36
● Platelets – Low platelets. Treats Thrombocytopenia. Normal is 150k to 400k
● Fresh Frozen Plasma – When there is a clotting problem. Helps reverse blood thinners like
● Albumin – To expand or maintain blood volume. Helps with Hypovolemia during trauma
● Epogen – Used to treat anemia
● Neupogen – Used to stimulate white blood cell production, particularly Neutrophils
● O Negative – emergency release blood for trauma as its universal donor
● AB – Universal recipient
● Autologous Blood – Blood donated by PT for themselves if needed. Common in Jehovah’s
Nursing Considerations
● Packed RBC’s most common given
● Blood product must be started within 30 mins of getting from lab
● Check vitals before, Q15 mins after starting, and 1 hour after stopping
● When running blood products IV, equipment needs changed every 4 hours
● Only 0.9% NS can be run with blood
● 1 hour prior to running blood products, its typical to give Benadryl and Acetaminophen for
those who don’t like getting it
● Must give meds prior to running blood as nothing can be run with it
● Tubing for blood comes with a 10 gtts/min filter and must be immersed to work
● PT must sign consent and only the nurse can witness consent, provider can’t
● Blood is generally run slowly over a 2-4-hour period
● Run packed RBC’s slow, 120 ml/hr max
● Run Plasma slower to prevent fluid overload
● Run Platelets fast to prevent clotting
● Make sure PT needs first by checking Hgb / HCT / Platelets
Labs and Values
● Cross Match – testing before a blood transfusion to determine if the donor's blood is
compatible with the blood of an intended recipient and takes 45 minutes
● Type and Screen – determines both the ABO-Rh of the patient and screens for the presence
of the most commonly found unexpected antibodies. Type - The patient's blood cells are
mixed with serum known to have antibodies against A and against B to determine
blood type.
● Hemoglobin (Hgb) – 12 is normal range
● Hematocrit (HCT) – 36 is normal range
● 1 bag of packed RBC’s raises 1 Hgb and 3% Hct
● Platelet Count – Normal is 150,000 – 400,000
● 1 unit of platelets raises count by 10,000. Typically comes in a “6 pack”
Check vitals first, cannot give blood if PT is febrile
It is possible to get HIV when transfusing blood even if screened as the original donor may
not show antibodies of HIV for months
Run blood products slower if the PT has a history of Heart Failure
When running blood products, if any reaction occurs, STOP Immediately
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
● Provide fuel, energy and nutrients through the bloodstream
● A FSBS needs to be done every 6h because the pancreas stops producing insulin
● Bypasses the GI tract so absorption of protein is impaired
● Must start TPN slow and taper it slow because pancreas will still be secreting insulin, allow
pancreas to adjust to sugar load
● TPN in central line only, do not use femoral
TPN & Lipids
● lipids are usually mixed with TPN and used in a central line. There is a high concentration of
dextrose, and it can’t be given in a peripheral IV as its risk for infection
● Anything under 12% dextrose can be given peripherally
● Lipids alone can be given peripherally
● Lipids can come in vials, need to use a vented tubing
● 1.2 (blue) filter is used for lipids and 0.2 (clear) filter for TPN
● Lipids – 1.2 micron blue filter, bag is white
● TPN – 0.2 micron clear, mixture is usually yellow
● Lipid bags don’t hang for more than 18 hours, tubing changed ever 12 hours
● Add mixture - is white (with carbs, amino acids, fats, etc included)
● PICC lines last weeks at a time. Central line last 29 days?
● Given to patients who are NPO
● Common additives to TPN - sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphate, chloride,
acetate, acid, vitamin A, D, B, folic acid, vitamin K, trace elements, interferons, insulin
● Higher doses of dextrose will make the patient more at risk for infection (grow bacteria)
Complications / Reactions
● Phlebitis
● Intravascular hemolysis
● Hyperlipidemia/pancreatitis
Three factors for incompatibilities with parenteral nutrition
Precipitation of calcium and phosphate
Creaming/cracking of lipid emulsion
Addition/simultaneous application of drugs with parenteral drugs
TPN main components
● Main Fuel – Protein, Carbs, Lipids
● Nutrients – Vitamins, Minerals, Electrolytes
● Water – 25-40 mL/kg/day
● 1 bag of TPN should last 24 hours
Partial Parenteral Nutrition (PPN)
● Given to pt. who can tolerate some oral feeding but cannot ingest enough to meet needs
● Given thru peripheral IV
● Two types of solutions: lipid emulsion and amino acid-dextrose solutions
● Not optimal for critically ill patients
● PPN solution generally is limited to less than 12% concentration to avoid phlebitis
Interventions for client receiving TPN
● Monitor weight
● Monitor intake and output
● monitor biochemical lab values (albumin and blood glucose, PT)
● Want to initiate feeding slowly to avoid “refeeding syndrome”
● Do not cold turkey stop the TPN as the patient will become hypoglycemic
● If no TPN available, you can give dextrose 10% to prevent hypoglycemia
● Change TPN tubing every 24 hours because dextrose grows bacteria
● Change Lipid tubing every 12 hours
● When using TPN in infants, make sure to keep a give them a pacifier to associate the feeding
with oral stimulation so they don’t lose sucking reflex
Patient controlled Analgesic – PCA
Continuous dose – a set, continuous rate the pump is set at by nurse if they cannot push
Bolus dose - infused set does a nurse does based on PT weight. This is a onetime dose, the
pump will need to be set after
PCA dose - patient uses the handheld device to give themselves a dose
Lock out – Time between doses allowed so Pt. does not overdose. The times pushed is
recorded even if locked out.
PCA Pump - gives a set, prescribed dose of meds based on body weight
Nursing Considerations
Morphine, hydromorphone (Dilaudid), and Fentanyl are common drugs given in PCA
Naloxone (Narcan) is the antidote and antagonist for morphine
Educate Pt. about which is PCA device and which is call bell
Makes a bird chirping sound when given. Only beeps if locked out
Patient gets 2L of oxygen through a special nasal cannula with PCA
Some have PCO2 monitors to prevent chance of respiratory depression
Usually given to kids 7 years or older
Carfentanyl is being laced in drugs, cannot be reduced by naloxone so wear thyick gloves
Need 2 nurses to waste a med, never leave opioid in syringe
Assess pain, respirations, PCO2 every 24 hours
You can be on PCA and continuous at the same time
Can't give meperidine (Demerol) in PCA because it contains metabolites that can build up
and lead to seizures.
Meperidine (Demerol) is contraindicated in MI events
Never used Demerol for chest pain because causes vomiting and nausea
PCA tubing good for 24 hours
Careful to not put hydromorphone (Dilaudid) or Fentanyl in the pump set as morphine as
they are much higher strength. I.E. 1mg hydromorphone = 10mg morphine
Carfentanyl is being laced in drugs, cannot be reduced by naloxone so wear thick gloves
Can't give meperidine (Demerol) in PCA because it contains metabolites that can build up
and lead to seizures.
Meperidine (Demerol) is contraindicated in MI events
Never used Demerol for chest pain because causes vomiting and nausea
Math Questions
● Volume in mL X Drop Factor
# of Minutes
● Nitroglycerin
● Dilazam
● Magnesium
● Lidocaine
● Heparin
● Burn formula
● Mcg/kg/min question
● Mcg/min question
Dr. Cherry’s “Fun Facts”
0.45% NS can cause brain swelling in PEDS but can be good for DKA
D5 ¼ % NS can be used in PEDS to prevent starvation ketosis
Lactic acidosis indicates poor tissue perfusion, check lactate levels as they are an early sign
of infection or kidney function
GFR > 90% is typical and monitor creatinine clearance and BUN
Too much 0.9% NS can cause Hyperchloremia
Don’t mix Heparin and antibiotics as they form a precipitate
Only physician call pull out a tunneled Hickman / Groshong IV. Usually for Chemo
Must flush out Intraosseous Catheter with 10 mL of 0.9% NS after giving each med
Huber needle needed for porta Cath, needs changed every 7 days
Use a Burette for PED’s so you can give it with minimal fluids
Pg. 961 charts 42-13 / 42-14
Pg. 989 questions at the end of the chapter
CH 42