Ashby Magna Herald September 2005

Parish Council News:
The next meeting is on Monday 12th September at 8.00 pm in the
Village Hall.
Everyone welcome, as observers or contributors. If you have
something to say concerning the village please tell us.
From our last meeting held on the 11th July:
Ashby Magna Open Space (AMOS):
The thistles, which have taken over the meadow, are to be cut down
and steps to control them implemented.
A sub committee is to be set up, hopefully including non-councillors, to
ensure regular maintenance and other projects are efficiently dealt with.
The British Trust of Conservation Volunteers (BTCV), are starting work
in September to bring the site to order and plant hedges etc.* See
article below.
Car parking is to be addressed by applying for a Variation of Planning
Street Lighting:
The faulty fitting on Peveril Road will need replacement and the options
are being considered
M1 road noise:
We have not heard from the Highways Agency regarding our request
for trees to be planted as a screen, however the current work replacing
the surface between Junctions 20 & 21 incorporate a low noise surface,
so this should help.
Planning applications:
Four items were considered.
Dog Fouling:
Unfortunately we still seem to have a few offenders not clearing up after their
animals. Please do take a plastic bag with you and clear up, this does
include Frones Lane, AMOS and of course all our pavements.
Thank you.
Please do your best to recycle as much as possible. The following items are
accepted at most Leicestershire sites:
Paper, Card, Glass Bottles & Jars, Plastic Bottles, scrap Metal, Green Waste,
Textiles, Engine Oil, Car Batteries, Fridges, White Goods, Wood, Mobile
Phones and Batteries.
Stands for British Trust of Conservation Volunteers. It is a group that were
formed in 1959 and they work on various projects provided they are
considered suitable. There is a charge for this but only for overheads and
equipment. They are coming on September 1st and 6th initially, if anyone
would like to help either phone the number below or turn up at AMOS at
Tel 01530 277855
St Mary’s Church
We had a wedding in July the second this year. The Bride and Groom,
Ruth and Rob Coles paid for the first aid for the organ so an experienced
organist could play it. Unfortunately it does still require a good deal
spending on it before it is back to its former glory. The Groom and
friends did a splendid job tidying the churchyard, for which we thank
We must also thank Stuart Johnson for the loan of his sheep every
summer to keep the grass shorn and for Reg Wyatt for keeping the hedges
in such good shape.
Pauline and Paul Dennel raised £250 at their Tea Party held in their
garden on 7th August. The sun shone and those who attended enjoyed
lingering and catching up with the news. We must also thank Mr & Mrs
Dennell senior. Mr Dennell supplied the great range of books for sale
and Mrs Dennell worked tirelessly serving teas.
Next time you go into the Church please look at the curtain hung at the
entrance to the Bell Tower. Julie Smith has made this beautiful curtain at
her own expense.
We are now organizing the Harvest Thanksgiving Service and Lunch on
Sunday 25th September. This will be a Group Service, when members of
the congregations from the other Churches in our group are invited. It
will be followed by a lunch and auction in the Village Hall. Further
notices will be issued but remember to book early as numbers are limited.
From the Parish Registers
Weddings: We wish every blessing on their marriage to…
Charlie Roberson and Katie Lamb – on 13th August at Peatling Parva
Martin Rowley and Louise Wilkinson – on 27th August at Gilmorton
Funerals: We say farewell and commit to Almighty God…
Rosetta (Nettie) Miller – on 11th August at Gilmorton
Services at St Mary’s, Ashby Magna
Autumn 2005
Sunday 11th September
6pm Holy Communion
Sunday 25th September
10.30am Harvest Festival – for all the family
(Please see separate notice)
Sunday 9th October
9.45am Holy Communion
Sunday 30th October
9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 13th November – Remembrance Sunday
(at All Saints’ Church, Gilmorton)
6pm Service of Remembrance
For other services across the team, please see notice boards
Fun Factory….for Harvest
Friday 23rd September
5.30 – 7.00pm
Ashby Magna Village Hall
Buggy Service
on Thursday afternoons
at 2.30 – 3.15pm
8 September
22nd September
at All Saints’ Church, Gilmorton…
for pre-school children and their mums, dads, grandparents, carers…
a short, fun service, followed by refreshments
For more information please phone the Revd Jane Curtis on (01455) 552
St Mary’s Church, Ashby Magna
Harvest Festival – for all the family
with guest speaker Jill Hopkinson, National Rural Officer for
the Church of England and Editor of ‘Country Way’
Sunday 25th September, 10.30am
Come and help us celebrate Harvest…
bring your Harvest gifts…
All gifts brought will be auctioned afterwards at
the Harvest Lunch
For more information please phone the Revd Jane Curtis on
(01455) 552 119
A fund dedicated to raising money for Flossy, an adorable four year old
with Cerebral Palsy, so she can have access to specialist equipment and
treatment to improve her quality of life.
EVENING OF INDULGENCIE’S be held at Lutterworth High School on
Monday 7th November 2006 from 7.30-9.30pm. Shop early for
Christmas or just indulge. Stalls to include – Designer Shoes, Virgin Viecosmetics and jewellry, Usbourne Books, Alternative Therapy, Nails &
Hand massage, Cakes, Xmas delicacies to try and then order, Reflexology,
Crafts and many more. Entrance £3.50 per person and includes a
complimentary drink. Also available-tea/coffee/cakes. Raffle. For
tickets please contact Rebecca Scott on 209713 or 17 Old
Forge Road.
Ashby Magna
Street Fair
Friday, 9th September 6 p.m - 9 p.m
Please think
We need:
Street Fair
before you throw anything away
Tombola items
to Jackie Smith and Julie Gamble
door to door collection w/c 5th September
Bottles (full of something edible or drinkable we hasten to add)
will be collected from your door w/c 5th September
White Elephant and Bric a Brac
Unwanted toys
Unwanted books
to the Village Hall w/c 5th September
Smart / Good label nearly new clothes etc & Equestrian
Items To Manor Farm porch at any time
Cakes and other baked items
To 3 Peveril Road Thursday 8th or Friday 9th
We need:
2 people to look after the White Elephant stall on the night
Helpers on Tuesday afternoon and evening 6th September to put
up the lights and bunting
Helpers on Friday afternoon 9th September to put out tables etc
Helpers on Saturday morning 10th September for clearing up
Call Warren or Valerie on 202591.