47 oct-nov `11


Issue 47

October/November 2011

Local news from Cold Ashby, Cottesbrooke, Creaton,

Guilsborough, Hollowell, Teeton & Thornby w w w . v i l l a g e l i n k . o r g . u k


On 29 September, at St Etheldreda

Church, the Bishop of Brixworth inducted

Mark Battison as Rector of our Uplands group of parishes. To move from a nonstipendiary role („house for duty‟ at

Spratton) to a stipendiary role within the same group of churches is unusual - but then Mark‟s path to priesthood has also been somewhat out of the ordinary!

Village Link caught up with him just before his move to the Vicarage at Guilsborough, to find out more ...

From policeman, property developer, engineering consultant, entrepreneur and international housewares trader to full-time Rector of 8 churches – how did it happen? Growing up, Mark was only an occasional churchgoer but already whilst a policeman in his twenties he had an inkling that he might one day be a vicar. The idea did not really take hold until he was thirty-six – married with a family, running a housewares company, when he picked up the phone and started his unusual journey to the priesthood. He started his training with a vibrant and informal evangelical church whilst juggling his various business interests and spending 3 months each year in the Far East. From there he was posted as Curate to St James the Greater in Leicester – a large ‗high‘ church with a strong choral tradition. Then nearly three years ago, he took up the part-time position at Spratton which, at least in theory, allowed him to continue with some of his business activities.

The new move is full-time and was a big decision for both Mark and his wife Tracey. As he says: ―I have now wound up my businesses and will be an employee for the first time in 15 years! It will take some getting used to – but I‘m very much looking forward to developing my ministry here and keeping my travel local rather than international. My continuing priorities are to focus on pastoral care and on developing our work with children and young people.‖ You can read Mark’s letter on page 17.

FULL STEAM AHEAD—Hollowell Defies Vandals

Although we suffered vandalism again recently, the toilets are all working, and our events will continue. Unfortunately, campers will be unable to use the showers because the two copper hot water tanks were both stolen. We also lost approximately 300 metal lamp pins and 150-200 scaffolding clamps all of which will have to be replaced before next year’s rally.



Fire lit 7pm—Fireworks 7:30pm

£1 per person entry. Usual refreshments, bar and fairground rides available.

Please come along and support this fantastic institution that raises thousands to support local charities and voluntary groups - including Village Link.

Inside this issue:

Garden delights 2

Cold Ashby—

Family Bonfire

Cottesbrooke–Festivals and Fetes

Creaton—Keeping natural

Guilsborough— Seatons changes hands

Hollowell & Teeton—’Pub, for one night only’






Thornby— ‘Your beautiful body’


Church– Vicar’s letter & services


Back pages— Charity photo project results


What‟s On!


2nd Harvest Festival & Lunch,


9th Hollowellian Reunion

10th Harvest Supper, Cold Ashby

14th Harvest Festival Supper,


15th Bingo, Cold Ashby

20th Talk, Thornby

22nd Race Evening, Cold Ashby

28th Shoebox deadline, Guilsborough

28th Coffee Evening, Cold Ashby


4th Family Bonfire, Cold Ashby

5th Fireworks, Hollowell

11th Xmas Craft Fair, Guilsborough

12th Quiz Night, Creaton

13th Remembrance Parade,


16th Antiques Evening, Cottesbrooke

24th Talk, Creaton

Copy deadline for next issue:-

Tuesday 1st November



The scary looking, but very friendly dwarf who was telling fortunes (left) and Pony rides in the Park watched by the juggler on stilts (right).

More news about the Fete on page 5


See page 4 for news of how much was raised for St

Denys Church


Thanks to all at Rosemount, Ivy Cottage and Hill House who worked so hard to prepare their gardens for the National Garden Scheme open day on August 14th in

Hollowell. Many thanks to Gill Brown and her team who served delicious lunches and teas in the Village Hall in aid of St James Church.


Thanks to all the gardeners and visitors who helped raise over £3,000 for NGS charities, and £600 each for

Guilsborough Church and a

Parkinson’s charity.




A coffee evening will be held in the Cold Ashby Memorial Hall on Friday 28 th October at

7pm. There will be a Tombola, Cake Stall and Bring & Buy, and also a raffle.

Admission £2-00.

If you would like to help with donations of Cakes, Tombola, Bring & Buy items, and Raffle

Prizes, contact; Mrs Rose Bott 01604 740227 or Mrs Wendy Smith 01604 740528.



The Cold Ashby Bowls Club will be holding a HORSE & DOG RACE EVENING in the Cold Ashby Memorial Hall on Saturday 22 nd October.

The races will be on film with the first race starting at 8pm. Admission is £1.00, which includes the raffle, Ploughman`s Supper also available at £3.00each.

Bar, Toilets and Disabled Facilities available.

If you enjoy FUN & LAUGHTER the come along to Cold Ashby Races you will be most welcome, (families welcome). For further details contact Terry Smith on

01604 740528.


Cold Ashby Bowls Club will be holding BINGO NIGHTS at the Cold

Ashby Memorial on the following evenings, 7-30pm for eyes down at


Saturday 15 th October. Saturday 14 th January

Saturday 19 th November Saturday 11 th February

Saturday 10 th December Saturday 3 rd March

If you enjoy Fun and Laughter and something for the family, during the winter nights then come along to the Bingo Evening`s you will be most welcome.


The Cold Ashby Bowls Club will be holding their Annual Presentation

Luncheon, at Cold Ashby Golf Club on

Sunday 13 th November 12.30 for 1pm.

Tickets available from; Wendy Smith

01604 740528 or Roger Miller 01604



We will again be going to Potters Indoor Bowling Centre at Hopton on Sea near Great Yarmouth on 12 th March – 16 th

March 2012. We all had a great time this year and managed to have a team reach the quarter finals, perhaps next year we might proceed a little further.

If interested please book now for this trip, so as not to be disappointed. Cost approx £270pp.

BOOKINGS NOW BEING TAKEN £40-00 deposit. For further details telephone Mrs W Smith 01604 740528 or Mr

R Manning 01604 821849.


SPRING TOUR to Devon on the 1 st – 3 rd June 2012, playing at venues, Kings Torquay B.C, Brixham B.C and Teignmouth B.C. Bookings now available deposit £20-00.

If interested bowlers (or non bowlers) would like to use these tours for short holiday breaks, then contact Wendy

Smith on 01604 740528 or Richard Manning on 01604 821849.





Our 21st Open Gardens weekend in

August once again proved as popular as ever with 17 gardens open, plus stalls, tombola and raffle. Mixed weather this year did not deter the visitors who came from far and wide.

See page 2 for more photos in colour!

We are pleased to report that a profit of £3472.80 was raised for St Denys

Church. Many thanks to everyone involved.


St Denys next fund raiser is the Harvest Supper and Auction. This will be held on Monday 10th

October at Cold Ashby

Golf Club, 6.30 for 7pm.

A tasty two course meal will be served, followed by the auction of produce, the bar will be open all evening. Great value at £5 per person.

Harvest Supper tickets from Rita Lomas 01604 740143.


Panto time is rapidly approaching. Is this Pantomime going to be another blockbuster by Sarah Favell? Casting will be during October, date to be arranged.


Cold Ashby Memorial Hall will again be holding a

Christmas Posting & Coffee Evening with Mince Pies and not forgetting the Grand Hamper Draw on

Friday 16 th December at 7pm. Admission £1-00.

So remember drop your cards through the

Memorial Hall letter box, from Thursday 1 st

December, and the committee will distribute them around the village for you after the coffee evening, to arrive in good time for Christmas.




7pm bonfire, 7.30pm fireworks; bar, food

£2.50 adults 50p children

Proceeds to playing field charity

Cold Ashby Village Hall Lottery


7 th May Ms Rita Lomas 3

14 th May Mr M Park 44

21 st May Mrs Douglas 5

28 th May Mrs T Mutton 31

4 th June Duggi 27

11 th June Mrs H Gibbs 26

18 th June Mrs T Mutton 31

25 th June Mrs T Mutton 31

2 nd July Mr C Garrett 6

9 th July Mr A Bott 39

16 th July Mrs E Bartlett 30

23 rd July Mr A Bott 39

30 th July Mrs E Garrett 48

6 th Aug Mrs Murphy 19

13 th Aug Ms Rita Lomas 3

20 th Aug Mr J Rowell 24

27 th Aug Mr H Bott 49

3 rd Sept Mrs T Mutton 31

All £25.00 Winners.






EYES DOWN 7:00 pm




Cottesbrooke‘s summer garden fete on July 17th was enjoyed by many visitors and raised a grand total of £3236.83!

Many thanks to all who attended and to all who helped to make the event so successful. See more photos on page 2!



Do you have a family heirloom, mysterious object or prized possession you've always wondered about?

Would you like to have an item valued?

If so, please join us for an 'Antiques

Roadshow' type evening with John Gilding,

Senior Partner of Gildings Auctioneers,

Market Harborough. Mr. Gilding will inspect and discuss and value each item (one item per person please).

Refreshments will be available.

Wednesday 16th November

Cottesbrooke Village Hall 7.30pm


18 December (Sunday) - Carol Service

3:00pm @ All Saints Church, Cottesbrooke

18 December (Sunday) - Festive get-together

4:30pm @ Village Hall

Let's eat, drink and be merry together!

For more information on any of the events listed, keep your eyes peeled for flyers through your door and posted throughout the village. Everyone is most welcome!



St Michaels and All Angels


Adopt a pipe organ draw 2012 Our 1890s Wordsworth Pipe Organ is now in urgent need of a complete overhaul and new bellows.

It is currently emitting a constant, high-pitched note which is an unwelcome addition to our services. The cost of renewing the bellows is around £15,000 which we have to raise before work can begin in 2012. Please help us to do this by adopting a pipe (or better still, several pipes) at a cost of £10 per pipe for 2012. There will be 6 draws during the year, starting at Christmas 2011, with prizes of £50,

£30 and £20.

Light up for a loved one Light up St. Michael & All Angels, Creaton,for an evening over Christmas in memoryof a loved one, a birthday or an anniversary.

To book your evening between 1 st December And 6 th January or if you would like to buy some pipes, please

Adopt A Pipe draw

1st E . Godden

2nd B.Jones telephone Susannah on 01604 505784.

Candlelit Advent Carol Service is on Sunday, 27th November at 6 p.m.

3rd J.Carr

Village Christmas Party on Saturday, 3rd December by kind permission of Mr.. & Mrs. Jack. Tickets from Creaton P.O.


Creaton United Reformed Church

Minister: Revd. Rosemary Pullen.

Telephone: 01327 844985

You are warmly welcome to join us for our Sunday

Worship and Junior Church.

Please note Sunday Worship and Junior Church on the 4 th Sunday in the month will be at the earlier time of 9am.

October 2011

Date/Time Service Led By

2 nd 11am Joint Harvest Thanksgiving Service

St. Michaels Followed by lunch at Creaton URC.

9 th 11am Rev. Rosemary Pullen

16 th 11am Jon Heard

23 rd 9am Worship & Holy Communion

Rev. Rosemary Pullen

30 th 11am Group Service at Crick URC

Rev. Rosemary Pullen

November 2011

6 th 11am John Horrocks

13 th 10.50 am Remembrance Rev. Rosemary Pullen

20 th 11am Tear Fund Sunday Carolyn Wilson

27 th 9am Worship & Holy Communion

Rev. Rosemary Pullen

Poppies Coffee Shop is open daily from 9am to 12noon

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Poppies is closed on Thursdays.

Everyone is very welcome.

For more information on the activities at Creaton

United Reformed Church, please visit the Creaton website www.creaton.org.uk

Creaton Walking Group

We enjoyed a pretty and varied walk in the Welford area in

August and supported the Ride and Stride in September.

The next walk is on 8 October in the Walgrave area. The

November walk on the 12th will be in the South Kilworth area.

The Creaton Walking Group meet on the second Saturday in the month at the Lychgate at 10am. Walks are circular lasting for about 3 hours ending in a pub. New walkers always welcome.

Planning ahead:

On the second Saturday and following Sunday in May, June and

July 2012 the group are planning to walk the Jurassic Way from

Banbury to Stamford. Each day will be divided into a morning and afternoon walk, so you can walk a small part or walk it all. Save the


12 and 13 May

9 and 10 June

14 and 15 July


Creaton Playing Fields

Hopefully everyone has noticed the work going on on the field. We have created our own little "Telly Tubbies" land which should be ready for the children to play on within the next week or so. You may also have noticed that we have taken down some of the old existing play equipment and will be replacing it soon with some new and exciting items.


Our Annual Quiz night has been booked for Saturday

12th November in the Village Hall, 7.30 pm doors open for an 8.00 pm start. Look out for posters advertising the event and don't forget to get your tickets quickly. This event is always well attended.

Although one of our Car Boot Sales was rained off, we have still had a successful year of fundraising and would like to thank everyone for their help and support.




The village group that aims to encourage the protection of endangered fauna and flora in your gardens and the village environment.




Friday October 14th 7.30 pm Creaton Village Hall

―A Landscape For You‖

DAVID FRANCIS Senior Ranger at Pitsford Nature Reserve will discuss projects and opportunities at Pitsford and in the locality. Free refreshments will be served.

Thursday November 24th 7.30pm at Highgate House

―Why are Rare Plants Rare?‖

TIM PANKHURST Regional Conservation Officer of Plantlife will discuss endangered plants and wildlife.

Talks in the new year will include presentations by representatives of The Woodland Trust and Natural

England and will take place throughout the year at 6 week intervals.


Tree planting for children.

In November we are planning for the children of the village to plant areas of trees called Childwoods.

A site for ten trees has been designated on Creaton playing field.

Each tree will be named after the child who plants it so that they will be able to watch their trees development throughout their life in this community and know that they have helped to add to the village landscape.

This project is supported by the Woodland Trust and is in collaboration with Hollowell.

There is the possibility of further planting at Highgate House. and other sites are being negotiated in collaboration with

Hollowell village.

For more information please contact John and Di Harper , 4

The Green - Telephone 505160 email john.harper19@btopenworld.com


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TUES 2 nd AUGUST 2011

The walk identified a number of urgent issues such as:- Bus Stop post and the adjacent litter bin – post being in poor condition, 2

Water Hydrant markers on the Village Green causing trip hazards, the ―School Sign‖ on High Street being barely legible and possibly in the wrong place (it was suggested that Violet

Lane might be a better option for it to be sited). These and other issues will be reported to the agencies responsible and followed up as necessary. If you would like to see the full report from the Annual Village Walk, please contact Lynne Compton,

Parish Clerk


NHW is important to villages on a number of fronts: possible reductions in the cost of household insurance, it is also an important means of communication between local residents and the local Police in the fight against crime/environmental nuisance and an NHW network can help identify and help protect those vulnerable in society.

If you would like more details on re-starting the Creaton NHW,

Please contact the Parish Clerk on 01604-880727 or creatonpc@tiscali.co.uk


You should have received a copy of the new ―Creaton

Contacts‖ with this edition of Village Link. If for any reason you did not, Please contact Lynne Compton, Parish Clerk.

CREATON Parish Council News


Apologies – the website has been undergoing lengthy maintenance but should be ready soon. Please contact the

Lynne Compton, Parish Clerk if you have any feedback on this area.

For and on behalf of Creaton Parish Council

12 Olde Forde Close Brixworth NN6 9XF

Tel No: 01604-880727 Email:creatonpc@tiscali.co.uk




This area will be selectively scythed (to cut the grass out and leave the flowers to seed), then the whole area will be taken back to ground level in early autumn. Unfortunately, at the moment the grass is stronger than the flowers but as the yellow rattle does its magic a natural equilibrium should be restored and the flowers should come back stronger year on year. It would be a great shame if this patch was lost as each time I have been to look at it, the area has been jam packed with bees, mostly bumbles and I have counted about 6 different species (but I'm not an expert). The BBC program goes out on 28th Sept so it may be nice to have a few flowers still there for anyone driving through the village. Author: Katie Masters








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Calling all jam makers ........

The Guilsborough garden owners would like to have a produce stall at next year's opening.

As it is the season for jam and chutney making we would like to ask local cooks if they could make an extra jar or two so that we can have an enticing stall full of goodies.

This would enable us to contribute even more to the charities we support.

The dates for the Open Garden weekend are 28/29th April. If you can help please call contact Gay Webster on 740203.


This year‘s Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday

October 2nd, at 9.45 am in church, followed by the

Harvest Lunch in the Village Hall.

Tickets for the lunch cost £8.00 to include main course, dessert and a glass of wine. They can be obtained from

Richard Mizen, Hilary Worton, and Joan Towers. (Please let us know in advance if you would prefer a vegetarian option).

The gifts we gave to Acorn House (the Northampton Night

Shelter) last year were much appreciated - tins and packets of basic foods both for use on the premises and in ―starter boxes‖ for those leaving the Shelter in order to live independently.

We would like to do the same this year, and gifts can be brought on the day, but if you prefer to offer a more traditional gift in advance for decorating the church this is also appreciated – please let Olive Darker know if you plan to do this.


We are delighted to report that after some 5.5 years at the helm, we shall be handing over ownership and management of Seatons Store to Ramesh and Lydia Ahir with effect from 26th September. During those years after the previous Guilsborough shop had closed, many of you will remember Ramesh and Lydia who ran such a successful and welcoming shop in West Haddon. We are all very fortunate that such a charming and dedicated couple are coming to provide for our needs as the costs of travel into Northampton to go shopping continue to rise. Before converting the old surgery and opening

Seatons, we had no experience at all of retail business.

Looking back,we are extremely grateful to all the loyal and hardworking staff and customers who have helped to create the Seatons that now sits at the heart of

Guilsborough life. Opening hours will continue to be

7am-8pm on weekdays and Saturdays, and on Sundays hours will be 8am-6pm. The Ahirs have kindly agreed to allow Vanessa to continue to provide gifts within the store and Libby will continue to hold the appointment of sub-postmistress.

While signing off we would like to wish Ramesh and

Lydia every success and urge all of you to give them your wholehearted support and custom.

With best wishes, Richard and Libby (Seaton) Evans

GMADS presents



Come & join us at Gt. Grimley

Cracker Factory’s Staff Christmas


1st, 2nd, 3rd December

7:30pm in Guilsborough Village Hall

Tickets £10 including food.

Ring Frances on 01604 740549

Look out for the posters! NEW ARRIVALS

 Mrs Peggy Morris of 21 Pells Close

 David, Stephanie, Felicity, Bibi, and Eliza Wilson of

Guilsborough Hall Farm



Walking your dog at the Playing field

The Playing Field is a popular location for dog walking in

Guilsborough and responsible dog owners are welcome. During the summer months however we have experienced an increase in dog fouling which has caused serious problems for the children, young people and adults playing sport at the Playing Field.

Please could we respectfully ask that dog owners help by clearing up after their dog and by observing the bye-laws displayed at the

Playing field.

Our thanks to the Parish Council who have speedily acceded to our request for a bin at the Playing field for this purpose, we are very appreciative!



As the cricket season draws to a close, the junior football season is springing into life. The first match of the season kicked off on 4 September and a full set of fixtures can be found on the Village

Link Website and the village noticeboard.

If you are interested in joining or running a side or have any questions, please contact: Paul Chant (Club

Chairman and Under 10 Coach) – telephone 01604 505412

Guilsborough Playing

Field Association

Guilsborough Plate


Supporting village sport and recreation

The Playing Field is set within 7.5 acres of beautiful

Northamptonshire countryside. It is situated just off the West Haddon

Road on the perimeter of the village just past the

High School.

The GPFA is a registered charity and was founded in

1977 for the sporting and

The 7 th




24 players competed in high winds on

Sunday 11th Sept, followed by a buffet in the

Ward Arms for fifty people.

(Pictures from top)

Runners up Mike

Darbyshire and

Sarah Alcock.

Trophy presented by Caroline

Houghton to husband Jim and

Sarah Dalzell.

Presentation to Rod MacDonald for all his hard work in organising Monday evening tennis, throughout the year, whatever the weather. recreational use of the community. We are grateful for the continued support and involvement of the

Trustees of the GPFA, Hugh

Lowther, John McCall and

Margaret Burnett who along with the

Management Committee and Volunteers give so much time and commitment to developing and maintaining the fantastic facilities that we have. We hope you will make a visit to the Playing

Field soon.

Mark Webster

Hollowell Bottle Stall

Thank you to everyone who donated a bottle to our stall this

July and to those who volunteered to give their time to work on the stall. A massive £950 was raised over the weekend.

Pictured below Mark Bryant from the GPFA Committee

GPFA Chairman

Volunteer Sought for

Village Lottery

Would you be interested in helping us organise and run a monthly

Village Lottery beginning in the New Year?

Contact Graham on 740545 for details




All members of Guilsborough Parish Council would like to thank Alan Tebbutt for his great contribution to the council

& the village of Guilsborough. He has worked tirelessly for both over the past 43 years.

He was also Chairman of the Playing Field & the Village Hall.

For 4 years he was a research assistant at Westminster.

Secretary & Treasure for Guilsborough Branch for the

British Legion for 20 years.

We wish him a happy retirement.

The local branch of Arthritis Research held its "Tea

Party" at the Lawns, Creaton 0n Saturday 23rd July.

A good number attended a very happy event and raised £800, which is part of over £2,000 that has been raised during the last twelve months.

Many thanks to all who helped to raise this money, and thanks also to all those who have supported the charity so loyally.


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October Tennerfest at The Moorings, Crick

01788 822517 www.themooringscrick.co.uk

During October Tuesday to Friday inclusive

3 course lunch

2 course dinner

£10.00 per person

Homemade chicken liver pate with hot toast

Haddock fishcake with a crisp salad

Homemade soup of the day


Braised beef in a rich red wine gravy with mash potatoes

Homemade fish pie

Fresh pasta with a tomato & mozzarella sauce


Homemade ginger sponge & custard

Selection of Gallones ice creams

(This is a sample menu, the menu changes weekly)





Local author Marion Grace Woolley spent her formative years at Guilsborough High School. She regularly returns to the village for a pint or three at The Ward Arms.

Marion‘s debut novel,

Angorichina , was published through

Green Sunset Books in

April. It tells the story of a tuberculosis hospice in 1930s South

Australia, inspired by her travels. She also spent two years in

Rwanda, helping to produce the country‘s first Sign Language dictionary, which was published in 2009.

Two further novels:

Georg[i]e and Lucid are due out shortly. You can find out more via her blog and website: www.authormgw.co.uk

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Flat pack assembly/ Shed assembly

Garden and garage clearance



News from

Guilsborough Primary


During the last half term before the summer break the children were involved in a project to improve and develop our school grounds. The children looked at all areas of our school grounds and commented on what was good/bad and needed changing or further development. The children then made presentations to our Garden design consultant.

We were fortunate to gain a grant from Councillor Catherine

Boardman for the Uplands

Division to start our project.

Consequently over the Summer

Break seating and planters have been constructed in the playground to the front of the building and a large piece of wooden play equipment erected at the rear of the school. We also received a grant from

‗ Northamptonshire Improving Your

Patch’ , for the most exciting project yet to start.

The school is holding two working parties on Saturday

24 th September and Saturday

8 th October . If you can spare an hour or so of your time to help with cutting back, planting and tidying up we would love to have your help.

Inside the building Reception class cloakroom and toilets have been re-furbished helping to improve the environment for the children.

We will be celebrating Harvest

Festival in school on 13 th October and the first monthly communion service takes place on Friday 30 th

September at 9.00 a.m. in school.






INTERESTED ON: 01604 740307




APPEAL will be with us. On Sunday 13 th November the traditional parade, for the march to Guilsborough church will form up in the Ward Arms car park at 2.30pm

. As usual the

Northamptonshire ACF band will lead the parade to the church for the service at 3pm.

Anyone who would wish to join or follow the Branch eg.

Fire Brigade and Girl Guides will be most welcome and the front pews will be reserved.

Last year the Poppy Appeal raised a record of £35 million and with increasing calls on the Legion funds the hope will be to exceed this. In addition to nearly nine and a half million people eligible for help from the Legion there are the increasing needs of our armed services in

Afghanistan. Here the Legion makes significant contributions to projects and initiatives to other service related charities.






7.30PM TILL 9.30PM

As our suntans start to fade, our children settle into a new term at school and the long sunny afternoons begin to get shorter what could be better than a spot of retail therapy?

For a great opportunity to start your Christmas shopping and more importantly support our local primary school, don’t miss the Guilsborough CEVA

Primary School Christmas Craft Fair.

There will be all kinds of stalls from jewellery, scarves and bags to pictures, cards and pottery, not to mention some yummy cakes and other homemade goodies so please make a note in your calendar to come along and support our local primary school, every penny counts!

Stallholders fee £10 + raffle prize donation.

Not many spaces left please contact Christine Murphy 07764 565576 or

Liz Petrie 740307 for a booking form.

A tribute to Nancy Harris

Condolences to the family and friends of Nancy Harris who died last Sunday aged 97.

Nancy or ‗Annie‘ as she was sometimes known lived in

Guilsborough all her life except during the war when she was nursing. She was a member of the WI and always took an interest in village life.

She had lived in West Haddon

Road since she was a child and of course had seen many changes. She will be sadly missed.


A rather expensive woollen jumper was left at

Guilsborough Village Hall recently. No one has claimed ownership, but it looks like a 'special' jumper that someone would miss.

If you know who it belongs to please contact Stuart

Watts on 07779 227271



A new phenomenon has been witnessed in has become known as ‗Men of Hollowell‘!

Hollowell this year. As spring has turned to Men of Hollowell is an informal gathering of summer, an increasing number of the village‘s men folk to meet each other,

Hollowell‘s men have been seen leaving their homes, women and children and heading off into the night together. They have been meeting in larger and welcome new-comers and walk together to the Ward Arms, Guilsborough for a drink.

It happens every 2 – 3 months and follows no set timetable. A date is agreed by wordlarger numbers on street corners. They have been taking long evening walks together along the winding country lanes.

They have been spotted enjoying the pleasure of an evening at the pub with their friends and neighbours. They have been seen blearyeyed the following morning looking after their children with a mixture of smile and grimace on their faces! The phenomenon of-mouth and this is followed by a flyer on the village notice board and through the door of regular attendees to inform of the impending outing. A process of neighbourto-neighbour and friend-to-friend invites then widens the net. The events have grown from fewer than 10 men in February to in excess of 25 men at our last evening on the 26 th August. Every man of Hollowell is welcome and if you haven‘t joined us before but would like to in future, please call Nick Mount (01604 743889) to be put on the flyer list for the next gathering.

However, as winter approaches and the evenings set in, the thought of having to brave the long walk along Teeton Road to

Guilsborough has prompted sad laments from the Men of Hollowell about the lack of our own village pub. So, the Men of

Hollowell are responding by opening one -

‗The Steam and Whistle‘ – for one night only at the Village Hall on the

2 nd December 2011 and everyone is welcome (not just men!). We will be serving traditional Ploughman‘s platters, a selection of Nobby‘s beer, wines and soft drinks, and entertaining ourselves with traditional pub games. A flyer will appear through every letter box in the village nearer the time. So please look out for it and we hope you will join the Men of

Hollowell at The Steam and Whistle for the evening.

This is the year for the popular biennial

―Hollowellian Reunion‖

Sunday afternoon October 9



All residents and past residents of Hollowell, alumni of the

Hollowell School and their friends and families are invited to gather for a

Grand Hollowell Reunion Tea Party

Parking and Refreshments available at the Village Hall.

Harvest Evensong and auction of produce in the church at 5.30 pm.

Contributions very welcome


Money Raised for

Marie Curie Cancer


Diana Wells would like to thank all those kind people living in Church Hill,

Hollowell who contributed so generously to the envelope collection last month. They raised £108.71










Christmas Fayre

3rd December, 2011

Thornby Village Hall

More details to follow

“ Your Beautiful Body

Inside and Out”

Talk by Linda Clarke

20th October 2011, 7.30pm

Thornby Village Hall

Contact Ann 743860 or Sue 740630

(NB. There are no products sold at this event)





Will Drafting Service

Thinking About YOUR Future

There is one important job you’ve been meaning to do for years . . . Make a Will!

Wills Direct have been established in Northampton since early 1993 offering a professional, expert Will Writing Service to people throughout Northamptonshire and the surrounding area. With Wills written for over 12,000 clients, Wills Direct can help you to write your

Will simply and quickly with our FREE home visit service.

Call Free on:

0800 121 46 75

or email: info@willsdirectnorthampton.co.uk


1 Judges Court, Creaton, Northampton NN6 8NS


Letter from

Rev’d Mark Battison for the Uplands Group of



By the time you are reading this Tracey and I will have moved in to our new home, or be in the process of moving, to the Vicarage in Church Mount, Guilsborough.

My wife and I have had a wonderful 2+ years living in

Spratton and being a part of the ministry team serving our 8 communities.

But with my appointment as full time Rector of the 8 churches we are moving to Guilsborough to meet the terms of our Parish Constitution but also to allow the group to recruit a new ‗House for Duty‘ Priest to be based in the vicarage at Spratton.

We are very excited by this opportunity to recruit a new member to our team and are actively looking for a person who has a heart for, and hopefully some experience of, children and young people‘s work.

We will shortly advertise in the Church Times for a male or female to join our team who can help us to kindle and regenerate interest from our young people from across all 8 communities.

We have many lovely, community focussed, dedicated young people who add so much to our lives - but most find that the church has little to offer them outside of the traditional Christmas and Easter services.

And yet I promise you, with the right support church can be FUN and EXCITING and will contribute substantially to helping our young people to grow up as balanced, caring, loving individuals.

So please pray for us as we move to a new home, pray for the work of recruiting a new Priest and most of all pray for all of our young people as they work with many others in their families and schools to build a life for themselves – a life which will be fulfilling and challenging and full of love and support.

God bless you all. Mark

The Uplands Group of Parishes consists of Guilsborough, Hollowell, Thornby, Cold Ashby, Ravensthorpe, Cottesbrooke, Creaton and Spratton Churches

School Services

Guilsborough Primary School holds regular services which it would like to invite everybody from all of our communities to attend and share in our worship.

You also get the chance to stay behind and have a cup of coffee and chat with the teachers, pupils and priest – and its FREE!

The dates for our next services are:

Thursday 13 th October 9.30 a.m. Harvest

Festival at the school.

Friday 25 th November 9 a.m. at the school.

Friday 16 th December 9.45 a.m.

Christingle at Guilsborough Church.

Please come along and share in our wonderful school community.

Shoe Box & Blanket Appeal 2011

We will be taking part in the shoe box appeal again this year.

If you would like to donate a box here is what to do:

1. Find a shoe box and decide who to fill it for child, teenager, man or woman.

2. Wrap the box and lid separately in Christmas paper.

3. Pack the box with suitable items. No food only sweets.

4. Attach check list to outside of box.

5. Secure with rubber band after including your donation £2.50 will usually cover the transport cost.

6. Deliver box to Janet or Sue by Friday 28 th October.

If you need help or advice on putting the box together contact one of us on the number below.

The boxes get delivered to Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria,

Ukraine, Albania and India.


Could anyone help sewing knitted squares together for blankets or knit squares and blankets?

These are sent out with the shoe boxes.

Either phone the numbers below or pop in to

The Ward Arms on a Monday evening between 8-10pm and meet with

Guilsborough Knitwits.


Janet Minney 740640 or Sue Needham 740916



“Life through the Lens” -

Tabitha Read

I have just returned from running the participatory photography project for Basti Ram, a small charity which runs educational programmes in Rajasthan, India. Some Village Link readers generously donated cameras which the boys used to ‗click‘ their photographs. Over the course of a fortnight 21 boys, who live in an orphanage on the outskirts of Udaipur, were taught basic camera skills by seven photographers from the UK. At the end of the programme we celebrated their achievements by holding an exhibition of their work. We covered a lot in a short space of time and everyone involved enjoyed the experience enormously.

For boys who had never picked up a camera before, they produced some wonderful images, a few of which are shown here.

As some of the volunteers were photography students from

Northampton University we are planning on holding a UK exhibition in the town. To read a blog of the project which was updated daily go to www.bastiram-photography.blogspot.com


Photos taken by Amrit, Lalit, Ramesh, and

Dilip, boys from the orphanage in Udaipur

Do you feel up to the challenge of conquering the highest mountains in Great Britain?

OVER THE WEEKEND OF 22 nd …24 th JUNE 2012

The challenge of climbing the three highest mountains in England (Scafell Pike), Scotland (Ben

Nevis) and Wales (Mount Snowdon).

All within a time

limit of “36 hours”

Undertaken by a group of Northampton adventurers. The aim of this challenge is to raise money for Great Ormond Street

Children’s Hospital, The “Friends of Cynthia Spencer Hospice

”Tools for Self Reliance, or C A N Northampton.

. The challenge is open to everybody aged 7 to 97

For further details of the event, and Pre-registration please ring or email mickfinch@aol.com

Mick Finch

(01604 631679 or mobile 07885 298611)

Have you heard of Clint Kennels?

A reader is seeking information on Misses A.

Barbara Errington & M.F.E. McClintock who are listed as residing in Guilsborough around

1921-23. They founded a successful kennel of

West Highland White Terriers, however, little information relating to the early years has been recorded.

From the 1911 census

Adelaide Barbara Errington, age 15, (b 1896

Chelsea) was living in London. The enquirer is interested to learn when and why she moved to Northampton and what motivated her to embark on dog breeding?.

If you have any information including the actual location of the kennels, or further suggestions that might help solve the mystery please email editorial@villagelink.org


Local news from Cold Ashby, Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell, Teeton & Thornby w w w . v i l l a g e l i n k . o r g . u k

Stamps for charity

Funds need to be raised to support this important charity to provide services such as talking books for blind and partially sighted people.

Please save your used stamps

and contact either

Teresa Woodman on 01604

740787 or Christine Taylor

01604743289 who are willing to collect locally or to whom stamps may be sent



 Archive Attic—page 7

 Brixworth Osteopathic—page 9

 Chestnut Developments—Property

Maintenance/Construction—page 9

 Clayton & Co Financial Adviser—page 12

 Cold Ashby Golf Club—page 7

 Creaton Post Office—page 6

 Highgate House—page 5

 Lakeview Garage—page 16

 Lakin Accounting—page 8

 Mark Burdett Plumber– page 8

 Merrick School of Driving —page 8

 Property Doctors—page 13

 The Moorings Restaurant—page 12

 Wills direct—page 16

Information for advertisers

Advertisements are welcome from local businesses, charities, clubs and societies.

Commercial businesses pay advertising rates: Full page £120, half page £60, quarter page £30, eighth page £15.

Private advertisements are also welcome.

Back page ‘lineage‘ adverts cost £1.50 per line. When paying for your advertising, make cheques payable to: Village Link.


ISSUE: 1st November 2011

Please contact Angela Hubbard on 01604

740379 for rates and availability or email: advertising@villagelink.org.uk


For Sale ...

Brand new blue stripey Garden Gazebo—3x3 metres. £40 ono. Electric grilling machine—as new £30. Tel: 01604 454317

Christmas Picture Competition

Are you feeling creative?

Or here‘s a suggestion to occupy active minds on a rainy

Autumn Day……

Create a festive picture to appear on the colour pages of the

November / December copy of Village Link and either send it to anyone on the editorial team or scan and send to: editorial@villagelink.org.uk by 1st November.

Festive prizes will be awarded to different age groups, so remember to include your name, age and contact details with every entry.


Saxon Spires Practice Drop-in Flu Clinics

8.30 am to 11.45 am

Saturdays 8th & 22nd October—

Guilsborough Surgery

Saturdays 15th & 29th October—

Pytchley Court Health Centre Brixworth

Patients eligible for flu vaccine are those aged

65+, and all patients with respiratory disease, heart disease or history, diabetes, kidney disease, stroke, TIA, MS, and those with a weak immune system.

Please contact Guilsborough Surgery for more information.


is a bi-monthly publication delivered free of charge to households in Cold Ashby, Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell, Teeton and

Thornby. It is produced and distributed by volunteers. Due to restrictions of time and space there is no guarantee that copy submitted will be used. All funds received from advertising go towards printing costs.

Editorial team contact information:

Andrea King. Hilltop Cottage, Well Lane, Guilsborough

Tel 01604 740670 Fax 01604 740677

Angela Hubbard. The Old Sun, High Street, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 740379

Glanville Hart. Hyview, Well Lane, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 740292

Tony Hart [Web Editor]. 1 Pells Close, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 740535

Sarah Dalzell. Five Springs, Nortoft, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 743023

Katie Fulcher. Thistledene, The Green, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 743154

Alex Lowry. 2 The Poplars, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 740575

Wherever possible please email your contributions to: editorial@villagelink.org.uk. This saves considerable time re-typing information! When providing hard copy materials, please post to: Glanville Hart at the above address.


The publishers cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. They cannot be held accountable for the accuracy of advertisements appearing in this newsletter, nor for editorial information sent to them or published by them.
