LDISD 1st grade Science Scope & Sequence Incorporate the process skills - TEKS 1.1 – 1.4 [measuring, graphing, investigation, critical thinking, models & their limitations, impact of research on scientific thought, and scientists] throughout EVERY unit. UNIT 5: THE SKY (OLD: SEASONS AND WEATHER) Topics: 3 Total Time: Topic 1: THE SKY NEW TEKS 1.8BC observe and record changes in the appearance of objects in the sky such as clouds, the Moon, and stars, including the Sun; identify characteristics of the seasons of the year and day and night; Objective: TEKS: Vocabulary: Engage: NEW TEKS 1.8BC; OLD TEKS 1.7D, Sun, stars, moon, clouds, shadows SHADOWS Lesson Explore: Explain: Elaborate: Evaluate: Resources: Suggested Reading: Guess Whose Shadow? By Stephen R. Swinburne Materials: Revised on 2/15/2016 at 5:50:01 PM LDISD 1st grade Science Scope & Sequence Incorporate the process skills - TEKS 1.1 – 1.4 [measuring, graphing, investigation, critical thinking, models & their limitations, impact of research on scientific thought, and scientists] throughout EVERY unit. Topic 2: WEATHER NEW TEKS 1.8ABD; Objective: TEKS: record weather information, including relative temperature, such as hot or cold, clear or cloudy, calm or windy, and rainy or icy; observe and record changes in the appearance of objects in the sky such as clouds, the Moon, and stars, including the Sun; demonstrate that air is all around us and observe that wind is moving air NEW TEKS 1.8ABD; OLD TEKS 1.7D, Vocabulary: Weather, temperature, hot, cold, clear, cloudy, calm, wind, windy, rainy, icy, clouds, sun, Engage: “CAN WE MAKE A MODEL OF…?” INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING Explore: CLOUDS Lesson AIR TEMPERATURE Lesson WIND DIRECTION Lesson Explain: Elaborate: Evaluate: Resources: Suggested Reading: The Cloud Book By Tomie de Paola Check the Weather By Nancy Roser and/or Weather Words and What They Mean By Gail Gibbons Feel The Wind By Arthur Dorros Materials: Revised on 2/15/2016 at 5:50:01 PM LDISD 1st grade Science Scope & Sequence Incorporate the process skills - TEKS 1.1 – 1.4 [measuring, graphing, investigation, critical thinking, models & their limitations, impact of research on scientific thought, and scientists] throughout EVERY unit. Topic 3: PATTERNS: SEASONS and DAY & NIGHT NEW TEKS 1.8C Objective: TEKS: Vocabulary: identify characteristics of the seasons of the year and day and night; NEW TEKS 1.8C; OLD TEKS 1.7D Seasons, summer, autumn, winter, spring, day, night, light, dark Engage: Explore: SEASONS Lesson Explain: Elaborate: Evaluate: Resources: Suggested Reading: Seasons By Lucy Floyd Materials: Revised on 2/15/2016 at 5:50:01 PM