Chapter 5 and 6 Notes Electromagnetic Radiation and Light Models


Chapter 5 and 6 Notes

Electromagnetic Radiation and Light

Models of the Atom

There were many different models over time

— Dalton-billiard ball model (1803)

— Thompson – plum-pudding model (1897)

— Rutherford – __________ model of the atom (1911)

— Bohr – uses quantized ________ of the atom (1913)

— Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom (1

Each new model contributed to the model we use today.

Even our current Quantum Mechanical model, does not give us an exact model of how _____________behave.

The Bohr Model of the Atom

Bohr used the simplest element, _____________, for his model

He proposed an electron is found in specific circular paths, or orbits around the nucleus

Each electron orbit was thought to have a fixed _____________level

Lowest level-ground state

Any Higher level-_____________state

The Bohr Model of the Atom cont.

One electron is capable of many _____________excited states (whenever an electron jumps to higher level)

Quantum: specific amount of ______________ an electron can ________ or lose when moving energy levels

You can excite an electron with energy like electricity, ________________, or magnets

Problems with the Bohr Model

OOPS!-Model only works with _______________.

Model did not account for the _________________ behavior of atoms

WRONG: _________________ do not move around the nucleus in circular orbits


How do Neon Signs Work? They have __________________gases in them.


Step 1: an electron ______________ energy and moves to a __________________ energy level

Step 2: electron drops back down to a ________ energy level

 During drop it gives off _______________ called a “photon”

Sometimes this energy is ______________ light (ROYGBIV)

When a photon is emitted, energy is released. We can calculate the energy released using the equation:


Application: Atomic Emission Spectrum

Used to determine which elements are present in a sample

Used to determine which elements are present in a star (because stars are gases)

Each element has a _________________ spectrum

Only certain _________________ are emitted because the energy released relates to a specific frequency


A spectroscope is needed to see the atomic emission spectra, which acts similar to a prism, separating different

_________________ of light


Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all energies emitted from photons acting like _____________.

Electromagnetic Spectrum with Visible Light Spectrum


Behaves like a ______________.

Behaves like a ______________.

Characteristics of a Wave


(lambda) – shortest ____________________ between equivalent points on a continuous wave

[Unit = meters]

Frequency  (nu) – the ____________________ of waves that pass a given point per second

[Unit = 1/second = s -1 = Hertz (Hz)]

Crest – _____________________ point of a wave

Trough – ____________________point of a wave

Amplitude (a)– height from its origin to its crest (highest point) or trough (lowest point) [Unit = meters]

Wavelength and Frequency

 Wavelength (  ) and frequency (  ) are related

 As wavelength goes up, frequency goes down

As wavelength goes down, frequency goes up

This relationship is


Wavelength and Frequency cont.

 c = 

Speed of light (c) = 3 x 10 8 m/s

Question Time

Calculate the wavelength (

) of yellow light if its frequency (

) is 5.10 x 10 14 Hz.

What is the frequency of radiation with a wavelength (

) of 5.00 x 10 -8 m? What region of the electromagnetic spectrum is this radiation?

How Much Energy Does a Wave Have?

Energy of a wave can be calculated

Use the formula E= h


E= Energy

= frequency

 h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10 -34

Joule is a unit for energy (J)

Joule .


Energy and frequency are directly proportional, as frequency increases, energy _________________

Question Time

Remember that the energy of a photon is E =h


How much energy does a wave have with a frequency (

) of 2.0 x 10 8 Hz? ( h = 6.626 x 10 -34 J .



Visible Light, Frequency, and Energy

Red _________________ wavelength (

), smallest frequency (


 Red frequency smallest (  ), least amount of energy (E)

 Violet smallest wavelength (  ), largest _________________ (  )

Violet frequency largest (

), greatest amount of energy (E)

Flame Test

The flame test is a way to determine the _________________ present in a sample

When placed in a flame, each element gives off a ________________ color

Operates the same as neon signs; electrons are excited by _________ and fall back down and give off different colors

Current Model of the Atom

Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom

• Quantum Mechanical Model is the current description of electrons in atoms.

– It does not describe the electron’s ______________________ around the nucleus

• Quantum Mechanical Model is based on several ideas including:

– Schrodinger wave equation (1926) treats electrons as _______________.

– Heisenberg uncertainty principle (1927) states that it is impossible to know both the ____________________ and

______________________________of a particle at the same time.

Where do electrons “live”?

Principal Energy Levels


Principal energy levels n =1 to _______. (Row # on the periodic table)

• The electron’s principal energy level is based on its location around the nucleus.

• Electrons closer to the nucleus are at a __________________energy level and have lower energy than those farther away from the nucleus

Atomic Orbital

• An __________ ____________is a region of space in which there is a _________ ___________ of finding an electron

– Orbitals ____ _____ necessarily spherical

Energy Sublevels (also called orbitals) and Orbitals

1. Energy sublevels

– assigned letters ______, _______, ________, or f (smart people do fine)

– Energy sublevels correspond to a _______________ where the electron is likely to be found.

2. Orbitals – describes the electron’s ________________________

(maximum of ______ electrons per orbital)

– s sublevel has 1 orbital (2 electrons total) - spherical

– p sublevel has 3 orbitals (6 electrons total) – dumb-bell shaped

– d sublevel has 5 orbitals (10 electrons total )-double dumb-bells

– f sublevel has 7 orbitals (14 electrons total)

Electron Configurations

Energy Levels, Sublevels, and Orbitals


Principal energy levels – n, assigned values _______________ (Like floors in a hotel)


Energy sublevels- s, p, d, f (Type of suite in a hotel) (Orbitals are like the number of rooms in a suite)


s sublevel – 1 orbital


p sublevel – 3 orbitals


d sublevel – 5 orbitals


f sublevel – 7 orbitals


Orbitals – ___________ electrons per orbital (Two people per room)

Electron Configurations

• Electron configuration – the ______________________ of electrons in an atom.

• Example Sodium (Na) – 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1

• Three rules determine electron configurations

– the Aufbau Principle,

– the Pauli Exclusion Principle

– Hund’s rule

The Aufbau Principle

• Each electron occupies the ______________________ energy orbital available


• Like filling the hotel from the bottom up

Pauli Exclusion Principle

• A maximum of ______________electrons may occupy a single orbital

• Like only two people sharing one hotel room

Hund’s Rule

• If two or more orbitals of _________ energy are available, electrons will occupy them ______________ with the same spin, before filling them in pairs with opposite spins

• A spin is denoted with an up  or down  arrow to fill orbitals

• This is like trying to find your own room in the same suite before having to share a room with someone else

Writing Electron Configurations

• Aufbau diagram for sodium (Na) which has 11 electrons

• Na electron configuration1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1

Exceptions to Electron Configurations

• Copper and chromium are exceptions to the ___________________ principle.



Should be

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 4 4s 2

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 9 4s 2

Actually is

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 5 4s 1

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 1 Chromium

• Some configurations violate the Aufbau Principle because half-filled sublevels are not as stable as filled sublevels, but they are more stable than other configurations

Valence electrons

Valence electrons are electrons in the ______________________ orbitals.

• For A group elements the ________________________ number corresponds to number of valence electrons.

Electron-dot structures – Element’s symbol surrounded by ___________representing the valence electrons

Noble Gas Configuration

What are Noble Gases?

• Noble gases are found in group _____________

• The elements are called noble because they are non-reactive and very __________________.

• The do not tend to form compounds

Complete Electron Configuration

• What is the electron configuration for Ne?

• Ne: ________________________

• What is the electron configuration for Mg?

• Mg: _________________________

• What do both electron configurations have in common?

• 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 = [Ne]

Noble Gas Configuration (Abbreviated Configuration)

• Using neon’s configuration and then adding magnesium’s extra electrons we can get the noble gas configuration.

• Ne: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 = [Ne]

• Mg: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2

• Noble gas configuration Mg: __________________________

• Only use noble gases in the brackets.

Which Noble Gas is Used?

• To figure out which noble gas to use find the noble gas that is closest to the element without going over in atomic number

• Which noble gas is closest without going over?

• Rb : ____


• Cl : ____

• Ra : ____

What About the Other Electrons?

• To know what to write for the other electrons that are not included in the noble gas, understanding the periodic table is important.

• The periodic table is organized by blocks according to the energy ____________________

• Blocks of the Periodic Table

• There are s, p, f, and d blocks of the periodic table which correspond to the energy sublevels. s Block Elements

• Write the closest noble gas without going over in brackets.

• Use the row number to get the energy level.

• Count the number of electrons until you get to the element in the s block.

• Mg _______________________________

Question Time

• Try other s-block elements. Write the noble gas configuration of the following elements

• Cs _______________________________

• Ca _______________________________

• Ba _______________________________ p block elements (Between 5-18)

• Write the closest noble gas without going over in brackets.

• Use the row number to get the energy level.

• Write s 2 after the row number because you have to go through the s-block to get to the p-block.

• Write the row number again

• The write “p” and then count the number of p electrons you must get through to get to your element as a superscript

• Si: ________________________________

Question Time

• Try other p-block elements. Write the noble gas configuration of the following elements

• N : ________________________________

• S : ________________________________

• Cl : ________________________________ d block elements (Between 21-48)

• Write the closest noble gas without going over in brackets.

• Use the row number to get the energy level.

• Write s 2 after the row number because you have to go through the s-block to get to the d-block.

• Write one less than the row number (d-block elements are always one less than the row number)**d for down one row number

• Then write “d” and count the number of d electrons you must get through to get to your element as a superscript

• Co: ____________________________

Question Time

• Try other d-block elements. Write the noble gas configuration of the following elements

• Ti : ________________________________

• Zn : ________________________________

• Mn : ________________________________ p block elements (Between 31-53)

• Write the closest noble gas without going over in brackets.

• Use the row number to get the energy level.

• Write s 2 after the row number because you have to go through the s-block to get to the p-block.


• Write one less than the row number (d-block elements are always one less than the row number)**d for down one row number

• Then write “d” and count the number of d electrons you must get through to get to your element as a superscript

• Write the row number again and “p” and count over the number of p electrons until you get to your element

• Br: ______________________________

Question Time

• Try other p-block elements. Write the noble gas configuration of the following elements

• Sn : ________________________________

• Se: ________________________________

The Modern Periodic Table

Early Periodic Table – Atomic Number

• In 1913 Henry Mosley discovered that each element contained a unique number of protons in the nuclei

• Arranged elements in order of atomic ___________________________.

• Resulted in a clear periodic pattern of properties.

Periodic Law

• There is a periodic repetition of chemical and physical _______________________ of elements when arranged in increasing atomic number (increasing number of protons) is called the periodic ___________

Modern Periodic Table

• Organized in columns called _________________ or families

• Rows are called ________________________

• Group A – representative elements (1A-____________)

• Group B - ___________________ elements (1B-8B)

Classification of Elements

• Three classifications for elements metals, nonmetals, and metalloids (semimetals)


• Properties of Metals

– shiny, smooth, clean solids (except mercury)

– __________________conductors of heat and electricity

– High ______________________

– High melting and boiling points

– ______________________ – bended or pounded into sheets

– Ductile – drawn into _________________

Groups of Metals

• ______________________ metals – group 1A except H

• Alkaline earth metals – group ____________

– Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals are chemically reactive

• Transition metals – group __________ elements

• Inner transition metals

– Lanthanide

– Actinide

Organizing by Electron Configuration

• Group number for group A elements represents the number of ___________________ electrons

Atoms in the same group have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of valence electrons

Alkali Metals

• Electron configurations for alkali metals

• Lithium ________________

• Sodium 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1


[Ne]3s 1

• Potassium 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 1

• Rubidium 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s


2 3d 10 4p 6 5s 1 [Kr]5s 1



• What do the four configurations have in common?

• They have a _____________________ electron in their outermost energy level

• They all have one valence electron, thus similar chemical properties

Alkaline Earth Metals

• Electron configuration for alkaline earth metals

• Beryllium [He]2s 2

• Magnesium [Ne]3s 2

• Calcium

• Strontium






• All alkaline earth metals have _____________ valence electrons, thus similar chemical properties.


• Gases or brittle, dull looking solids

• ______________________ conductors of heat and electricity

• Usually have lower densities, melting point, and boiling point than metals.

• Groups of nonmetals

– Halogens ____________

– Noble gases ____________

Noble Gases

• Noble gases – Group _______________

• Called inert gases because they rarely take part in a reaction

– He – 1s 2

– Ne – 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6

– Ar – 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6

– Kr – 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6

• Because noble gases have completely filled s and p sublevels, they do not react with other elements

Metalloids (Semimetals)

• Physical and chemical properties similar to both metals and nonmetals

• They are metallic-looking _________________ solids

• Relatively good electrical conductivity.

• Used in glasses, alloys, and semiconductors

• The six elements commonly recognized as metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium.

Polonium and astatine are sometimes classified as metalloids

Do the Trends w/s first!

Periodic Trends

Atomic Radius

Defined as ___________ of the distance between two bonding atom’s nuclei

Atomic Radius Across a Period

• Atomic radius generally ___________________________ in size as you move left to right across the period

– ___________________ positive charge in the nucleus pulls the electrons of the same energy level in.

Atomic Radius Down a Group

• Atomic radius _______________________________ as you move down a group

– Orbital size increases as you move down a group with increasing energy level

– Larger orbitals means that outer electrons are _______________________ from the nucleus. This increased distance offsets the greater pull of the increased nuclear charge.

– As additional orbitals between the nucleus and the outer electrons are occupied, the inner electrons shield the outer electrons from the pull of the nucleus this is called



Cation and Anion

• An ion is a positively or negatively charged atom that gains or loses an ___________________________.

• A cation loses electrons and produces a _________________________ charge

• An anion gains electrons and produces a _________________________ charge

Ionic Radius - Cations

• Groups 1A, 2A, 3A, and other metals _____________________ electrons and form cations.

• When atoms lose electrons they become __________________________

– The electron lost will be a valence electron leaving a completely empty outer orbital

– Protons in nucleus can pull fewer electrons tighter

Ionic Radius - Anions

• Group 5A, 6A, and 7A tend to ________________________ electrons and form anions

• When atoms gain electrons and form negatively charged ions, they become ________________________.

• Protons in nucleus have more electrons to pull and cannot pull in as tight

Do Ionization and Electronegativity w/s First!

Ionization Energy

• The energy required to _________________________ an electron from a gaseous atom

• Indication of how strongly an atom’s nucleus holds onto its __________________________electron

• Groups 1A, 2A, and 3A tend to have low ionization energies because they want to lose electrons.

Ionization Energy Trends – Across a Period

• Ionization energy generally ________________________as you move left to right

– Across a period electrons are added to the same energy level (same distance away from the nucleus), yet the nuclear charge is increasing across a period increasing the attraction to the electrons.

Ionization Energy Trends – Down a Group

• Ionization energy __________________________ as you move down a group

– Down a group electrons are added to a higher energy level (farther distance away from the nucleus), making it easier to remove an electron

Octet Rule

• Sodium atom 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s

• Sodium ion 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6


(Sodium atom lost 1 electron)

• Neon 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6

• Sodium ion has the same electron configuration as neon

Octet rule states that atoms gain, lose, or share electrons to acquire a full set of ___________________ valence

electrons (to be like a noble gas)


• Indicates an element’s ability to _________________________ electrons in a shared chemical bond

• fluorine (F) is the most electronegative element

• Cesium (Cs) and francium (Fr)are the least electronegative

• Noble gases do not tend to have an electronegativity number since they tend not to form __________________

Trends with Electronegativity

• Electronegativity___________________________ as you move left-to-right across a period

• Electronegativity _____________________________ as you move down a group

