Short Term Planning Year 1 Term 2 Let’s Find out and film Resources: Objectives: Bee-Bot Programming Describe what actions I will need to do to make something happen and begin to use the word algorithm. Press the buttons in the correct order to make my robot do what I want Begin to predict what will happen for a short sequence of instructions Use the word debug when I correct mistakes 2Simple Infant Video Toolkit / Purple Mash / JIT in for iPads and laptops 2Count Greenscreen app (Greenscreen by Do Ink) or PC equivalent (ZU3D or Backdrop TV) Venn diagram Textease Pic Collage App Bee-Bot App e-Safety Agree and follow sensible e-Safety rules. Keep my password private. Tell you what personal information is. Handling Data Use technology to collect information Talk about the different ways in which information can be shown Add information to a pictograph and talk to you about what I have found out. Sort different kinds of information and present it to others. Multimedia Be creative with different technology tools Use technology to create and present my ideas. Save information in a special place and retrieve it again Passwords e-Safety 1 I can agree and follow sensible eSafety rules. I can keep my password private. Recap on safety class rules from term 1. Children are given their individual log on and passwords, for school network or online learning resource such as Purple Mash, on typed laminated cards for them to keep as reference. They are shown how to copy these into the log on screen. Discuss the importance of keeping passwords safe and secure. Explain how the computer hard drive holds the child’s information in a folder of their own or talk about a personal space online to save work. Children practise typing logins. (Those using iPads can be introduced to simple four digit pincode) Ensure they understand not to use spaces and how to use lower and upper case letters when they type. They need to check there are no spelling errors. They need to practise a few times. Ensure they login regularly so they learn their passwords. Gold: Can I login confidently and understand the importance of password security? Silver: Can I login independently and understand password security? Bronze: Can I login with support and understand password security? Watch Smartie the Penguin on and stop during the film to discuss the e safety issues that arise- linked to password security on page 14 when the older brother has used the laptop. Programming 2 I can describe what Say the algorithm, program the Bee-Bot – see support sheet Remind the children of how the floor robot works from term 1 - using Bee-Bot, Roamer or Elaine Cosser Catcott School Gold: Can I program the Bee-Bot and other screen programmes to move where I want? Short Term Planning actions I will need to do to make something happen and begin to use the word algorithm. I can press the buttons in the correct order to make my robot do what I want Year 1 Term 2 Let’s Find out and film Constructabot. Draw buildings on paper or use Fresco (art activity prior to lesson) or use photos and put in to the Bee-Bot mat to make a village/town map mat. Paper size depends on robot used – Bee-Bot needs 15cmx15cm squares. Silver: Can I program the Bee-Bot to move using more than 1 instruction? Bronze: Can I input simple instructions to move the Bee-Bot? Children choose a destination and talk about what the Bee-Bot will need to do to arrive there – this is the algorithm. Program the Bee-Bot to go to a chosen destination in the town by implementing the algorithm. Test to see if it works by executing the program (press Go) and debug (correct) if necessary. Discuss. Another group could navigate their Bee-Bot round the racing track from Term 1. iPad – Bee-Bot app / Kodable Moving the ladybird in 2Go (iPad users can use the flower background in JIT Programming 3 I can begin to use software to create movements and patterns on a screen. Remind the children of the program 2 Simple 2Go (Infant video toolkit) used briefly in term 1. Show them how the arrow buttons work. Set the arrows to turning mode with up, down, and turning arrow (use control, shift, O). Children can try the blank screen to explore how they move the robot and what shapes and patterns they can make with the pen down. What shapes can they make? Can they make a square? Gold: Can I tell you the program needed to move the ladybird between particular flowers? Show the children the flower screen game in 2Go (Infant video toolkit). Relate to their work using the Bee-Bot. Ask the children to navigate the ladybird around to the flowers using the keypad. Silver: Can I program the ladybird to move to a particular flower? Use pen down so they can track their movements. Discuss difficulties in turning, crashing etc. Remind the children of the word algorithm that was used in term 1 – this is what we will need to do to solve a problem. What will you need to do to move from the purple flower to the red flower? Record a solution offered by the children. This is our algorithm – play back recording. We are going to write a program so that we can execute this. Bronze: Can I move the ladybird around the flowers? Bee-Bot cards to create a program Programming 4 I can use the word debug when I correct mistakes when I program a floor robot. Bee-Bot card game: Use action cards to make a program for Bee-Bot to go around the town. Talk about the algorithm (what the Bee-Bot will need to do). Set out the cards which will be the program (the buttons we will press on Bee-Bot). Gold: Can I debug a program accurately at the prediction stage? Using the Bee-Bot mats created, give children Bee-Bot cards with a program for them to test if the instructions work. Get them to predict first then test and then debug. Silver: Can I debug a program accurately after testing? Explain you have had difficulties and need the children’s help. Discuss what was supposed to happen, what actually happened and what needs to be changed/ debugged. Children ask their partners to predict a destination using their own card sequence. They predict and test, debugging where necessary and discussing. Take turns with the cards. Elaine Cosser Catcott School Bronze: Can I attempt to debug a program after testing? Short Term Planning Year 1 Term 2 Let’s Find out and film 2Go Town (or Ask the children to visit the 2Simple 2Go town screen. Programming 5 I can describe what actions I will need to do to make something happen and begin to use the word algorithm. Allow exploration time for the children to use the keypad to move the car around the town. Relate to a previous real life walk around the local area looking at buildings for the topic. Explain the 2Go screen is similar to the Bee-Bot floor village they have used but it is now simulated on screen. What will you need to do / what is the algorithm for the car to visit hospital / church / other buildings? Use pens and whiteboards or pencil and paper for children to record the program they will need to use to achieve the algorithm. Model this first using arrows and number. Using pen down. Ask the children to execute the program for the car to visit hospital / church / other buildings. Gold: Can I describe the algorithm to move the car to a specific building? Silver: Can I tell you the onscreen icons I will need to click to move the car to a specific building? Bronze: Can I move the car to a specific building? Look at how accurately children reach the destinations. Discuss difficulties as a class, especially confusing the turn of the car with moving forward by using a number of moves. If unsuccessful, start route again and debug (correct) sequence. Using the word algorithm Programming 6 I can begin to predict what will happen for a short sequence of instructions. . Have an image of the town with the car parked outside the blue house facing left. Show/describe an algorithm for the car to move from the blue house to the church (Go forward until it reaches the junction, turn left, go forward to the next junction, turn left, go forward until the you reach the steeple). Where will the car go? Can the children record the program they will need to use? (paper and pencil / pen and whiteboard). Allow the children to use their program. Does the car arrive where you wanted it to go? Repeat for a different journey. Ask the children whether they use sequences of instructions for other reasons? (School routines, sequencing stories, solving maths problems) Start to use the word algorithm in these contexts. Elaine Cosser Catcott School Gold: Can I predict where an algorithm will send the car and write my own program? Silver: Can I write a program to move the car to a specific building? Bronze: Can I move the car to a specific building? Short Term Planning Year 1 Term 2 Let’s Find out and film Debugging a program Show the children a set of instructions (draw arrows and number) that will take the car from the blue house to a place on the 2Go village map (or JIT e.g. hospital). Programming 7 I can use the word debug when I correct mistakes when I program a floor robot. Children predict in pairs and write their prediction on paper/whiteboard. They then input the instructions and test their prediction. Show the children a set of instructions, containing an error to move the car, from the blue house to the hospital. Model inputting the program. ‘Oh no, my car has gone wrong’. Ask the children to help you sort out what has happened. Some children may need to put in the instructions themselves to be able to work out where the error is happening. We have debugged the program. Provide another set of instructions with an error. Ask the children to debug your program. Those that achieve this can receive a sticker. Gold: Can I recognise the error in a program? Silver: Can I recognise that something is wrong with a program? Bronze: Can I recognise where the car arrives at the wrong place? Extension: They choose their own town destinations and write instructions containing a ‘bug’ for their partners. Can their partner debug the program? Introduce Greenscreen Note for teachers: the next two sessions will be featuring Greenscreen film-making – if using PC or laptop, download software before the session. The free download will allow you to greenscreen live, but a watermark will appear over the recorded version if you choose to save it.ZU3D software also allows greenscreening. If using an iPad, download Greenscreen by Do Ink app. More information on greenscreening can be found here As part of the topic, explain that the class will produce a film in groups using greenscreening, a technique used in the movies to allow the characters to be in far off destinations but actually be in the classroom! Click here to Show an example of a green screening film. Show the equipment needed and demonstrate with the children how the technology works with pre-saved images. Allow time for the children to see themselves on a ‘greenscreen’. Plan with the children the type of film they could produce. For example for houses and homes or Barnaby Bear around the world, photos of different houses/ places could be each scene. A group of children could be in charge of each scene explaining something about the place they are standing at. For a history topic, an old photo could be used to set the scene of the past e.g. a Victorian kitchen. The children can plan on paper as a group what they will wear and what they will say. They can practise their speaking and listening with expression and at the correct speed and volume to be filmed. Discuss safety of getting permission before filming, saving the video safely and talking kindly when working together. . Multimedia 8 I can be creative with different technology tools such as planning to use technology to make a film Elaine Cosser Catcott School Gold: Can I tell you what I need to do to create a green screen film? Silver: Can I tell you my ideas for create a green screen film? Bronze: Can I tell you my ideas to create a short story? Short Term Planning 9 Multimedia I can use technology to create and present my ideas by recording my voice or using video. I can save my film in a special place and retrieve it again. Year 1 Term 2 Let’s Find out and film Filming Time will need to be planned for the children act out their scenes and film. Several takes may take place to ensure perfection. Scripts (small whiteboard notes) may be needed held above the iPad or web cam for the children to read their script aloud. Several practises will be needed to speak together and come in at the correct point, using the count down. This is good speaking and listening experience. Show the children how to save their film and play it back. Gold: Can I organise the technology suitably and use it to produce a film which I save? Silver: Can I organise the technology suitably with assistance and use it to produce a film which I save? Bronze: Can I use the technology to produce a simple film which I save with help from my friends? Evaluating and showing others Multimedia 10 I can save information in a special place and retrieve it again to show my film to others. Text, titles, credits and other overall effects can be added by the teacher using software e.g. Movie Maker or an app e.g. iMovie or, with the whole class input. The film is watched by all the children and they evaluate, make suggestions and discuss what they like and what they would like to change. Children could invite parents to be the audience to come to a cinema viewing of the finished film. Children could make posters/ invitations/ tickets (on Textease/ 2 publish), sell popcorn etc. Use as a class enterprise opportunity. Gold: Can I independently find my film and open it to show to others? Silver: Can I find my film and open it with some support to play for others? Bronze: Can I play the film for others? The film can be published on SchoolsTube or YouTube (depending on the agreement of Governors and parents). This can then be shown through the school website. Investigating materials Handling data I can add information 11 to a pictograph and talk to you about what I have found out. I can talk about the different ways in which information can be shown. Children have been learning about materials in houses and homes. Talk to the children about a question they could ask e.g. What is the most common material today and in Victorian times? The children can use 2Count pictograph on materials (Infant video toolkit / Purple Mash) to show the materials found in a selection of household objects. They could do a pictograph for today’s objects and some children could do a pictograph from a selection of Victorian objects or pictures. These can be viewed by the whole class and discussed. What has changed? What materials were used most in Victorian times? (metal, wood, china) . What materials are used most nowadays (plastic). You could discuss natural/manmade materials, advantages/disadvantages. Children can be given the 2 graphs copied and pasted onto Textease to annotate briefly using a word bank and the line tool. (Pic Collage can be used on iPads – children take a photograph of the graph to annotate.) They can mark on the most popular materials now and in the past as shown by the charts. Another activity/ extension could be to give children Venn diagrams in Textease or Smart Notebook (2 circles) and they pull out clip arts of house hold objects to put in the Venn diagram according to the materials they are made of e.g. plastic, wood, metal. Elaine Cosser Catcott School Gold: Can I create a pictograph and Venn diagram from information provided and understand what it represents? Silver: Can I create a pictograph from information provided and understand what it represents? Bronze: Can I create a pictograph with support and understand what it represents? Short Term Planning Year 1 Term 2 Let’s Find out and film Sorting information Handling Data I can use technology to collect information 12 I can sort different kinds of information and present it to others. Children can use a digital camera or iPad to photograph household items around school eg in the kitchen - fridge, bowl, baking trays etc. Or take digital photos of homes around the village (bungalow, flats, cottages, houses). Teacher can save these into Textease clipart. Children can then sort the photos into groups (in circles) on Textease according to material. Label groups. Discuss what they find out from the information. Do the same for Victorian artefacts- take photos and make a Venn diagram in Textease. Discuss ways of presenting information - pictograph and Venn diagram. Pic Collage App can be used for this sorting activity. Elaine Cosser Catcott School Gold: Can I create a Venn diagram from information collected digitally and understand what it represents? Silver: Can I sort pictures into groups and be able to discuss them? Bronze: Can I sort pictures into groups?