Time Machine Name Independent Project Based Learning Date Due Dates: __ – __________ th Martin- 8 grade English INSTRUCTIONS 1) You may only select this project if events took place more than 40 years ago or are more than 20 years in the future. 2) Choose one of the major characters from a book or a major project involving the future or past, and pretend you have traveled through time to visit for five dates. 3) Keep an audio or film journal to keep track of your reactions to the world in which you have arrived. Include new experiences, people you meet, and how they feel about these things, and any other reflections you think you might have regarding the time in “their world.” 4) Report your travel dates and places visited. Tell how you think this could help us now. 5) It is important in this project include reactions that are true to the time being presented including clothes and other items. You may have to dress the part as well as look for items that represent the time period. 6) Make sure to include the title of project, or character and author as well as your own name on your project. 7) Print out this form and include it with your project. RUBRIC For Instructor Use Only Requirements Points Possible Journal has at least five entries and is at least 3 pages or 750 words. 20 Student portrays chosen character or project based on the characteristics, time, and personalities of the time. 20 Audio and Film journal reflects information accurately. 20 It is clear from the journal project that student has knowledge and understanding of the time period. 10 Journal is creative and neatly presented. 10 There are few to none grammar or spelling mistakes. 10 It is evident the project was thoughtfully and carefully completed. 10 Total Points 100 Awarded