VA REPORTING AND GRADE POLICY I check your file at least four times per term: At registration, to make sure your classes are in your program. At the 10th day of class, to make sure you actually started your classes. At midterm, to make sure you are attending and participating. At final grades, to make sure you have met your requirements. At each of the points above, your progress is reported to the VA via a software program called VA Once. I have the software set up so that any time I change your record, the software generates an automatic report to you via your email. It will come from VA Once. It is not spam. Please read it, and let me know if it doesn't seem correct. It is much easier to correct mistakes before you are paid incorrectly. I do not need you to report to me at any of the above times, although you are welcome to check in any time you wish. The times that I do want to hear from you are when something unusual is coming up. Quarterly grades are checked after the final grades are reported. The grades that are reported by the instructor will be the grades that are reported to the VA. In no instance will I become involved in a grading dispute between a student and an instructor. If the grade is changed at a later date, then the new grade will be reported to the VA. Failing grades may be non-punitive or punitive. If the grade is 0.0, there is reason to believe that the student did not participate in the class or attend the class at all, and it is incumbent upon the student to prove that he/she actively participated or attended the class. Proof will be in written documentation from the instructor that the student did in fact actively participate and/or attend class. The drop date that the instructor reports will also be a determining factor as to the student’s participation/attendance. It has been the policy at Pierce College that if the date reported is before the add/drop date of the quarter, or is within 10 days of the end of the quarter, the grade will be a punitive grade and no action will be taken with the VA. If the date is outside of the listed parameters, the grade is non-punitive and the student will be decertified for that class. If the student disagrees, then the student needs to provide written documentation from the instructor before he/she can be recertified for the class. Failing grades above 0.0 are punitive and not reported to the VA unless there is a drop date issue, in which case the above paragraph will apply. A non-punitive grade is simply a grade that is not factored into a GPA. Examples are I, Z, W, P, F, and NC. If you are going to receive any of these grades, please speak to the VSO as quickly as possible to find out your options before you make a decision. If you see any of the above coming at you, please let me know as soon as possible, ideally before you have to take action. There are ways to handle these situations that can minimize, or mitigate, the impact on your income and/or your GPA. The earlier in the term you can let me know, the more options you will have. Please let me know as soon as you can if you need help with any of the above situations.