
The Neolithic Period and Megalithic Tombs
Class test; Thursday 9th October 2008
Students name:______________________
1) What is another name for the Neolithic period?
2) Draw a timeline to show when the Neolithic period began in Ireland:
3) How were these people different to the Mesolithic people?
Put a circle around the correct answer:
 They used the iron tools and weapons.
 They brought new ideas of farming to Ireland and used better stone tools.
 They were just like the Mesolithic people and hunted for their food.
4) What is the name of the stone used by the Neolithic people? (hint: it was better than
5) Where was this stone mined?
6) What did archaeologists find that told them there was a major shift in the way
people lived around 4000BC?
7) Where is there evidence of Neolithic farmers in Ireland?
8) What is the name of the process used to make the Neolithic houses?
Circle the correct answer:
 Muck and water
 Weave and wattle
 Wattle and daub
9) Where in Ireland was evidence of Neolithic houses found?
10) Write 3 points about the clothes the Neolithic people wore:
11) What is a quern stone? What was it used for? Draw it.
12) What does the word Megalithic mean?
13) Name three megalithic tombs:
14) What type of tomb is Newgrange, Co. Meath? Why is it called this?
15) How did archaeologists date artefacts found in the chamber at Newgrange?
16) When do these artefacts date to?
Circle the correct answer:
 Between 3500BC – 4000BC
 Between 2953BC – 4567BC
 Between 2675BC – 2485BC
17) Where on the building of Newgrange is the roof box? Draw a small picture of it.
18) What happens on the 21st of December?
19) We do not know why exactly Newgrange was built. Name three things
archaeologists think Newgrange is used for:
20) What does Newgrange tell us about the Neolithic people? Name four things.