
Chapter 2 – Ancient Ireland
Q. 1. Name the three stages of the Stone Age. Also include the approxiamate
periods of each.
1st Stage: ____________________________________________________ Beginning: ____________
2nd Stage: ___________________________________________________ Beginning: ____________
3rd Stage: ____________________________________________________ Beginning: ____________
Q. 2. Where was the oldest sign of settlement found on the island of
Ireland? From what time period (years) did it date?
Q. 3. Were the Mesolithic people nomads/hunter-gatherers or farmers?
Q. 4. What is a microlith?
Q. 5. Describe the houses that Mesolithic people lived in.
Q. 6. Describe the houses that Neolithic people lived in.
Q. 7. Name & describe two tools used by Neolithic famers
1: __________________________________________________________________________________________
2: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Q. 8. What is a megalith?
Q. 9. Name three types of burial tombs from the Neolithic Stone Age.
Describe each one.
Name: _____________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________
Q. 10. When did the Bronze Age begin in Ireland?
Q. 11. Describe how Bronze was made.
Q. 12. Why was bronze more useful than stone or wood?
Q. 13. What is a Fulachta Fiadh? Describe how it was used to cook food.
Q. 14. Name three types of Bronze Age tombs.
1) ______________________________ 2) _________________________ 3) __________________________