PreCalculus Honors Course: MA1129 (UW MATH 120) Mr. Dyer / 2012-2013 Email: STUDENT’S NAME ___________________________________ SUPPLIES TO BE BROUGHT TO CLASS EVERYDAY: A. Textbook – Digital or Hardcopy downloaded/printed from the following location B. Two sharpened pencils and a good eraser. Any other math tools may be helpful C. Any scientific Calculator – graphing calculators are not allowed on tests D. Regular notebook paper. E. Assigned work. GRADING AND EVALUATION: Kennedy Catholic High School 30% - Midterm Exams 25% - Year End Final Exam (UW exam: 3 hours) 20% - Quizzes 15% - Homework 5% - Worksheets 5% - Notebook University of Washington 30% - Midterm Exams 40% - Year End Final Exam 10% - Quizzes 15% - Homework 5% - Worksheets Grades: PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME OF THE KENNEDY CATHOLIC HS GRADE PERCENTAGES ARE DIFFFERENT FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. Your Kennedy grade will be listed on your high school transcript and the grade calculated for any high school functions, ex. National Honor Society. If you sign up to take the UW Credits, the University of Washington grade will be sent as your grade for the UW credits ONLY. It is likely that your UW Credit grade will be lower than your Kennedy grade, especially since the Final Exam is worth 40% (vs. 25%). JFK NetCatholic will be updated on a biweekly basis. Your class grade is accumulated throughout the year. Both the Kennedy grading scale and the UW grading scale are located on the back of these sheets. University of Washington grades are based on the 4.0 system. Exams: Three midterm exams will be given. Students, who are absent, may have the option of taking the make-up midterm either during class, lunch or after school. The student, who has missed a midterm exam, should make it a priority to makeup the exam as soon as possible. THE YEAR END FINAL EXAM WILL BE GIVEN ON ONE DAY ONLY (NO MAKE-UP WILL BE ALLOWED). This year, the final exam is scheduled for Saturday June _____ . (This date is the most likely date – a change may occur depending on the UW schedule) Quizzes: Given periodically, about every 3 or 4 weeks. A student, who is absent for a quiz, is expected to make up the quiz as soon as possible, unless you have made another arrangement with Mr. Dyer. Homework & Worksheets: Every problem from the textbook will be assigned. See the attached syllabus for a schedule of assignments and when they are due. There will be time in class to work collaboratively with fellow students and myself. This class and the assignments focus on the process of solving problems. The assignments will be graded based on your ability to demonstrate (in a written form) your mastery of the problem solving process. No late assignments are accepted after the midterm covering those assignments. Notebook (Kennedy grade ONLY): Twice during the year, notebooks will be collected and graded based on the following criteria: Organization – Place all warmups, assignments, and notes together in the order in which they occur. Completeness – Nothing is missing, including PAGES ONE & TWO. Preparedness: Your notebook check grade will be reduced if you are late to class, forget your calculator, or if you do not bring your notebook binder to class. Cheating: Cheating or directly copying from another person's work will result in a grade of zero. Parental contact will follow any further violations. EXTRA HELP: Extra help will be made available for anyone who asks for it.