Cerro Coso -Study Strategies Syllabus PDEV C025-Fall 2010 Instructor: Bonita Robison Contact Information: brobison@cerrocoso.edu, 760-384-6380 Office Times: M/W 9-12, 1-6 room 734 or LAC, also available Tuesday evening-open lab 5:30-9:30 Text: Essential Study Skills, Sixth edition, Linda Wong Class times: 1:30-2:40 Tuesday/ Thursday EW 208 CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: his course is designed for students who have the potential to benefit from college courses but lack specific skills and learning strategies to succeed in those classes. The course focuses on developing planning strategies and using accommodations for long-term projects based on the students’ learning styles and/or functional limitations. CERRO COSO STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: A. analyze and employ basic time management systems for meeting short and long term goals. B. adapt and construct study tools appropriate to their learning style and/or disability to improve memory for test items. C. identify, describe and apply basic test taking strategies. D. select, evaluate, organize and synthesize information in order to complete a basic research paper. Classroom Policies 1. All cell phones should be turned to silent and placed in the upper right corner of the desk. Any student who needs to use the cell phone should exit the classroom and speak outside the class. Other use of phones is not acceptable during class time; appropriate action will be taken and you may be asked to permanently leave the class. Students who have cell phones ring in class may be asked to sing the National Anthem. 2. This class is for adults. All students deserve respect; therefore coming late to class, leaving early and talking when listening is expected distracts from other student’s ability to hear and learn. Such behavior is strongly discouraged. If you are not able to respect other student’s rights, then drop the class NOW. You lose ½ daily points for the first tardy and ¾ for the second. After that you receive no class points for a day you are tardy. 3. Opportunities for class discussion and group comparisons occur frequently. Each student is created with specific strengths and have something they can contribute to discussions. 4. During lecture times any student may tape the lecture for their own use. 5. Students will be asked to be sure they have a Cerro Coso computer account. 6. Students need to become familiar with computerized word processing, as soon as possible. Neat work is expected. Using a computer is the best way to do this. 7. All students should check their Cerro Coso email frequently, especially in the morning before coming to class, as further tips and important class information may be provided. 8. Students who know they have specific difficulties or are first time or returning students are encouraged to sign up for free tutoring in the LAC. We have a class mentor this semester. 9. For students who take courses that begin at 1:30 it means planning to leave club meetings so you will not be tardy; it means the students must prepare ahead of time for reliable transportation and deal with interferences to regular attendance. Prepare for the unexpected and consider transportation, child care and time it takes to get ready daily. Treat your class as a job where you must be there on time or lose pay. Homework/ Grading Policies 1. All homework is due the next class session unless otherwise stated. Assignments more than one day late will receive ½ credit. Messy, ripped out pages will not be graded. 2. There will be a wide variety of assignment formats including self-assessments, concept papers, reflections on your own behavior and what you learned, practice tests and case studies. A variety of activities allow each student the opportunity to learn strategies and try them out. 3. Assignments may be taped if the student has great difficulty with writing. 4. If a student prefers, they may chose to submit named assignments by email with ESS preceeding the assignment name and student name. ie. Subject line: ESS case study 4.1- Joe Noe 5. 60% of the grade is based upon in-class participation in discussions, group work plus out of class homework, a short research paper/. A final notebook with personal insight may be used for the final exam 40% of the grade is based on two take-home exams- a mid-term and a final. My philosophy is that tests for this class are learning exercise; therefore, the test is open book, open notes and open discussion. Compare our Cerro Coso goals and outcomes to the textbook’s goals for similarities. Text Course Description-This course is designed for students who would benefit from strengthening their study skills and learning effective strategies to increase performance and success in college. Students will learn how to use their learning styles to tailor their approach to learning, process information more efficiently, manage time effectively, set goals, increase concentration, increase motivation, reduce stress and procrastination, read college textbooks more effectively, take notes from textbooks and lectures, improve listening skills, use a variety of notetaking systems, prepare for tests, and perform well on different kinds of tests. Textbook Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate the use of effective strategies that utilize his or her preferred learning styles; 2. Explain the Information Processing Model and the Working Memory Model and explain the implications of the models for learning new information; 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the Twelve Principles of Memory and apply the Principles of Memory to his or her study strategies; 4. Develop and use self-management strategies that include time management, goal setting, concentration, motivation, stress management, and procrastination management; 5. Create appropriate mnemonics for selected information; 6. Organize information and create a five-day study plan to prepare for tests; 7. Reduce or eliminate test anxiety before and during a test; 8. Demonstrate a variety of textbook reading and comprehension strategies that involve active reading, levels of reading, vocabulary skills, paragraph skills, organizational patterns, and working with graphic materials; 9. Annotate textbooks by using highlighting, notes within paragraphs, and marginal notes; 10. Generate textbook and lecture notes using a variety of formats, including Cornell notes, visual mappings, hierarchies, comparison charts, two- and three-column notes, index card notes, and outlining; 11. Apply test preparation and test-taking techniques recommended for objective, recall, math, and essay tests; 12. Use the strategies presented throughout the course to tailor his or her approach to learning academic material and course content DETAILED TOPICAL OUTLINE: This is not the sequence we cover material. A. Time Management 1. Time management and schedules 2. Organizational systems 3. Goal setting for short and long term projects 4. Self- management B. Rehearsing & Retrieving Information Using Your Learning Style 1. Creating visual study tools 2. Creating auditory study tools 3. Creating multi-sensory tools 4. Creating mnemonics 5. Creating study tools for difficult vocabulary C. Testing Skills and Memory 1.Taking tests with less stress 2.Study strategies for objective/recognition tests 3.Strategies for recall tests 4.Strategies for essay exams 5.Educated guessing and pulling out learned information D. Long Term Projects 1. Resources beyond the textbook- Reading 2. Formulating questions and gathering information-Reading 3. Narrowing the topic 4. Taking notes and staying organized- Visual Notes 5. Long range planning METHODS OF PRESENTATION: Course instructional methods may include but are not limited to A. lecture B. discussion C. demonstration D. practice E. reading research samples F. class related videos ASSIGNMENTS AND METHODS OF EVALUATION: Assessment of student performance may include but is not limited to A. graded homework B. exams- midterm and final C. research paper D. participation in class activities Study Strategies-Cerro Coso College Fall 2010 ScheduleDisability Accommodation The college will make reasonable accommodations and/or academic adjustments to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in the college’s courses. Students with disabilities, who are requesting academic accommodations, auxiliary aides or services, should contact Special Services at 760 384-6250. This course will cover time management, creating study tools, test and memory skills and tackling long term projects. Other areas such as reading skills, comprehension, and taking notes from text material will be emphasized. Read the text fully and do assignments completely for the greatest benefit from the course. A notebook for work and handouts is required. A take-home midterm and final(open book, notes and discussion)account for 40 % of the grade. All exams are take home, open book, notes and discussion. The general sequence of lessons follows; however, the instructor reserves the right to change the order. Topic Date_________ Introduction, Syllabus, Getting off to the Right Start, 9/7 Using computers, materials and resources Assignment Sequence Skills Assessments Ch 4, 5, 1,2,3,6 * Time Monitor - 9//16 Chapter 4- Time Management and Goal Setting 9/9-9/12 Chapter 5- Self management 9/14-9/16 Skills Assessments Ch 12, 13, 7, 8,9 - 9/14 *Term schedule - 9/16 *Weekly schedule - 9/21 Chapter 1 - Learning Styles and Study Tools 9/21 *5 Report Quest. - 9/28 Chapter -2 Information Processing and Memory 9/23-9/28 Chapter -3 Increase Concentration, Decrease Stress 9/30-10/5 * Outline ideas 10/7 Chapter-6 Memory and Test Strategies 10/7-10/12 *Midterm due 10/19 Chapter 13- Recall Tests- Math and Essays Midterm review and research 10/14-10/19 Chapter -12 Objective Test Strategies 10/21 *Source/info cards10/26 Chapter7 - Reading, APA format 10/26-10/28 *Mind maps 11/4 Chapter 8- Active Reading Forming Text notes 11/2-11/4 No Class- Veteran’s Day 11/11 Chapter 11- Visual notes *Topic outline or mind map 11/9 * Detailed Outline 11/16 Chapter 9- Text Notes Annotating 4- Research 11/9-11/16 Staying on task, Narrow the Topic Organization APA No Class- Thanksgiving 11/18-23 *Rough Draft 11/23 11/25&26 *Rewriting & Resources Added 11/30 Review/Questions on any thing 11/30 Final Review Class ends, Final due ________________ 12/2 12/7_______ Final paper - 12/2 _NO final =F for the course Study Strategies-Cerro Coso College Fall 2010 ScheduleInstructor: Bonita Robison Contact 760-384-6380 brobison@cerrocoso.edu Contact Times M/W 9-12, 1-6 room 734 or LAC, also available Tuesday evening-open lab 5:30-9:30 Text- Essential Study Strategies 6th edition- Linda Wong Materials: Notebook, paper, pens, highlighter Welcome to study Strategies. Open to any student, Study will cover time management, creating study tools, test and memory skills and tackling long term projects. Other areas of specific student needs such as reading skills, comprehension, and taking notes from text material will be emphasized. Read the text fully and do assignments completely for the greatest benefit from the course and for the best grade. A notebook for work and handouts is required. A take-home midterm and final with open book, notes and discussion is given for 50 % of the grade. Important dates Census Date: Sep 21, 2010 30% Date: Sep 30, 2010 60% Date: Oct 28, 2010 Disability Accommodation The college will make reasonable accommodations and/or academic adjustments to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in the college’s courses. Students with disabilities, who are requesting academic accommodations, auxiliary aides or services, should contact Special Services at 760 3846250. Grading Policy 40 %homework/class participation- no messy , incomplete work accepted. 10% research paper 50% midterm & final- All tests are take home, open notes, book and discussion Expectations Be in class on time with your work. This includes students involved in any club. Turn off your cell phone/place it on silent and put it away All text book assignments are due the next class period in the first 5 minutes of class No late work or messy work accepted Ask questions if you do not understand something Respect others by talking when appropriate and encouraging their learning efforts. No absences are excused unless it is an off campus sanctioned campus activity. Do not schedule meetings or appointments during class times. Come to class with the expectation of learning and be willing to share any difficulties. Bonita Robison Detailed Assignment List Study Strategies-Fall 2010 Pay close attention to the assignments, reading sequences and due dates. Read to find strategies that will work for you. In each chapter do the check point and self-check questions and self- check reflections. These types of questions will be on the midterm and final. There will be a final reflection for the course. These assignments count as participation and prepare you for exams while learning strategies. These following listed assignments are to be handed in the next class period unless otherwise noted. the case studies- Case studies will be on your exams to show knowledge application. chapter review-Also included on exams other exercises as assigned below Date 9/7 Topic Introduction, Syllabus, Getting off to the Right Start Using Materials, Resources and Computers Assignments 1.Skill Assessments- Chapters. 4,5,1,2,3&6 Answers in Appendix A 2.Set up a Notebook/ Skim Textbook Chapter 4-Schedules and Balance Begin term and weekly schedules * Time monitor due 9/16 1..Read pp. 90-107 2.Do Ex 4.1 Chapter 4 -Goals and Goal Setting **.Skill Assessments- Chapters12,13,7,8,9 due 9/14 **term schedule due 9/16 ** weekly schedule due 9/21 1.Read pp.108-121 2.Ex 4.9 3. Review Questions 4.Skill Assessments- Chapters12,13,7,8,9 9/14 Chapter 5-Motivation and Procrastination **term schedule due 9/16 ** weekly schedule due 9/21 1.Read pp.132-138 &145-153 2. Ex 5.2 3. Ex 5.4 4.term schedule due 9/16 9/16 Chapter 5-Stress and Concentration 9/21 Chapter 1 - Learning Styles 9/9 9/12 ** weekly schedule due 9/21 1. pp.139-144 & 125-131 2. Choose one strategy to illustrate or demonstrate to the class. 3. weekly schedule ** 5 report questions due 9/28 1.Read pp. 2-23 2. Do EX 1.2 & 1.4 3. Chapter Review 1-3 on T/F and M/C only 9/23 Chapter 2-Information Processing Model Date 9/28 Topic Chapter 2- Working Memory 9/30 Chapter 3-SAVE CRIB FOTO Memory 10/5 Finish Ch 3 Begin Ch 6 pp180&181 APA format 10/7 Chapter 6- Test Anxiety &Test Performance 10/12 Chapter 6 Memory and Test Strategies 10/14 Chapter 1 3 Essay Exams Midterm review 10/19 Chapter 13-Strategies for Recall and Math tests Hand in midterm, midterm review& begin Research paper 10/21 Chapter 12-Strtaegies for T/F & Multiple Choice 10/26 Chapter 7-Reading and Surveying 10/28 Chapter 7-Vocabulary and paragraphs 11/2 11/4 Chapter 8-Active Reading& Content Reading Chapter 8&11-Organization and ** 5 report questions due 9/28 1.Read pp.35-50 2. Ex 2.3 3. 5 report questions Assignments 1.Read pp.50-61 2. Ex 2.7 3. Chapter Review 4. 5 report questions ** outline research ideas due 10/7 1.Read pp.61-89 2.Ex 3.3 3.Ex 3.4 ** outline research ideas due 10/7 1.Read pp.155-163 &175-178 2.Chapter 3 Review 3.Ex 6.3 4.outline research ideas 1.Read pp.169-174 & 164-167 2. Ex 6.4 ** source cards due 10/26 Chapter 6 Review 1.Read pp.378-388 2. Ex 13.6 3. Ex 13.8 ** source cards due 10/26 1.Midterm handed out due 10/19 1.Read pp.365-378 2.Ex 13.2 & 13.4 ** source cards due 10/26 Read pp.339-351 Read pp.352-363 Source cards ** mind maps due 11/4 Read pp.183-193 ** mind maps due 11/4 Read pp. 200-204 & 194-197 plus 208&209 ** mind maps due 11/4 Read pp. 211-222 & 239-245 plus 332 **Make a mind map or outline due 11/9 Read pp. 223-237 & 248& 249 plus 316-319 11/9 Graphic materials Mind maps and visual organizers, Source note cards Chapter 9 Reading text materials, 11/11 Veteran’s Day No classes Date Topic 11/16 Chapter 9 annotating for research & visual organizers for outlining 11/18 Research paper organization, Research paper narrow or expand topic 11/23 Research paper- APA format& adding resources 11/30 Review & Questions on anything 12/2 Final exam handed out 12/7 Final- turn in exam/ notebook check off You may bring goodies for a well deserved party **Make a mind map or outline due 11/9 ** outline due 11/16 Read pp251-255 Add details to either the mind map or outline Detailed outline due 11/16 Assignments Read pp. 255-261,& begin 274-309 * Rough Draft due 11/23 Finish Reading pp 274-309 * Compile Resources &Write a rough draft due 11/23 *Add resources in correct format and Rewrite 11/30 *Write 5 final exam questions, finish paper & notebook Work on final and summary reflection statement. Due 12/7 1:00 p.m. Have a great semester break!