Biology 369 Plant Physiology Plan B RESOURCES AND POLICIES - SPRING 2013
PHONE: (570) 408-4762
OFFICE HOURS: MWF 10:00-12:00, or by appointment
TEXT: Taiz & Zeiger (2010). Plant Physiology, 5 th Ed. Sinauer Assoc, Sunderland, MA.
GRADING: 2 Midterm exams: 200 points each
Elective assignments: 200 points
Lab reports: 10 points each
Lab project proposal: 10 points
Lab project report: 40 points
Final exam: 250 points
SCALE: 4.0 = 900-1000
3.5 = 850-899
3.0 =
2.5 =
2.0 = 700-749
1.5 = 650-699
1.0 = 600-649
0 = <600
Midterm exams will be a combination of short-answer and essay questions.
Elective assignments may include oral presentations, posters, review papers or research proposals. As a class we will agree upon possible assignments and a point value for each, then each student will write a contract with me stating which assignments they will perform, and their point values.
1) 25 minute talk = 200 points; pro-rated @ 8 points/minute (minimum of 12.5 minutes)
2) 2500 word review or research proposal = 200 points; pro-rated at 12.5 words/point (minimum of
1250 words)
3) Poster + 7’ talk = 100 points
1) Poster session towards end of semester
2) Classes where two students each give 25’ talks.
3) Some combination of talks, posters and papers.
4) Forget it and have a third midterm instead.
The lab project will be a piece of original research. You will first design an experiment and submit a proposal describing it to me. You will then perform the experiment and submit the results written up as a formal report in the format of a manuscript to be submitted for publication.
The final will be comprehensive, but will emphasize topics not covered by previous exams.