Puppet Homecoming Workshop Proposal Sept 7-9, 2012 ~ Workshops will be Sat. Sept. 8 at 9:00:10:30 and 10:45-12:15 Workshops may be offered on Sunday Sept 9 Send proposal via e-mail to: Boston Area Guild of Puppetry committee, jaohare@gmail.com and jmlechner@aol.com Deadline: May 1, 2012 Please send a well thought out and planned workshop for consideration. Workshops may be 60 minutes, 90 minutes or 30 minutes (we will put 2 or 3 short workshops together on a similar topic followed by discussion.) Please indicate how much time you would like and fill out the form below. Workshops will be limited to 25 unless otherwise requested. Clearly state the Goal for your workshop, clearly organize content and plan timing carefully. Please plan to bring handout materials for your workshop. FESTIVAL WORKSHOP APPLICATION Name: Company Name: Street Address: City, State Zip: Phone: Email: Website: Workshop Title: Workshop Description: : Goals for the Participants of this Workshop: Max. Number of Participants: Is there a Materials Fee? What will the Materials Fee Cover and how much? How much time to tear down/clean up? Have you taught this workshop before? If so, where and when? Check as many categories below as apply to your Workshop: Performance Technique Construction Technique Education and therapy Writing Technique Business Strategies Symposium or round table discussion Creative Process/ performance follow up other __________________________ What Level is this workshop geared towards: Beginner/Introductory Intermediate/Advanced What type of teaching style will you use in this workshop (X all that apply) Lecture Demonstration Hands On / Participation Coaching Performance Panel Discussion Other: __________________________ Please check time requested: consider a 20 minute spot (we will group similar topics together for a lively combined session. 90 minutes_______ 60 minutes: ______ 30 minutes ( 2 - 3presenters, followed by discussionthis is a new concept but it could maximize audiences for each workshop) What space requirements will you need: Big Open Space (Dance Studio, Black Box, etc.) Tables Lecture Seating Other: __________________________ What technical requirements will you need: We may ask people to bring their own tech equipment and or share …. VCR/TV Cassette/CD Player or ___________________ LCD Projection Overhead Projection Other: __________________________ In addition to this application, please attach an outline of your workshop that clearly articulates the structure, exercises, and activities of your session (no more than 2 pages). You may also include a resume or outline of professional experience.