Low Road and Windmill Music Federation Maths Planning Information SMSC: IT Focus: Theme: Autumn Considerate Communicates Challenges Chooses Considers Concludes Collaborates Connects Curious Confident Creates Culturally Aware Digital Media Control Data Handling Internet Presenting Text and Graphics Mathletics Nintendo DS iPad App Based Term: A1 Week Beginning: 09.09.13 Group ability levels and Pupil Premium children (P): Connection Oral / Mental Session 1: Mental maths techniques, times table techniques Daily sums x4 Learning Objective and Progress Markers LO: Mental maths test/ times table test PM: Supplementary maths across the curriculum: Formal addition/subtraction Place value up to 10,000 Actions from key skills assessments: Introduction Main Input Teacher: Daily sums on board. Discussion to assess prior knowledge. Brief introduction to place value – pupil discussion encouraged with subject specific language. Discuss confidence with larger numbers up to 100,000. Homework: In each session please indicate: Teacher Assessment: TA Peer Assessment: PA Self Assessment: SA Activation Modified (Less Able) Main (Mid Ability) Times tables test 1. Mental maths test at year four level to assess pupil abilities and knowledge of specific vocab. Marked by pupils. Teacher: Observe pupil’s progress to gauge ability levels. Reflection Extended (More Able) (May not be at the end of session, AfL) Consolidate learning with oral questions. Pupils discuss techniques and ways of improving. TA: Session 2: Place value, large and small numbers Daily sums x4 LO: I can use place value to generate small and large numbers Teacher: Refer back to previous learning on place value up to 100,000 and ask pupils to complete 4x tasks linked to last week on small WB. Introduce large and small numbers. TA: Additional support to lower ability (to be assessed during initial lessons). Aid in maintaining focus of TM and EB. A 4 digit number is written on WB and pupils are asked to arrange the digits to create the largest and smallest number they can using all 4 digits. Repeat up to 7 digits as appropriate. TA: Additional support to lower ability (to be assessed during initial lessons). Aid in maintaining focus of TM and EB. PM: GP – I can create the largest/ smallest no using 5 digits Practical discussion of today’s learning, pupils explain/ present to group using WB Pupils are given several problems to answer in book. Pupils later select 4/5/6 digits from a selection of 10 to create largest/smallest number they can. Teacher: Observe pupil’s progress to gauge ability levels. TA: Additional support to lower ability (to be assessed during initial lessons). Aid in maintaining focus of TM and EB. OP – I can create the largest/ smallest no using 7 digits Session 3: Rounding (1 of 2) and number bonds Daily sums (including subtraction from now on) x4 LO: I understand how to round up or down to 100/1000 Teacher: Recap of yesterday’s learning using WB. With modelled practical example, pupils use mini WB to complete 2 problems to consolidate. General discussion on rounding to gauge confidence levels – When do we use rounding? Why? What are the benefits? WB teach on rounding, beginning with to the nearest ten, and then 100. Ensure pupils understand what happens with 50, 150, 1500 etc. Pupils set problems to complete on small WB throughout. Place value grid on board at all times (referred to regularly). Can you give me a number that is closer to 3000 than 2000? Rounding to nearest 1000 (to 10,000 if confident). Use to consolidate learning and talk about pace of numeracy lessons this week and pupil’s confidence. TA: Additional support to lower ability (to be assessed during initial lessons). Aid in maintaining focus of TM and EB. PM: GP – I can round up or down to 100 Session 4: Rounding (2 of 2) and number bonds Daily sums x4 OP – I can round up or down to 1000 LO: I can round measurements up or down OP – I can round units of measurements up to 3 digits Links to number bonds throughout session. Teacher: Observe pupil’s progress to gauge ability levels. TA: Additional support to lower ability (to be assessed during initial lessons). Aid in maintaining focus of TM and EB. Teacher: General summary/ recap of learning so far (including number bonds and place value chart). Ask pupils what units we use to measure distance, weight, time etc. TA: Additional support to lower ability (to be assessed during initial lessons). Aid in maintaining focus of TM and EB. PM: GP - I can round units of measurements up to 2 digits and get approximate answer Pupils complete set of problems in book. Session focuses on rounding units of measurement and adding/ subtracting rounded numbers mentally (initially). Pupils discuss in pairs, how they would mentally solve the problem on WB. Would they round up/down and add/subtract to get a rough answer? How would they get an exact answer after that? Number bonds? Pupils complete problems in book independently. Teacher: Observe pupil’s progress to gauge ability levels. TA: Additional support to lower ability (to be assessed during initial lessons). Aid in maintaining focus of TM and EB. (Extended reflection) Discussion of progress and what has been learnt (rounding). Ask pupils if they can generate a problem for the group on the WB. and get approximate answer Session 5: LO: Teacher: PM: TA: Teacher: TA: