Council Meeting 5th March 2015 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF THAXTED PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON THURSDAY 5TH MARCH 2015 AT 8PM IN THAXTED GUILDHALL Present: Councillors: T. Frostick (Chairman) W. Brazier C.M. Collins V. Knight D. Morgan V. Pedder D. Piper A. Wattebot R. Williams Also present: District Councillors John Freeman and Martin Foley, 6 members of the public Julie Abel – Clerk 14-15/231. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were accepted from County Councillor Walsh. 14-15/232. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Cllr Pedder declared a NPI in planning application UTT/15/0139/FUL 4 Bellrope Meadow Thaxted as the applicant was known to her. Cllr Brazier declared a PI in planning application UTT/15/0139/FUL 4 Bellrope Meadow Thaxted as he had an interest in a property nearby. 14-15/233. PUBLIC REPRESENTATIONS A member of the public asked why the finance figures were not included on this month’s agenda. The resident was advised that it had not been possible to present these at this meeting. A resident made representations in objection to planning application UTT/15/0139/FUL 4 Bellrope Meadow Thaxted. It was stated that there are parking problems in Bellrope meadow which, apart from causing nuisance to other residents, would potentially create access problems for the emergency services. The resident queried the accuracy of information in the application with regard to the number of workers and associated vehicles which would arise from the application believing that there would be more. Concerns were expressed over the upstairs area being used for residential purposes which had resulted in a change of use application for the garage below. 14-15/234. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR REPORTS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE PARISH OF THAXTED District Cllr John Freeman: £2,000 New Homes Bonus 2014-15. Half of this had been allocated to groups in and around Thaxted. The remainder needed to be allocated by the end of March. Councillors were invited to draw Cllr Freeman’s attention to any organisations requiring financial assistance with minor projects in his ward. An e-mail had been sent to ECC Highways requesting that bollards are installed to protect properties 4 and 6 Town Street. It was intended that a request be made to the Local Highways Panel for funding to pay for a feasibility study on road safety improvements around the Tanyard, Town 151 Council Meeting 5th March 2015 Street/Park Street junction. A scheme had been submitted for validation with regard to alterations to the bus stop outside Wayletts and it was thought that this could all be looked at as one. Cllr Frostick suggested that some of the NHB fund could possibly be used for the purchase of bollards for installation outside nos 4 and 6 Town Street. A query had been raised regarding the possibility of enforcement action to tackle the increasing number of cars parked on the pavement between the Pharmacy and Gifted. It was reported that if the worn yellow lines were reinstated on the highway it would then be an offence to park on the pavement. District Cllr. Martin Foley: £2,000 NHB now allocated to groups in and around Thaxted. UDC will receive £6.5m this year. It is proposed that £1.4m will be put towards a strategic initiative reserve. The cost of producing a new Local Plan will be £1m. There will be a Council Tax rebate of £150,000. 14-15/235. COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORTS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE PARISH OF THAXTED Councillors and the public in attendance were provided with a copy of Cllr Walsh’s report. Cllr. Piper drew the Council’s attention to the ‘Quiet Lanes’ initiative. Each of the 12 LHPs in Essex would be asked to identify two roads which could be considered as Quiet Lanes. RESOLVED that Councillors advise Cllr Piper or the Clerk of any suggestions they have by 13th March and, subject to the level of councillor response, an extraordinary Highways Committee meeting is called before the next Council meeting. 14-15/236. MINUTES RESOLVED to approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Council meeting held on 5th February 2015. 14-15/237. COMMITTEE MINUTES a) Planning Committee RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 12th February 2015. b) Highways Committee RESOLVED to note the unapproved minutes of the Highways Committee meeting of 12th February 2015. 14-15/238. TOURISM WORKING GROUP Cllr Brazier advised that the attendance at the last meeting held on 19th February 2015 was very low with only three members attending. It was suggested that the purpose of the Group had diminished and the interest of its members waned in the absence of Robert Hubbard. RESOLVED that this working group is dissolved. 152 Council Meeting 5th March 2015 Cllr Brazier suggested that further discussions needed to take place about the Town website and that this could be used to promote tourism in Thaxted. The Chairman thanked Cllrs Collins and Brazier for their work over several years with regard to Tourism in Thaxted. Cllr. Brazier left the meeting at 8.25pm for the consideration of the following matter. 14-15/239. PLANNING MATTERS i) APPLICATIONS The Council considered the following application and agreed a response to the Planning Authority as follows: The meeting was suspended briefly at 8.40pm to enable a contribution from a member of the public. i) Application No: UTT/15/0139/FUL 4 Bellrope Meadow Thaxted PROPOSAL: Retrospective application for change of use and conversion of residential garage to commercial beauty salon Applicant: Miss Jessica Edmead Councillors discussed this application at some length. A vote was taken which resulted in six councillors voting in favour of the resolution, one against and one objection. RESOLVED to OBJECT as follows: The application results in the loss of parking for two cars due to the conversion of the double garage; The business units were developed for light industrial use which did not generate visitors. The application is retrospective and councillors have reported comments from residents that it has already created parking issues; The application may potentially restrict access for emergency vehicles due to the additional parked cars resulting; The use of the first floor of the unit for residential purposes restricts the use of this area for business purposes and has resulted in the need for this application. Cllr. Brazier rejoined the meeting at 8.42pm. 14-15/240. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING, 19TH MARCH 2015 Members noted the forthcoming meeting. The Chairman advised that reports were required from Committee Chairmen without delay. These would be circulated to councillors beforehand so that everyone knew the content of the reports. The Clerk reminded councillors that a decision had been taken to cease the preparation of booklets of the individual reports put on the residents’ chairs on the night. 14-15/241. GREEN TRIANGLE, BARDFIELD ROAD Correspondence from the land owner was reviewed which offered the Council the use of the green triangle for £1 per month plus the ongoing maintenance cost. Councillors noted that the installation of a parking area on the allotment site had been started. There had been some delays with this due to a difficulty in finding hardcore. It had 153 Council Meeting 5th March 2015 also been necessary to lay some additional drainage as an underground stream had been found when works started. RESOLVED that the Council has no further need for the land at the green triangle and that the landowner should be advised accordingly. 14-15/242. DEFIBRILLATOR The Clerk reported that the Saracen’s Garage had agreed to accommodate an AED for the Town if required. UDC Planning Department had confirmed that a device could be installed on the exterior wall of the Community Information Centre without the need for any planning consents. Some discussion took place as to the best location for the equipment and whether a semiautomated or fully automated device was preferred. RESOLVED: that the preferred location for the device is on the CIC (but recognizing that this is subject to permission from the landlord); that a semi-automated unit plus cabinet and fixings is purchased at a cost not exceeding £2,000 plus VAT. 14-15/243. DRAFT SCHEDULE OF COUNCIL MEETINGS RESOLVED to adopt the draft schedule of meetings as appended to these minutes. 14-15/244. COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE RESOLVED to adopt the draft terms of reference for the Council’s Committees as appended to these minutes. 14-15/245. INFORMAL MEETING BETWEEN COUNCILLORS HELD ON 21st FEBRUARY 2015 Councillors noted a brief verbal update on matters discussed Cycle Path Risk Assessment on Clarance House Garden: The Clerk advised that this had been undertaken for both visitors to the garden and volunteers. Basic safety training on the use of power tools would be delivered on March 15th. Knight’s Development, Phase 2: Cllr Brazier advised that residents were reporting that the Knights sales office was citing the Parish Council as supporting future development on Sampford Road. It was confirmed that Knights are distributing a plan to prospective purchasers indicating additional development on adjoining land. District Cllr Foley confirmed that UDC had had no contact with Knights regarding further housing development. RESOLVED that: Cllrs Terry Frostick and Victoria Knight meet with William Anthony from Knights Developments to establish its plans; The Clerk writes to William Anthony at Knights Developments to say that it has been brought to the attention of the Council that Knights is citing Thaxted Parish Council as supporting future development on neighbouring land but that this is not the case. 154 Council Meeting 5th March 2015 The Clerk to ask that Knights sales staff refrain from inferring that the Parish Council is involved. Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Frostick advised that this would take in the region of two years to put together, would cost a lot of money and would take a lot of time. £25,000 was suggested as a likely sum. He pointed out that there are companies who can be employed to produce a professional document although it would still be a big time commitment for the clerk and councillors. Members felt that with an election in May, it was the wrong time to be discussing this and committing the Council to a significant project. RESOLVED to put the matter on the June Council agenda for a future discussion. 14-15/246. COMMUNITY HALL WORKING GROUP MEETING RESOLVED to note a report of the meeting held on 5th February 2015. 14-15/247. LIBRARY MOVE The Chairman wished the Council’s thanks to be recorded for the assistance of Mrs Abel, Cllrs Collins, Piper and Pedder and Neil Cross in moving the Council Office temporarily from the CIC to the Guildhall. Uttlesford DC staff had also had a significant input which had been gratefully received. Cllr Collins advised that works were scheduled for a few weeks but that the Council must be out of the Guildhall in time for Easter opening. Councillors discussed the continuation of councillor surgeries during this period. RESOLVED that councillor surgeries are suspended until after Easter. 14-15/248. FOOD BANK Cllr. Morgan provided an update. It was noted that the food bank had been moved out of the police station in East Street, Saffron Walden and that a location was now being sought in Thaxted. It was noted that help was still required in identifying people that need assistance from the service. 14-15/249. CORRESPONDENCE i) Non-functioning/damaged street light: Councillors noted an email from a resident expressing dissatisfaction over several street lights which were not working or were damaged having been reported to Essex County Council on several occasions over a period of time. Councillors shared the resident’s concerns. RESOLVED that the Clerk continues to report these faults to Essex County Council. ii) Best Kept Village Competition: The Council was advised that entries for this were due in soon. Members recalled that it had involved a lot of work both in completing the application and in engaging people in maintaining the Town to a high standard. RESOLVED that the Council does not enter in 2015. iii) Bus service from Thaxted to Stansted Airport: It was reported that this service would be disrupted while Park Street was closed for highways works. A diversion would be in place and a shuttle bus would be operating from Thaxted Youth Club via Molehill Green and Broxted. Cllrs Collins and Wattebot had drafted information sheets. The Clerk advised that the Bus Passenger Liaison team would be in contact with the Council Office and had promised posters the following day. 155 Council Meeting 5th March 2015 14-15/250. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS Remembrance Memorial 14-15/251. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING The next meeting is on Thursday 2nd April 2015 at Thaxted Guildhall at 8pm. The meeting closed at 9.42pm CHAIRMAN Date: 2nd April 2015 156