BARROW UPON SOAR PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on 19th October 2015 at 10.00am at the Parish Council Office, 12 High Street. PRESENT Cllrs Cantle, S Forrest (Chairman), Fryer and S Rodgers IN ATTENDANCE Mrs A Gardam – Deputy Clerk 98. APOLOGIES Apologies were noted as follows: Cllr EJ Rodgers Cllr J Rodgers Absent Cllr Hamley 99. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors to declare interests relevant to agenda items None. 100. TO CONFIRM AND SIGN MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 5TH OCTOBER 2015 RESOLVED: minutes of the meeting are approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman Cllr S Forrest. 101. P/15/0229/2 - To consider responses to letters/e-mail submitted RESOLVED to write to the CCG to request that in light of concern raised in regard to the Health Centre appropriate consideration is given to requests for S106 contribution relating to future developments. 102. P/14/0685/2 MORRIS HOMES, LAND OFF COTES ROAD – APPEAL REF: APP/X2410/W/15/3004925 – to receive a report on the hearing held on 29th September RESOLVED to include item in ‘updates of major planning applications’ for future agenda. 103. REVIEW AND COMMENT TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED, LISTED BELOW A P/15/1951/2 B P/15/1964/2 104. A Mr & Mrs P Bott – 125 Cotes Road – Substitution of Plot 5 of plans P/12/1577/2 to include conservatory and relocate garage position. RESOLVED – not to object. Mr & Mrs Musson – 7 Sileby Road – Erection of a single extension to front of dwelling. RESOLVED – not to object. REVIEW AND COMMENT TO PLANNING DECISIONS/APPEALS RECEIVED TO DATE, LISTED BELOW P/15/1341/2 Mr & Mrs Fletcher – 7 Ribble Drive – erection of 2 storey extension to side of dwelling – Grant Conditionally. Noted 27 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee 19th October 2015 105. TO CONSIDER UPDATE/AMENDMENT TO THE PARISH COUNCIL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT RESOLVED to add the P/14/0685/2 ‘hearing statement’ to the sustainability report. 106. TO RECEIVE A REPORT/UPDATE IN REGARD TO ACCESS ISSUES RELATING TO P/15/1441/2 MR F OSMAN – 71 NORTH STREET – ERECTION OF DETACHED BUNGALOW Letters/emails have been sent to LCC, CBC and Mr Osman in regard to concerns relating to the site and its proximity to footpath and playing field. RESOLVED to seek advice from LRALC in regard to compensation to be sought. 107. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE FOLLOWING MAJOR PLANNING APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE VILLAGE BOUNDARY/AFFECTING THE VILLAGE: A Planning Reference P/10/1518/2 Applicant/land Status Jelson, land at Melton Road Granted conditionally 13/05/13 10/03/15 Barwood Homes, Strancliffe Hall Reserved Matters application Granted conditionally Variation of condition 2 re P/11/2540/2 P/15/0229/2 B P/11/2540/2 P/14/0750/2 P/14/0790/2 P/15/0228/2 Date 19/05/14 04/03/15 It has been brought to the Parish Council’s attention that the first dwelling at Strancliffe Hall is now occupied. RESOLVED to request confirmation that all planning conditions have been met. C D P/13/1023/2 P/14/1953/2 P/14/1992/2 108. David Wilson Homes, Orchard Kennels Granted conditionally Discharge of conditions 19/07/13 01/10/14 The Charnwood Trust, Charnwood Mill Refused Appeal lodged written representations by Appeal Decision Allowed 06/01/15 02/04/15 18/6/2015 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 2ND NOVEMBER 2015 Noted. Cllrs Fryer, EJ Rodgers and S Rodgers tended apologies in advance. The meeting closed at 10:50am SIGNED………………………………………………….. Chairman DATE…………………………………….. 28 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee 19th October 2015 18/8/2015