WSA Meeting Tuesday 30th Sept 2014

WSA Meeting Tuesday 30th Sept 2014 - Minutes
David Hayter (Chair)
Sarah Lockhart
Pilar Sanchez
Tarsem Wyatt
Kate Shipley (Treasurer)
Sarah Woolmer
Janet Green
Chandy Charlton
1. Welcome to the new Reception class reps - Sophia and Sarah
2. Minutes from the last meeting:
Miss Fisk - Sensory Garden.
Kate Shipley's company have offered their time to help create the sensory garden. This isn't
possible until the ground has been flattered. Mrs Wyatt confirmed due to the disruption caused by
the school building project, the garden is on hold for the moment.
Nursery suggested that the school could spend the year raising money for the project whilst on
3. Discos
The next disco is 7th November - Mr Shuffles is booked
Disco dates for next year - 30th Jan & 15th May
Year 3 parents to run the Key Stage 2 disco. All year 3 parents have to stay with their children.
Please be ready to help. Key Stage 2 parents to clear up and call Darren to lock up.
Pilar will organise the key stage 1 disco. and will buy the glow sticks, crisps and drinks.
A query was raised questioning if we need first aid on site at the disco. Any parent wishing to
leave their child unaccompanied must leave a contact number and sign a disclaimer which will
state the disco is a voluntary event, there is no qualified first aider on site and the WSA cannot be
held responsible for the safety and security of any child.
4. Bun Sales - Kate to mock up the bun sale rota and give to class teachers ready for
distributing. Sarah Hayter to remind the office to send a text to relevant parents before each sale.
Each teacher to be given £120 from the sales. WSA would like to know what the teachers spent
their money on last year so we can publish this to parents. Mrs Wyatt to confirm.
5. Christmas Fair - 30th November
A recommendation was made to avoid giving nursery parents a specific job as it is difficult for
them to volunteer.
Each class will be responsible for a different part of the fair. David will speak to Anneliese for a
job list and send email to class reps.
6. Christmas Party - it was agreed not to have a Christmas party this year due to December
being a busy time for many parents.
7. Christmas Shopping Evening - it was agreed not to run this event.
8. Non-uniform day 1 - 17th October wear pink
9. Non-uniform day 2 - 7th November bring a pound towards the Christmas fair sweet tombola
10. Summer fair - Provisional date - 5th July 2015. We would like to book Ronnie the Rhino.
Mrs Wyatt to confirm this date is available in his schedule.
11. Saturday Football requested £250 due to a short fall for the hire of the pitches. WSA agreed
to pay £250 and ask that some of the money could be paid back by requesting an extra
contribution from the parents.
12. Challenge Maths Quiz - Mrs Wyatt to discuss with Miss Ellison.
13. Funding Request
Mrs Chernenko requested funding for the library. Mrs Wyatt to discuss further with Mrs
Chernenko and clarify how much she requires from the WSA. However, the WSA are not in a
position to commit to a 3 year plan due to funds.
It was also suggested that the school could hold a specific event to raise money for the library.
Date of next meeting : 11th November
Current WSA Funds - £3903
There is no class rep for year 4. Sarah Woolmer to discuss with parents she knows in this year