Bridge Street, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3AF Telephone 01842 752840 Fax 01842 750220 Headmaster: M. S. Bedford BA (Wales), PGCE (Oxon), MPhil (Cam), NPQH Head of Preparatory School: Mrs N. Peace BA (Hons) QTS 24th November 2015 0 Dear Parents, Preparatory School Christmas Performance 2015 Our annual Christmas Performance will be taking place on Tuesday 1st December and Wednesday 2nd December in the Williamson Hall and preparations and rehearsals are well under way to produce an exciting and entertaining show. Each pupil has been given their own special part to play in the performance. We do have lots of costumes already; if you are able to assist we require the following items for your child: Name: ………………………………………………………… Item(s)………………………………………………………… Please could items be brought into school by Thursday 26th November. If you have any problem with our requirements, please speak to your child’s class teacher or Mrs Cracknell. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Mrs N. Peace Head of Preparatory School Registered Charity No. 311263