Pre-Algebra Syllabus - Warren County Schools

7th Grade Math Syllabus
What do I need?
 5 Subject Notebook OR
Binder with Divider Tabs
 Loose Leaf Paper
 Pencils and Erasers
 Folder
 Dry Erase Markers
 Glue Sticks
 Wish List: Tissues, Hand
Sanitizer, Disinfecting wipes
 Optional: TI-30X scientific
What are we going to do?
All units of study coincide with the new
common core standards that align well with
college readiness standards. Listed below
are the major units of study for this year.
 Number Systems
 Integers
 Ratios and Proportions
 Expressions and Equations
 Geometry
 Statistics
 Probability
What’s my grade?
A = 90–100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59
Cheating and Plagiarism result in
a grade of 0 for the activity.
How is my grade determined?
Unit Tests
and /or
Cumulative Projects
Homework and quizzes are
considered practice for the
The math department at
SWMS has adopted Standards
Based Grading. Please see the
next p age of this syllabus to
learn more.
Will we have any homework?
Homework is essential for success in
mathematics. The best way to learn to
use mathematical concepts is to practice.
ALL students are expected to complete
ALL homework before the beginning of
the class period in which it is reviewed.
If the student is absent, it is their
responsibility to obtain any missed
materials, notes, and assignments.
Still need help?
Call me at school: 270-467-7510
Teacher Website:
7th Grade Math Syllabus
Standards Based Grading
Grades from all classes at SWMS reflect academic skills and understandings. When you
see a grade, you can feel confident it reflects the academic expectations of the Common
Core standards so our students are better prepared to meet the demands of the rigorous
high school courses they will take when they leave us. As a math department, we have
adopted standards based grading. In a standards based grading system, summative
assessments are the only grades that count.
It is essential that students still do the practice (class activities, learning checks,
homework, etc.) without those academic processes being reflected in the quarterly grade.
Those academic processes provide students an opportunity to practice without the
practice being punitive. In the game of basketball, only the baskets scored during games
count. A player can miss a free throw 100 times during practice without it damaging the
season record. Those shots missed during practice provide opportunities for the coach to
step in and provide feedback to the struggling player. The result is a player who's more
likely to make those free throw shots during the game, when it counts. The same is true in
math. The practice leads to skills and understandings of the standards that students can
confidently demonstrate on summative assessments and projects.
What to Expect when Checking Grades from Home:
You will see individual skills listed (not assignments).
Example: I can solve equations (instead of equations quiz).
You will see a level score, not a percentage score. Level 3 – Mastery- student has mastered this skill
Level 2 – Progressing Towards Mastery – student has partially mastered the skill and
needs to continue working Level 1 – Limited Mastery – student has a limited understanding of this skill
Students will have multiple opportunities with class activities, learning checks, and
homework to gain mastery of the assigned targets (or skills). At the end of each unit, the
student will have a summative assessment to demonstrate mastery of the unit's targets.
If the student does not reach mastery on all targets on the unit exam, he/she will be
provided with additional opportunities to master those particular targets through rewrites
and/or retesting.
7th Grade Math Syllabus
I will only create a percentage grade at progress report and report card time from
these mastery levels.
Let's say a summative exam had 5 learning targets and the student scored a 3,3,2,2,1 on
the targets. I am not concerned at all with the percentage grade, I am looking only at skill
levels. I know this student has mastered the first two targets, but we need to look at
targets 3, 4, and 5 again. What happened with target 5????
I am sure you are like the students, and want to know how this translates into a
percentage. This is how I determine mid-quarter and final grades.
First, SUM all learning targets for the quarter. (3+3+2+1+1 = 10) Then see where it falls on
the scale.
All 3's = 15 pts = 98-100
14 pts = 95
13 pts = 90
12 pts = 85
11 pts = 80
All 2's = 10 pts = 75
9 pts = 70
8 pts = 65
7 pts = 60
6 pts = 55
All 1's = 5 pts = 50
As you can see, Standards Based Grading is very different from traditional methods.
There are no homework or participation grades that often damage or inflate grades. You
can be confident quarterly grades reflect what your child knows and is able to do.