SPECIFICATIONS - City of East Orange

070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
The City of East Orange Board of Water Commissioners (hereafter, know as The City)
intends to enter into an agreement/contract with a vendor to provide one new Reading
CRANEMASTER 6000 Utility Body Model #CM6-132ALS (suitable for mounting on a
New Ford F450 cab chassis, 16000lb. GVW with 84” C.A; dual rear wheel; 6.4L engine)
and a VENTURO Crane Model ET8KX (or equivalent), complete and ready to go to
work. This Utility Body and Crane are to meet all current Federal and State Division of
Motor Vehicle Regulations and codes. This unit is to be a new 2008 or newer product
and delivered with a complete one-year warranty.
The bidder shall indicate their compliance with, or deviation from, any of the minimum
requirements shown in this specification. Any exceptions must be explained in full detail
in an addendum included with your bid response package. If there are no such deviations
or exceptions, please enter “NONE” next to the item in the column provided.
2.1 BODY
a. Dimension –
132” long x 94” wide x 40 ¼” high. Body Cargo floor space shall be
approximately 52” wide. Side compartments shall be 21” deep.
b. Understructure Construction –
Front crossmember shall be full floor width rectangle tube, 3” x 5”
x 7 gauge wall with 4” x ½” flat bar support brace.
Rear crossmember shall be full body width rectangle tube, 3” x 5”
x 7 gauge wall.
Intermediate crossmembers shall be full body width rectangular tube
3” x 5” x 7 gauge wall.
Center section shall be full length 3” x 5” x 7 gauge rectangular tube
and 2 ½” x 3 ½” x 1/8” wall rectangular tube horizontal truss section.
Mounting and hose routing longitudinals shall be 3” x 5” x 7 gauge
rectangular tubing.
c. Floor –
Floor shall be 10 gauge A40-60 coating weight pressed diamond
pattern steel. (Patented) Sides shall be turned up at a 9-0 degree angle
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
the full length of body. Provide as standard (6) 2000 lb. recessed
mounted tie down rings in the floor area. (Rating is work load
capacity). No exceptions.
d. Doors –
Shall be 1 ¼” thick double panel construction from A40-60 2-side
coating weight steel. External panel shall be a minimum of 20 gallons.
All door jams fitted with dual weather protection. (Dual Pro)
Automotive quality bubble type 5/8” seal gasket on the door, and
“V” channels that mesh with door frame baffles to channel water
away from the compartment. No exceptions.
The vertical compartments shall have Nitrogen filled door holders
with internal dampeners and shall hold open doors at 90 degrees.
Horizontal compartments shall use two (2) plated steel chains per door.
e. Lock & Latches –
All locks shall be keyed alike. Locks shall utilized an “O” ring seal
to keep water out of the compartment. Keys shall be double bitted.
Stainless steel “T” twist 3-point latches shall be used. Latches shall
Be riveted in place for easy replacement. Note: Welded latches are
not acceptable.
f. Latchmatic and Compartment Lights –
Provide latchmatic remote locking system on all compartment doors.
Each lock shall have an individual solenoid. Provide two (2) key fobs.
Provide door mounted compartment lights, one per compartment.
Horizontal compartment will have light inside compartment. Lights
will be activated when latchmatic is unlocked and remain lit for
approximately 10 minutes. Lights will go off when latchmatic locks
the doors.
g. Body Construction –
Body sides shall be constructed with 14 gauge A-40-60 2-sided
coating weight steel rub rail and 10 gauge A-40-60 coated weight
steel with pressed diamond pattern compartment top and back.
Side shall fold over floor edge lip and be tack welded to floor pan
using a minimum of 1 ½” welds spaced 8” apart with the sides
overlapping the floor pan. Front bulkhead shall be a 12 gauge
A-40-60 coating weight steel with pressed diamond pattern and
tack weld to floor with 1 ½” welds 8” apart. All other components
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
shall be 12 and 14 gauge A40-60 coating weight steel unless
specifically noted. Wheel house house panel shall be 14 ga. A40-60
coated weight with formed steel fenderettes. Fuel fill shall be cast
aluminum. Provide (2) aluminum wheel chock holders in body on
curb side. Supply (2) rubber wheel chocks.
h. Compartments –
Compartment configuration shall be “ALS”, that is both front vertical
compartments shall be 40 ¼” high. High front vertical compartments
not acceptable. All compartments shall be 21 ” deep above the frame.
Approximate compartment sizes shall be as below:
Front Compartment Curbside, 40 1/4”h x 30”w with single door
and 2 standard shelves and (4) shelf brackets.
Front Compartment Roadside, 40 1/4”h x 38 1/2”w with
Bi-fold double doors and 2 standard adjustable shelves.
Second front vertical Curbside; 40 ¼”h x 26” with single door
and 2 standard shelves.
Second front vertical Roadside; 40 ¼”h x 17 ½”w with a single
door and 2 standard shelves.
Rear Compartment Roadside, 40 1/4”h x 26 1/2”w with a
single door and 1 standard shelf.
Rear Compartment Curbside, 40 1/4”h x 26 1/4”w with a single
door and 1 standard shelf.
Horizontal Compartment Roadside, 19 1/4”h x 49 ¾”w with 1
Horizontal Compartment Curbside, 19 ¼.”h x 49 3/4”w with 1
shelf. Shelving shall be 18 gauge spangled galvanized steel,
slotted for dividers at 2” intervals. Static load shall be 250 lb
Shelving shall be removable and adjustable and lock into place.
(40) dividers of 18 gauge spangled galvanized steel shall be
provided as standard.
i. Slam Action Tailgate –
Tailgate shall be double panel construction. Exterior panel to
be 14 ga. A40-60 coating weight steel. Interior shall be A40-60
coating weight pressed diamond pattern steel. (patented) tailgate
supports and mounting hardware shall be stainless steel. Knee
braces shall be used for tailgate support. Braces shall be removable
and hide away when gate is closed. Release handle shall be pickup
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
style in upper center of gate.
j. Crane Reinforcing –
Curbside Rear Compartment MUST be reinforced for the installation
and use of a 6000# crane. Minimum reinforcement shall include a 1/2”
steel plate top of compartment for attaching crane base. (2) 4” x 2” flat
bar supports under the 2” plate inside of compartment top. Inside of
compartment to be lined with 3/8” steel plate on 3 sides from top down
to full width tubular crossmembers.
k. Bumper and Outrigger Tube Assembly –
Bumper to be A40-60 Galvannealed steel with pressed diamond pattern.
Bumper shall be welded to body. Provide a 5”x7”x3/8” wall outrigger
receiver tube securely welded to bumper with reinforcing plates securing
tube to body longitudinal reinforcements.
l. Primer and Finish Coat –
12 step automotive electro-cathodic immersion prime paint system shall
be used. Reading’s Acrylic E-coat or equal. Finish coat shall be polyester
powder coat in Ford white. All surfaces interior and exterior shall be
finished to include the complete interior of all compartments.
No Exceptions
m. Gravel Guards –
Provide and Install on the front lower section of body aluminum diamond
plate stone shields or gravel guards. They shall be a minimum of 12” high
and full 20” width.
n. Body LightingBody lights shall be LED and recessed into the body. Internal light
protection panels shall be provided. There shall be two (2) vertical
rectangular lights per side. The Stop, Turn, Tail lights shall be red
LED assemblies installed in rubber grommets. The lower light shall
be white LED installed in rubber grommets and be used for backing
up. A lighted license plate holder shall be provided in rear. All
lighting shall comply with Local, State and Federal requirements,
and meet or exceed FVMSS, DOT, and SAE standards.
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
o. UndercoatingEntire understructure shall be undercoated using Pure Asphalt Co.
#76UC metal protector/sound deadener or another equally high grade
quality commercial sealer.
p. Rhino Lining® –
Rhino Lining “Tough Stuff” shall be provided in the bed area on the
floor, bulkhead, inside the tailgate, and up both sides to the top of the
compartments. Rhino to be a minimum of 1/8” thick and graphite gray
or black in color.
q. E-Track –
Provide a single row of steel “E-Track” along the sides of the bed
approximately 2” below the top of the compartments. Provide a
second row of “E-Track” along the bed sides approximately 8”
above the bed floor. E-Track to be painted white and applied after
the Rhino Lining is applied.
r. Receiver Hitch –
Provide a class V, 2” receiver hitch and mount under the bumper.
The hitch shall be attached to the chassis frame. The hitch shall have
rings or other fasteners for safety chains. Provide a 7 pin weather
resistant trailer receptacle.
s. Warranty –
6 YEAR Limited Warranty against body rust thru on the body. LIFE
TIME warranty on lock cylinders for the original purchaser.
a. General –
Provide a Venturo 8000 ft/lb moment pedestal mounted service crane,
Model ET8KX or approved equal. Crane to be Electric/Hydraulic
operation in all directions. Crane shall have a single line capacity
of 1600 lbs @ 2’ and double line capacity of 3200 lbs. @ 2’. Must
meet OSHA 1910.180 requirements and ANSI/ASME B30.5 safety
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
b. Crane Operating System –
Crane operating functions shall be by way of a 12 volt DC battery
powered electric hydraulic motor pump unit. Unit shall have a
system pressure relief valve and supply fluid to a manifold valve
controlling boom functions. Boom primary extension, rotation
and elevation will be hydraulically controlled through this valve.
Hydraulic fluid shall be Dextron ATF.
c. Winch Operation and Performance –
Winch shall be electric powered with a cam activated cone brake
capable of releasing in either direction. Minimum winch speed shall
be 17 ft./minute base (0) load; 15 ft./min. @1000 lbs.; 13 ft./min.
@1600 lbs. using single part line. Double part line minimums shall
be 10 ft./min. @ 2000 lbs; 7 ft./min. @ 3200 lbs. Drum shall be a
minimum of 3 ¾” wide, have flanges and guards to keep wire
rope on the spool. Winch drum shall have capacity to hold up
to 100 ft. of 7/32” wire rope used. The wire rope shall be 65’
of a standard 7 x 19, 7/32” galvanized aircraft wire rope.
Minimum breaking strength of 5600 lbs. or 3 ½ times the
rate load of 1600 lbs. as per ANSI B30.5. The end shall be
fitted with a 1-ton carbon steel eye hook with safety latch.
Winch drum and wire rope shall be visible to operator.
d. Boom –
Boom shall be a three (3) section steel boom. It shall extend
hydraulically from 6’ to 10’. It will have the ability to extend
draulically under load in any rated position. There shall be a
manually adjusted extension that will add 4’ to allow complete
extension to be 14’. UHMW polyethylene bearing/wear pads
used between sections to prevent friction and wear.
Extension cylinder shall be mounted on top of the boom for
easy access for service. A pilot operated check valve (holding
valve) will be an integral part of the cylinder base. This valve
will be able to hold the load in case of a hose or component
failure. This valve will allow the cylinder to retract only if a
failure occurs. A pressure compensated flow control valve
shall maintain relative constant retract speed under all load
conditions. Boom shall elevate hydraulically from 5 degrees
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
below horizontal to 75 degrees above horizontal. Elevation
cylinder shall be double acting with an integral counter
balance valve (holding valve) in cylinder to prevent lowering
if failure occurs. Counter balance/Pilot operated check
valves must be integral and externally plumbed valves
are not acceptable. Direct reading Capacity Load Charts
with indicator arrows shall be attached on both sides of
main boom for easy identification. Provide an boom rest
adjustable between 13” to 19” with reinforced base on
curb side compartment top. Provide a boom strap suitable
to hold boom in place when not in use.
e. Rotation –
Rotation is electric/hydraulic and continuous 360 degrees. The
rotation drive line is to be self locking. Rotation turntable bearing
is a sealed unit for less maintenance. Crane base shall be 14”
square and provide four (4) 5/8” holes Base must be secured by
grade 8 bolts only.
f. Hydraulic Control Values –
Crane shall be equipped with solenoid operated control function
valves with push button manual over ride capability to allow
emergency operation in the event of electrical failure.
g. Priority Control System –
Crane controls shall have a priority function system to allow
only one (1) primary function to operate at a time. Priority
shall be: Winch priority over all others Winch down with
any single other function All other hydraulic functions will
operate one at a time. This system will limit current draw
during heavy lifting.
h. Remote Control –
Crane shall provide a ergonomic friendly, sealed hand control,
that can be operated with one hand. A 20’ cord shall be
provided with a removable connector for storage. A switch bat
guard shall provide protection from accidental switch movement.
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
i. Overload Sensing System –
Crane will have a overload sensing system that will shut down
the winch up, boom down, and boom out functions to prevent
excessive overloading. The opposing functions will remain
operable to correct the overload situation.
j. Outriggers –
Provide full width manual pullout and manual crank down
outriggers. Total extended width shall not be less that 126”
with the curbside outrigger having the ability to extend
approximately 28” beyond body. Crank down vertical
travel shall be a approximately 15 1/2” plus additional pin
adjustable shoe distance of approximately 13”. Outrigger
shoes shall be a minimum of 6” square or if round 6” in
k. Misc. items –
Supply a snatch block with a 2 ton carbon steel swivel hook
with safety latch. The sheave shall be made of polymer
composite material. Sheave bearings shall be maintenance free.
Sheave shall have a pitch diameter of at least 16 times rope
diameter as called for in ANSI B30.5. Supply an overall
weight for use with the single part line. Crane shall be
painted with IMRON 333M/42P High Solids Polyurethane
Enamel in Venturo Gray.
a. Electrical –
Provide with crane, 25 ft. of #2 primary copper battery cable
Provide an installed 4 ft. piece of #2 battery cable fixed to
crane for a ground connection. Provide a Master Disconnect
switch. Exact location TBD.
b. Warranty –
The manufacturer shall warranty the crane for a period on one
year minimum from date of original installation.
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
2.3 Underhood Belt Driven Air Compressor
a. General –
Provide a VMAC model VR-70 compact, mobile air
compressor that is chassis-engine driven by an engine belt
and mounted under the hood. The compressor system shall
allow the full use of the truck bed. This compressor shall
be used to power a 60 lb. pavement Breaker commonly
known as a “Jack Hammer” and other Compressed air
powered tools. The supplied chassis will have a Ford 6.4 lTD
diesel engine. The supplied chassis will have a
single 200 amp alternator.
a. Compressor –
The air compressor supplied shall be a flooded-lobe Rotary
screw design. Compressor shall provide a 100% Duty Cycle.
It shall be belt driven from the engine by a multi groove drive
belt (serpentine belt) to prevent slippage. The brackets, belts,
pulleys etc. shall be readily available for service. The
compressor shall provide up to 70 cubic feet per minute (CFM)
capacity and up to 175 pounds per square inch (PSI) pressure.
Provide a High Temperature cut off switch as an integrated part
of the compressor. Compressor and Air Valve shall not exceed 46 lbs.
c. Compressor Cluth –
The compressor shall be controlled by a 12 volt dc electric/magnetic
clutch that is activated by a switch mounted in the cab. The pully shall
be a multi-groove designed for Serpentine style belts. The switch shall
be lit and clearly marked.
d. Air Inlet Control Valve –
The system inlet control valve shall shall be integrated to the
Compressor and feature an oil fill port, air pressure regulator,
and dry type replaceable paper air filter.
e. Air Receiving Tank –
The system air receiver tank shall act as an oil/air separator.
Tank shall be constructed from high grade aluminum and
contain an integrated coalescing oil separator element.
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
Tank shall be of compact size and measure approximately 6”
in diameter and 31” long. Provide an oil sight glass no
smaller than 1 ½” in diameter. Provide an integral pneumatically
piloted blow down valve capable of taking system pressure
down in 8 seconds or less. Provide a safety relief valve in the
tank and set for a maximum pressure of 200psi. The tank shall
be able to be mounted under the truck. Large bed or compartment
mounted tanks are not acceptable.
f. Oil Cooler –
The system oil shall be cooled by a liquid to liquid cooler
mounted below the vehicle radiator. The cooler shall
not block air flow through the vehicle radiator or cause the
engine or the compressor to overheat. Approximate size shall
be 4” x 3 ¾” x 9”.
g. Lubricating Oil –
The system shall use Synthetic Compressor Oil designed for use in
the VMAC rotary compressors. Recommended oil: VMAC Synthetic
Rotary Compressor Oil Part# A700094.
h. Engine Speed Control –
Provide an Electronic throttle control that will provide
infinitely variable engine speed and must automatically
modulate RPM to match air demand. Must be compatible with
Ford’s Stationary Elevated Idle Control (SEIC). Controller must
have a Drive Disable Circuit (DDC) and a Parking Brake safety
shut off switch.
i. Manuals –
Provide complete operating, parts and service manuals with the
system. If available on CD supply both the paper manual and
the CD. Manuals are to be given to the person accepting the vehicle at
the time of delivery.
j. Air Hose Reels –
Provide a Supreme Duty spring retractable hose reel
suitable to hold 50’ of ¾” ID Low Pressure air hose. Reel
to be installed in the street side rear compartment of the body.
Install a HD (1) quart oiler and OSHA check valve in line.
Hose to exit rear of body through a stainless steel 4-way roller
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
assembly. Provide a Supreme Duty spring retractable hose reel
suitable to hold 50’ of 3/8” ID Low Pressure air hose. Reel to be
installed in the street side rear compartment of the body.
Install combination oiler/dryer/pressure regulator on this line.
¾” and 3/8” hoses to be of the highest quality reinforced rubber
Hose to exit the rear of body through a stainless steel 4-way roller.
a. Inverter Provide a Fleet Power 2500 watt continuous and 7500 watt
surge AC inverter. Unit must produce 120 VAC output from
10 to 15.5 VDC input. Unit must include an automatic multi stage
battery charger for the auxiliary battery(s), an automatic transfer
switch to allow for shore power. Inverter shall have over heating,
over loading, short circuit protection and low voltage shut down.
Exact location TBD. Inverter wiring shall include an AC junction
box that will have separate circuits to the front and rear flood lights
and (2) two exterior weather resistant duplex boxes.
b. Aux Batteries –
Provide (3) auxiliary group 31 Deep Cycle batteries in a protective
box. Batteries shall be a gel cell electrolyte lead acid type.
Provide a vented protective enclosure for batteries.
c. Shore Power –
Inverter shall have an integral automatic transfer switch to
allow shore power to be used to charge batteries or use AC
accessories for extended periods of time Provide a weather
resistant box with twist lock plug clearly marked as for “Shore
Power In ONLY”. Exact location TBD.
a. Power Outlets –
Provide (2) weather resistant duplex receptacles on the front of
the body, one each side. Provide (1) weather resistant duplex
receptacle in rear body bed. This will have a guard surrounding
it for abrasive and bump protection. Provide (2) outlets inside
rear compartments as required in section 4 d. for reels. All
receptacles shall be GFIC protected type. All wires shall
encased in a protected loom.
070-48 11’ Open Utility/Crane Body with 8000ft/lb Crane
a. Provide (2) Stonco series KR-05, 120 volt AC, 500 watt
Quartz Halogen light heads. Each head shall have an individual
head mounted switch. Light heads shall be mounted on top of
(2) Havis-Shields telescoping tripods, model KR-SB-800-SL.
These tripods shall be approximately 42” high (without the
light head) when collapsed. They shall extendable to a length of 67”.
(without lighthead) Mount to the front of the body using lower
truck mounted receiver cups model TM and upper Kwik-Release
Cam Latch.
Any and all recall notices or advisories issued for the vehicle must be corrected prior to
delivery to the City.
Bidders shall attach a copy of all warranty information concerning the vehicle with the
bid submission.
Vehicle shall be equipped with all other features and accessories considered to be
standard by the manufacturer.
Any brand names specified herein may be replaced by an equivalent item.
Vehicle must be delivered with two sets of operational manuals, service manuals,
title/certificate of origin, etc. to: