Biodiversity Workshop Feedback Form

Being Aware about Biodiversity
We value your feedback about today’s workshop
This workshop has been developed to support to outdoor officers in dealing with an increasingly complex
area of local government operations: the protection of biodiversity and natural areas. Your feedback
about the today will help us to improve the workshop format to be used by other councils in the future.
Please take a few minutes to complete the form. Your feedback is very much appreciated.
Please indicate with a tick √ whether you Agree or Disagree? Any comments to add?
The information presented today was
directly relevant for my everyday job
The information presented was easy to
understand and follow
I feel more confident about recognising
areas of habitat
I am able to change some of my work
Enough time was given for each
workshop topic
There were enough opportunities to
share information with the other
Attending today’s workshop was worth
my time
Do you have any other comments to pass on to Council, the workshop organiser or the facilitator?
Do you need more training in any of the topics that were covered today?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this feedback form!