CARDIOLOGY REFERRAL FORM Patient Name: Referring Doctor: Patient D.O.B: Patient UR: Cardiology Specialists: Dr Raibhan Yadav Dr Dharmesh Anand Dr Robert Tam Yes No Cardiac Surgery Specialists: Pre-Requisite Tests Completed Diagnosis: Dr Sugeet Baveja Dr Ryan Schrale Dr Sumit Yadav Dr Kumar Gunwardane Dr Dong Kang Other Management or Medications Trialled: Reason for Referral: Angina/chest pain Syncope/Presyncope Cardiac Murmur SOB/Orthopnea/PND Arrhythmia Heart Failure Routine follow up Preoperative cardiac eval. Optimisation of medications OR Abnormal test results Pathology Tests Only: Pacemaker Check Holter Echo Exercise ECG FBC LFTs INR stable (conditions apply see Referral Guidelines Booklet) U&E Yes BSL HbA1c Lipids No Can use a tread mill Comments: ECG Duration of Symptoms & Urgency: Imaging and Other Tests Cardiac Risk Factors: FHx Diabetes Lipids Smoker Hypertension Achievable Level of Exertion for Stress Testing Only Walk briskly or run 1km Walk slow pace 500m Climb a flight of stairs easily Can walk________________mtrs with ease New York Heart Association (NYHA) Classification No limit of activity. No symptoms from Class I. ordinary activity Mild limitiation of activity. Comfortable Class II. at rest with mild exertion Marked limitation of activity. Class III. Comfortable only at rest Any physical activity causes Class IV. discomfort; confined to bed or chair and symptoms occur at rest. GP Signature: Date: Please complete & fax to TTH on FAX: 4433 1221, ALONG WITH the following: 1. Patient Information Form OR Referral Letter 2. ALL RESULTS Refer EMERGENCY conditions to the ED. & Telephone ED Registrar 4433 2916 Version updated last: 19/09/2013