Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust To Practice Managers Doncaster GP Practices Dear Colleague Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDASH) are new providers for a rd direct access 24 hour ECG test from 3 December 2012. The service is delivered by the Community Cardiac Services team based at Cantley Health Centre. We will be offering this service across Doncaster at various community locations to improve access and can offer home based tape service to patients who have difficulty accessing clinics. The aim of the service is to aid early diagnostics and avoid the need for unnecessary referral to secondary care, or to support the shift of activity into a primary care setting. This service will provide a direct access 24 hour ECG test with appropriate clinical interpretation for GPs who wish to investigate patients at low risk of significant cardiac pathology, who have previously had a 12-lead ECG and for whom they wish to investigate further. It is up to the GP to determine whether the patient has a level of risk which requires specialist assessment. Patients will be included in this diagnostic pathway by their GP if they report symptoms of: Palpitations, Irregularity, Feelings of dizziness, Light headedness, “Fainting or falls” (note these patients require a careful assessment of risk of significant problems warranting urgent specialist assessment.) Guidance about risk stratification and the proposed pathway is included with the letter, in addition to a referral form. Referrals can also be received by letter if the same information is included as on the referral form. Yours faithfully Jo Partington Cardiac Services Lead Nurse The Pathway Step 1 – GP assessment The GP should take a history and perform any necessary examination. Other symptoms which raise clinical concern, should be discussed with an appropriate clinician to decide if a 24 hour ECG would be helpful or not. Before referral to a 24 hour ECG service please complete: a resting 12-lead ECG appropriate blood tests LOW RISK consider direct access 24 hour tape (result reported to GP) or community palpitations clinic (arrhythmia nurse assessment plus interpretation of 24 hour tape with guidance or onward referral) Patients who fulfil the following criteria should initially be treated conservatively: No history of sustained tachycardia or loss of consciousness AND Good exercise capacity AND No family history of Sudden Cardiac Death < 40 years AND Normal cardiac examination AND normal 12 lead ECG HIGH RISK refer to cardiologist as patients with the following high risk factors are excluded from this pathway: Patients with symptomatic ectopics accompanied by significant chest pain or shortness of breath or syncope and preexisting cardiac disease (prior MI, CABG, adult congenital heart disease) or significant congestive heart failure Patients with no prior cardiac history and an abnormal resting ECG (apart from 1st degree heart block or RBBB) Patients with a personal history of loss of consciousness or a family history of sudden death < 40 years Patient with suspected a drug related phenomenon (e.g. acquired long QT syndrome) The Pathway - Referral to the service Referral details can be sent electronically over a secure NHS email to the RDASH Community Cardiac services team or faxed to the service basepoint at Cantley Health Centre. The team will arrange an appointment with the patient to attend for the fitting of a device. See accompanying referral form and contact details for referral below. The tape result will be transferred electronically to Broomwell Healthwatch using a secure address, along with the original referral form which will be faxed to their safe haven fax machine. The GP will receive an analysed report back within 48 hours. The patient should be informed of the results by their registered practice and managed as appropriate. Referrals can be sent to: Cardiac Services – 24 hour tape service Cantley Health Centre Middleham Road Cantley Doncaster DN4 6EN Tel 01302 379518 Fax number 01302 379546 Email: