UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA MEDICAL CENTER EPPLEY CANCER CENTER AUDIT COMMITTEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1st Edition: Version 3.0, August 11, 2008 Revised: Version 3.1, March 7, 2011 Version 3.2, December 15, 2011 Version 3.3 July 10, 2012 CONTACT INFORMATION ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR for CLINICAL RESEARCH Julie M. Vose, M.D. DATA and SAFETY MONITORING COMMITTEE (DSMC) CHAIR Elizabeth A. Reed, M.D. AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERS M. Anne Kessinger, M.D. Karen L. Schumacher, Ph.D. EPPLEY CANCER CENTER PROTOCOL REVIEW and MONITORING SYSTEM OFFICE STAFF Julie A. Maloney, CCRP PRMS/CPDMU Administrator Eppley Science Hall 10007 (402) 559-4232 office (402) 559-4970 fax Jennifer Goodwin, BS, CCRC Regulatory Specialist/Auditor Eppley Science Hall 1006 (402) 559-4935 office (402) 559-4970 fax PRMS WEBSITE Mirna Colón, BS Regulatory Data Associate Eppley Science Hall 10018 (402) 559-4969 office (402) 559-4970 fax SECTION B: AUDIT COMMITTEE ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PURPOSE PROTOCOLS AUDITED PROTOCOLS NOT AUDITED AUDIT FREQUENCY METHODS NOTIFICATION OF AUDIT FINDING Audit Committee Members Principal investigator (PI) Scientific Review Committee (SRC) Other DURATION OF AUDITS COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND LENGTH OF TERMS CURRENT MEMBERS MEETINGS AUDIT PROCEDURES THE ROLE OF THE PRMS OFFICE THE ROLE OF THE AUDITOR DATE OF ENROLLMENT AUDITING OF MULTI-SITE TRIALS WITH UNMC AS THE SPONSOR PHASE I TRIALS AT UNMC AFFILIATE SITES ACCEPTABLE SOURCE DOCUMENTATION PROTOCOL SPECIFIC AUDIT REPORT FORM AUDIT DOCUMENTATION INTERNET AND OPEN FORUM COMMUNICATIONS B.1 B:1 B.1 B.1 B.1 B.1 B.2 B.2 B.2 B.2 B.2 B.2 B.2 B.2 B.2 B.3 B.3 B.3 B.3 B.4 B.4 B.4 B.4 B.4 B.4 APPENDIX B.1: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR MULTI-SITE TRIALS WITH AFFILIATE SITES AND FOR MULTI-CENTER TRIALS WITH PARTICIPATING SITES DEFINITION SUBJECTS AUDITED AUDIT FREQUENCY DURATION OF AUDITS INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD AUDITING OF MULTI-CENTER TRIALS WITH UNMC AS THE SPONSOR PHASE I TRIALS AT UNMC AFFILIATE SITES ACCEPTABLE SOURCE DOCUMENTATION AUDIT RESPONSIBILITIES UNMC Principal Investigator (PI) and/or Their Designee Affiliate or Participating Site Study Coordinator UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Office UNMC Eppley Cancer Center Auditor AUDIT COMMITTEE DOCUMENTATION B.5 B.5 B.5 B.5 B.5 B.5 B.6 B.6 B.6 B.6 B.6 B.7 B.7 B.8 B.8 SECTION B: UNMC EPPLEY CANCER CENTER AUDIT COMMITTEE I. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES A. PURPOSE The Audit Committee performs audits and provides oversight on all UNMC Cancer Center Investigator-Initiated, Multi-Center and Other Externally Peer Reviewed clinical trials. The Audit Committee assures compliance with institutional regulatory guidelines, confirmation of subject eligibility, adherence to treatments, appropriateness of adverse event monitoring and reporting, and adequacy of subject follow-up as stipulated in the protocol. B. PROTOCOLS AUDITED All therapeutic intervention cancer protocols that are Investigator-Initiated, Multi-Center or Other Externally Peer Reviewed and are not monitored by an external review body are audited by the committee. C. PROTOCOLS NOT AUDITED All therapeutic intervention cancer protocols that are Investigator-Initiated, Multi-Center or Other Externally Peer Reviewed and that are monitored by an external review body, such as the Industrial sponsor or it’s designee, or by an NCI-funded cooperative group are not audited by the committee. D. AUDIT FREQUENCY While any cancer-related protocol involving human subjects may be at risk for audit at any time by the audit committee, Investigator-Initiated, Multi-Center or Other Externally Peer Reviewed protocols are audited at least annually. The frequency of audit is dependent upon the phase of the protocol. Audits are scheduled based on the protocol’s type of phase. 1. Pilot, Phase I, Phase II and BMT trials – audited at least 4 times per year 2. Phase III trials – audited at least 3 times per year E. METHODS Subjects are selected at random from all eligible subjects enrolled and not previously audited to protocol scheduled for audit. Protocol related source documents and case report forms (CRF's) are reviewed and evaluated for the following criteria: 1. Compliance with informed consent and eligibility requirements 2. Treatment administration according to protocol guidelines 3. Toxicity and adverse event reporting 4. Appropriate follow-up Hospital records, as well as the subject's shadow chart and research file, will be utilized. A subject specific audit summary will be completed, with any major deviations explained in detail. Ten (10) percent of the eligible subjects enrolled, with a minimum of one (1) subject, are audited during each scheduled audit. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 1 of 8 F. NOTIFICATION OF AUDIT FINDINGS 1. Audit Committee Members: Audit results, using the protocol-specific audit report forms, are distributed to all members of the Audit Committee in advance of their scheduled meetings. The committee meets monthly to review the audit report(s) and to review the source documents and protocol if needed. 2. Principal Investigator (PI): The Audit Committee notifies the PI in writing of the audit findings. The Audit Committee may request further information and/or follow-up from the PI. Typically a PI’s written response to this request is expected within three (3) weeks, although a more timely response may be required in some circumstances. 3. Scientific Review Committee (SRC): Audit findings are reported to the SRC on a monthly basis. If significant concerns are documented that are thought to compromise the safety or scientific integrity of the protocol (i.e. failure to comply with the approved study guidelines regarding adverse event reporting, eligibility criteria, stopping rules, quality data collection, etc.) the Associate Director for Clinical Research or a member of the Audit Committee can request that the SRC evaluate the audit and determine if 1) the protocol should be suspended until the issues are adequately addressed by the PI, 2) the study must be closed, or 3) if the study can continue. 4. Other: A copy of the letter notifying the PI of the audit findings is sent to the IRB. Audit findings are also reported to the Director of the Eppley Cancer Center and to the Associated Director for Clinical Research on a monthly basis. G. DURATION OF AUDITS: All Investigator-Initiated, Multi-Center or Other Externally Peer Reviewed therapeutic intervention protocols will continue to be audited while subjects are receiving protocol-specific treatment. Protocols will no longer need to be audited when subject accrual, treatment, and/or research related tests are completed. H. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND LENGTH OF TERMS: The Associate Director of Clinical Research appoints the Chair and members to the committee for a three year term, which can be renewed. The Audit Committee consists of at least three UNMC Cancer Center members. I. CURRENT MEMBERS : Elizabeth Reed, M.D. – Audit Committee Chair and Professor, Adult Oncology/Hematology M. Anne Kessinger, M.D. – Professor, Adult Oncology/Hematology Karen Schumacher, Ph.D. - Associate Professor, College of Nursing J. MEETINGS: The Audit Committee routinely meets on a monthly basis to review audited protocols. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 2 of 8 II. AUDIT PROCEDURES A. THE ROLE OF THE PRMS OFFICE 1. Orients new members to the Audit Committee. 2. Develops the annual audit schedule. 3. Sends the first notification of the impending audit at least 60 days prior to the scheduled audit date to the PI and the Study Coordinator, along with the current accrual list to be reviewed by the study coordinator/data manager for any updates or corrections and additional of off study dates. 4. Makes necessary accrual updates and corrections in the CTO database. 5. Selects at least one (1) randomly selected eligible subject record to audit, but no more than ten (10) percent of the total eligible subjects. 6. Sends the second notification of the scheduled audit to the PI and the Study Coordinator identifying the specific subject(s) to be audited. 7. Creates the agenda and minutes for the audit committee meetings. 8. Reviews the protocol-specific audit report and completes the adverse event reporting compliance section of the report. 9. Distributes the Audit Committee agenda and minutes, the SRC and DSMC report, copies of responses received from PI's and the audit reports to the audit committee members for review. 10. Attends the audit committee meeting 11. Generates the audit finding letter, which is reviewed and signed by the Audit Chair and distributes the letter to the PI, Study Coordinator, the Associate Director of Clinical Research, and the IRB. 12. Ensures that a copy of the Audit Committee Policies and Procedures is available at all Audit Committee meetings. B. THE ROLE OF THE AUDITOR 1. Generates a protocol-specific audit report to use in performing the audit, conducts the audit and completes the audit report. 2. Discusses the audit findings and any deviations in protocol with the PRMS Administrator prior to the monthly meeting. 3. Answers any questions the committee may have regarding the audit report as needed. C. DATE OF ENROLLMENT For auditing purposes, the date of consent will be considered the date of enrollment. However, all eligibility criteria do not need to be met until the date of the first study related treatment. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 3 of 8 D. AUDITING OF MULTI-SITE TRIALS WITH UNMC AS THE SPONSOR 1. For Multi-site trials with UNMC affiliates - Please reference the "PRMS Audit Committee Affiliate Polices and Procedures" dated 09/03/2010. 2. For Multi-site trials where the participating site(s) are NCI Designated Cancer Centers - The participating site's Auditor will be expected to conduct the audit and submit an audit report to the UNMC Audit Committee for review on a schedule to be determined by the UNMC Audit Committee. Any request for a deviation from this requirement must be submitted to the Audit Committee in writing and approved by the UNMC Audit Committee prior to enrollment of the first subject at the participating site(s). 3. For Multi-site trials where the participating site(s) are not NCI Designated Cancer Centers The audit process will be determined on a protocol-by-protocol basis. 4. A copy of the participating site’s audit policies and procedures must be submitted to the UNMC Audit Committee if the participating site is conducting their own audit and submitting an audit report to the UNMC Audit Committee for review. The copy of the policies and procedures should be submitted to the UNMC Audit Committee prior to the first subject being enrolled at their site prior to enrollment of the first subject at the participating site(s). E. PHASE I TRIALS AT UNMC AFFILIATE SITES In addition to randomly selecting at least 10% of the subjects enrolled on Phase I multi-site trials for audit, all subjects consented to Phase I trials at UNMC affiliate site(s) will also be selected for audit. F. ACCEPTABLE SOURCE DOCUMENTATION 1. Case Report Forms (CRF’s) alone, including those generated by C3D via caBIG, are not considered sufficient source documentation for the purpose of audit. 2. For the purpose of audit, the Medication Administration Record (MAR) and/or the Nurse Administration sheet will qualify as sufficient source documentation for IV chemotherapy drugs. The MD prescription is needed as source documentation for oral drugs. (per June 2009 minutes). When the MD prescription is not available, the reason should be documented within the source documents. 3. All source documentation for the research subject should be placed in the shadow chart or research file. This includes the subject’s medical records related to the research study that are located in the UNMC electronic medical record. The copies of the subject’s medical records should be certified original documents. The UNMC PRMS auditor will not audit the research file or CRF’s using the UNMC electronic medical record. G. PROTOCOL-SPECIFIC AUDIT REPORT FORM The protocol-specific audit report is derived from the following information contained within the protocol: 1. 2. 3. 4. Compliance with informed consent and eligibility requirements Treatment administration according to protocol guidelines Toxicity and adverse event reporting to the IRB and to the DSMC Appropriate follow-up UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 4 of 8 H. AUDIT DOCUMENTATION All audit documentation is secured by double locks and maintained in the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center Clinical Trials Office, Room 10007 of the Eppley Science Hall. I. INTRANET AND OPEN FORUM COMMUNICATIONS Current Policies and Procedures of the PRMS Audit Committee are available thru the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Office or on their web site at Periodic open forums are scheduled with study coordinators and PIs to communicate and clarify audit procedures and obtain feedback to streamline and facilitate the audit process. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 5 of 8 APPENDIX B.1: AUDIT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR MULTI-SITE TRIALS WITH AFFILIATE SITES AND FOR MULTI-CENTER TRIALS WITH PARTICIPATING SITES A. DEFINITION An Affiliate Site is defined as a hospital, clinic, or other provider of medical services who has been granted a limited license to use the designation “an AFFILIATE of the Eppley Cancer Center” for purposes reasonably related to oncology research conducted pursuant to an “Affiliate Agreement”. A Participating Site is defined as a hospital clinic, or other provider of medical services who has agree to participate in a therapeutic trial that has been designed and developed by a University of Nebraska Medical Center/Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC/NMC) investigator and is sponsored by UNMC. B. SUBJECTS AUDITED All subjects consented at an Affiliate or Participating Site to UNMC therapeutic intervention cancer protocols that are classified by the Eppley Cancer Center Scientific Review Committee (SRC) as Investigator-Initiated Institutional or Multi-Center Institutional sponsored by UNMC are audited by the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center Audit Committee (Audit Committee). Trials classified as Other Externally Peer Reviewed (OEPR) and that are not audited by an external review body are also audited by the Audit Committee. Subjects consented to studies that are monitored by an external review body, such as the Industrial sponsor or its designee, or by an NCI-funded cooperative group are not audited by the committee. C. AUDIT FREQUENCY While any subject consented at an Affiliate or Participating Site to a cancer-related protocol involving human subjects may be at risk for audit at any time, subjects consented at an Affiliate or Participating Site to trials falling under the purview of the Audit Committee are audited at least annually. The frequency of audit is dependent upon the phase of the protocol: 1. Pilot/Feasibility, Phase I, Phase II and BMT trials – audited at least 4 times per year 2. Phase III trials – audited at least 3 times per year D. DURATION OF AUDITS All subjects consented at an Affiliate or Participating Site trials falling under the purview of the Audit Committee will continue to be audited while subjects are receiving protocol-specific treatment. Subjects will no longer be audited when subject accrual, treatment, and/or research related tests are completed. E. INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD If the Affiliate or Participating Site does not have their own IRB, the UNMC Institutional Review Board (IRB) will be the IRB of record for protocols conducted at an Affiliate or Participating Site. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 6 of 8 F. AUDITING OF MULTI-CENTER TRIALS WITH UNMC AS THE SPONSOR 1. Protocols for all Multi-center trials with participating sites and with UNMC as the lead site must clearly outline the auditing requirements and procedures for all participating site(s). 2. Protocol sections pertaining to these auditing requirements and procedures must be approved by the UNMC Audit Committee prior to SRC review and approval. 3. For Multi-site trials where the participating site(s) are NCI Designated Cancer Centers - The participating site's Auditor will be expected to conduct the audit and submit an audit report to the UNMC Audit Committee for review on a schedule to be determined by the UNMC Audit Committee. Any request for a deviation from this requirement must be submitted to the Audit Committee in writing and approved by the UNMC Audit Committee prior to enrollment of the first subject at the participating site(s). 4. For Multi-site trials where the participating site(s) are not NCI Designated Cancer Centers The audit process will be determined on a protocol-by-protocol basis. 5. A copy of the participating site’s audit policies and procedures must be submitted to the UNMC Audit Committee if the participating site is conducting their own audit and submitting an audit report to the UNMC Audit Committee for review. The copy of the policies and procedures should be submitted to the UNMC Audit Committee prior to the first subject being enrolled at their site prior to enrollment of the first subject at the participating site(s). G. PHASE I TRIALS AT UNMC AFFILIATE SITES In addition to randomly selecting at least 10% of the subjects enrolled on Phase I multi-site trials for audit, all subjects consented to Phase I trials at UNMC affiliate site(s) will also be selected for audit. H. ACCEPTABLE SOURCE DOCUMENTATION Case Report Forms (CRF’s) alone, including those generated by electronic medical records, are not considered sufficient source documentation for the purpose of audit. For the purpose of audit, the Medication Administration Record (MAR) and/or the Nurse Administration sheet will qualify as sufficient source documentation for IV chemotherapy drugs. The MD prescription is needed as source documentation for oral drugs. (per June 2009 minutes). When the MD prescription is not available, the reason should be documented within the source documents. All source documentation for the research subject should be placed in the shadow chart or research file. This includes all of the subject’s medical records related to the research study that are located in the UNMC electronic medical record. The copies of the subject’s medical records should be certified original documents. The UNMC PRMS auditor will not audit the research file or CRF’s using the UNMC electronic medical record. I. AUDIT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. UNMC Principal Investigator (PI) and/or Their Designee: a. Conducts a Study Initiation Visit prior to opening a protocol to accrual at the Affiliate or Participating Site. This visit may be conducted on site or via teleconference and should involve all Affiliate or Participating Site Investigator(s) and study personnel. The purpose of the visit is to discuss in detail the implementation of the protocol, reporting UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 7 of 8 requirements, and the responsibilities of Affiliate or Participating personnel. The date, content and attendance at the Study Initialization Visit should be documented and maintained in the study's records. b. Provides ongoing guidance and direction as needed to the Affiliate or Participating Site PI and Study Coordinator regarding protocol specific subject accrual, treatment, and/or research related tests. c. Submits protocol, data collection and case report forms to the UNMC Scientific Review Committee (SRC), Audit Committee and Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC) for approval. d. Provides the approved protocol, data collection and case report forms to the Affiliate or Participating Site. e. Forwards the second notification identifying the specific subject(s) to be audited during the scheduled audit to the Affiliate or Participating Site PI and Study Coordinator and ensures that all source documentation described in Section VI.B.3 below is submitted for audit. 2. Affiliate Or Participating Site Study Coordinator: a. Sends a copy of the consent form for each subject registered to the protocol, with subject name, date of birth, gender, ethnicity and UNMC/NMC medical record number (if applicable) to the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center Protocol Review and Monitoring (PRMS) Office within one week of enrollment. b. Works with the Auditor to schedule a mutually acceptable date and time to conduct an on-site audit of subject medical records selected for audit. c. Ensures that hospital charts and any protocol-specific patient records, including a copy of the protocol that corresponds with the time the subject was entered on study is available at the on-site audit. d. Acts as liaison between the Auditor and the Affiliate or Participating Site PI and/or Consenting MD as needed. e. Following the completion of the audit, ensures that appropriate follow-up and/or changes are completed as requested by the Audit Committee. f. Ensures that data is collected per the standardized data collection form. 3. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Office: a. Provides coordination/training to the Affiliate or Participating Site Study Coordinator prior to opening a protocol to accrual at Affiliate or Participating Site. b. Provides ongoing guidance and direction as needed to the Affiliate or Participating Site Study Coordinator. c. Sends the first notification of the impending audit to the UNMC Site PI and Study Coordinator and to the Auditor at least 30 days prior to the scheduled audit date, along with the current accrual list to be reviewed by the UNMC Site Study Coordinator/Data Manager for any updates or corrections and addition of off study dates d. Makes necessary accrual updates and corrections in the PRMS database e. Selects at least one (1) randomly selected eligible subject record to audit, but no more than 10% of the total accrual of those subjects registered at the Affiliate or Participating Site. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 8 of 8 f. Sends the second notification of the scheduled audit to the UNMC Site PI and Study Coordinator and to the Auditor identifying the specific subject(s) to be audited. g. Emails the Audit Committee agenda and minutes, the SRC and DSMC report and the audit reports to the audit committee members for review. h. Attends the Audit Committee meeting. i. Creates the agenda and minutes for the audit committee meetings. j. Generates the audit finding letter which is reviewed and signed by the Audit Chair and distributes the letter to the UNMC PI, study coordinator(s), the Associate Director of Clinical Research, and the IRB. k. Ensures that a copy of the Affiliate or Participating, Audit Committee and DSMC Policies and Procedures is available at all Audit Committee meetings. l. Develops an annual audit schedule. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 9 of 8 4. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center Auditor: a. Conducts the on-site audit of subject(s) medical records selected for audit from those registered at the Affiliate or Participating Site. b. Generates a protocol-specific audit report form to use in performing the audit, conducts the audit and completes the audit report c. Attends the audit committee meetings to discuss the audit findings and any deviations in protocol. J. AUDIT COMMITTEE DOCUMENTATION All audit documentation will be maintained in the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center Protocol Review and Monitoring (PRMS) Office, Room 10007 of the Eppley Science Hall. In addition, copies of all audit related documents will be maintained at the Affiliate or Participating Site and be available to the Auditor at all times. UNMC Eppley Cancer Center PRMS Policies and Procedures Version 7.1, July 10, 2012 Page B: 10 of 8