medieval feast note re costumes

Medieval Feast
Dear Families and Students,
The grade 3/4 and 4/5 classes are very excited for their up coming Medieval Times
Feast on Thursday February 2nd, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. This will be part of Mrs.
Auciello’s culminating tasks, however, Mrs McKerral’s class will be introducing
the unit which will follow. In order to make the most of this opportunity, we are
asking the students to invest some time in preparing an appropriate costume for
the event.
Your mission is to choose a role from Medieval Society to research so that you
can design a costume to wear to the Medieval Feast.
Royalty (King/Queen/Prince/Princess)
Clergy (Arch Bishop, Bishop, Monks, etc.)
Nobles (Lords, Ladies)
Knights (Page, squire)
Peasants (Villeins/Serfs, Servants)
You will be assessed on the appropriateness and the accuracy to the role. Do your
best to have fun and stay true to your role!
Attached is your assignment that must be handed in on the day of the feast.
We are excited to celebrate with you!!
Regards and warmest wishes,
Queen Susanne of McKerral and Queen Daniela of Ausciello
Date: Thursday February 2, 2012
Name: ____________________#__
A Labeled Diagram of Your Costume
Why did you choose your character?
What did you learn about your character?