11th October 2012 Dear parents, Following the completion of our topic work this term on castles, we, the year 2 team, are planning a fun event for the children and will hold a ‘Royal Medieval Banquet’ in our classroom. This will be held on Friday 19th October and it would be wonderful for all concerned if you could provide an appropriate costume for your child to change into i.e. prince, princess, king, queen etc. The children are to arrive at school as normal in their school uniform and will change into their costumes before the ‘banquet’ commences. So that we have a varied selection of food for the feast it would be appreciated if you could send in with your son/daughter the following: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Yours sincerely, The Year 2 Team ADMIN/LETTERS/KS1/0001-Recorder