Twentieth Century World History Mr. Kalpich 1. Objective Students will examine the major issues and events of the Twentieth Century, with a special emphasis on the Post-World War Two era. 2. Textbook Students are responsible to maintain the textbook in the condition as it was assigned. You will be held liable for damages to the textbook. 3. Assignments and Graded Work Assigned work is due on the date assigned without exception. Graded work will be customarily returned within a week. Items turned in without a first and last name and / or assignment name will lose five points. 4. Grades Grades are posted online. All grades are calculated using the total point method (Total points earned divided by the total possible). 5. Extra Credit Not offered. 6. Absences from School Be sure to check the Daily Activity Binder when you return. I adhere to the policy printed in the Student Handbook. Check daily for classroom information. 7. Absence from Class, but not from School All work must be completed on time without delay. Please give advance notice and then check the Daily Activity Binder when you return. 8. Cheating, Copying, and Plagiarism Cheating, copying, and plagiarism will result in a zero score for the perpetrator and all involved. Detention is customarily assigned. 9. Communication Parents are encouraged to contact me via email ( or by telephone (724962-7861, x1084). 10. Seating Seats are assigned by Mr. Kalpich. Unruly students may be moved at any time. 11. Decorum Kindness, courtesy, and respect are expected. Expect reciprocity and punishment if you violate the accepted standards of polite society. 12. Tardiness A warning is issued when you are late three times. Detention will follow for each subsequent incidence. You are late if your entire body is not in the room when the bell sounds. 13. Leaving the Room Students should handle all personal business before they reach my room. Do not expect to leave during class time. 14. IEP Students IEP students will be afforded all modifications according to the IEP in conjunction with our Special Education staff. See me if special assistance is needed. 15. Extra Assistance and Make-Up Periods I am available after school. See me in advance if you need additional help. 16. Daily Requirements You must have: 1. Any assigned materials. 2. A writing utensil. 3. A notebook or notebook paper. 4. A three-ring binder. 17. Homework Regular reading, writing, and other assignments can be expected. It is nearly impossible to pass this class without completing homework assignments. 18. Success There is no secret to success in this class or throughout your life. Pay attention, do what is expected, ask questions, be kind to others and you will find that success is yours.