Mrs. Green’s Science Classroom

Mrs. Green’s Science Classroom
The start of a new school year is so exciting and I am very much looking forward
to this one. We will have a great time learning and becoming closer over the next nine
months. Let’s work together as a team to make it the best school year for everyone.
Here is a brief overview of our year, policies, and procedures that we will use in
the classroom and how they work.
1. Respect other people and their property.
2. Be on time and prepared for class with all necessary materials (binder, log book,
writing utensil).
3. Actively listen to others.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
5. Obey all other school rules.
 Not following safety rules will result in losing lab privileges.
 Three tardies = Lunch Detention
 Three missing homework assignments = Detention and phone call home
 Awesome Atomic Achievement tickets
 An email home
 A phone call home
This is NOT a choice! You must do your homework to be successful in science. After
three missing assignments you will receive a detention. This will require you to come
in before/after school or during your lunch to make up ALL of your missing work.
 Follow ALL rules
 Turn assignments in ON TIME and COMPLETED
 Follow ALL verbal and written directions
 Ask questions when you do not understand something
 Write your homework down in your assignment book as soon as you get into
Be responsible for your actions
Have a positive attitude
Try your hardest
Have fun!!! ☺
If you are absent you have as many days as you were gone to make up your work. It is
your responsibility to see me and collect the work you missed. If you miss a lab or inclass activity it will be your responsibility to come and schedule a time with me to make
this up. (Study hall, lunch, before or after school are all options.)
You are responsible for filling in your log book each day. The assignments will
ALWAYS be on the bulletin board and you will need to write the assignment in your
book as soon as you are seated.
Students will not be receiving their own science textbook, but we will be using
classroom sets of multiple books throughout the year. If a student needs to take a
science textbook home, there are copies of each textbook available to check out from
the school library. Also, if the library textbooks are all checked out, students may check
them out from me.
Students will be expected to have a one inch science binder with dividers which we will
put together during the first weeks of school. Students will also need to have notebook
filler paper, assignment book/ log book and writing utensils. There will be times
throughout the year that additional supplies will be necessary for projects. I will give
enough notice to allow time to obtain any supplies needed. If you are unable to
purchase items, please see me before the project is due and I will help you gather the
materials you need.
Here is a list of the major topics we will be learning about:
 Laboratory safety
 Cells – organelles, mitosis, organization of living things, osmosis, and diffusion
 Living systems – symmetry, dissection, and types of tissues
 Matter – atoms, elements, compounds, and mixtures
 Energy – potential, kinetic, sound, thermal, and electrical
 Motion – force and average speed
 Minerals – luster, streak, hardness, magnetism, etc.
 Rocks – igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary
 Soil – composition, permeability, and porosity
Grades are determined by dividing the points earned for projects, homework, tests, etc.
by the total possible points. Also, there will be opportunities to earn BONUS points
throughout the year.
 (E-mail)
 (614) 797-8193 (Voicemail)
 Webpage on district website
***Please come to me anytime you have a question or do not understand something. I
am here to help and guide you. I am excited to get to know each of you better
throughout the school year!!! ☺
Please cut here, sign and return to Mrs. Green by Tuesday, August 21, 2012.
I have read and understand the above classroom expectations and will do my very best
to follow them.
Student Signature
I have reviewed the classroom expectations with my child and will encourage him/her to
meet these expectations throughout the year.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Information you would like to share with me about your child. (This will be kept
August 15, 2012
I will be sending out an email through PowerSchool this weekend to begin my email
groups for the school year. It is a goal of mine to keep you informed about what is
going on in our classroom through this periodic email. If you do not receive the email,
you need to change your email address in PowerSchool to the email you prefer. If you
do not receive the first email, I will send another one out later next week. Please let me
know if you still do not receive the email. I hope that you will find my emails beneficial
in helping your child succeed in science this year.
Kind Regards,
Mrs. Brittany Green