Tips for Writing 3rd Grade Vocabulary Sentences

Tips for Writing 3rd Grade Vocabulary Sentences
1. Start with a capital and end with the correct punctuation
2. Spell the vocabulary word correctly! It will be written on the
3. Underline the vocabulary word in your sentence.
4. Use the vocabulary word as the correct part of speech. Yes,
you may change the ending so the tense agrees with the rest
of your sentence (ie: add –ed, -ing, -s).
5. Please do not repeat yourself! For example, “I became
accustomed and more familiar with my new locker.” That’s
repetitious! Use context clues to imply the meaning. Do not
write the definition again.
6. Spelling counts! If you are unsure how to spell a longer
word, then ask the teacher to write it in your spiral
7. Try to avoid awkward phrasing (ie: awk). Your sentence
should flow nicely. Make sure your verb tenses agree.
8. Use context clues! Try to stretch your sentences to include
more information.
9. It’s all in the phrasing! To add more depth to your sentence,
try this: After__________, this happened. Or
When__________, this happens. This allows you to add
more content without always using “and.” Yes you may use
the words “because” or “since.”
You are in third grade now, and I’m positive that you can
think of a more specific word!
Each sentence will be worth a possible 10 points and must
be a minimum of 6 words.
1 pt.
1 pt.
1 pt.
1 pt.
1 pt.
1 pt.
1 pt.
3 pts.
Start with capital
Punctuation (end with a period)
Spell the vocab. word correctly (it will be on the board)
Underline the vocab. Word
Use as correct part of speech
Other spelling in the sentence (I will spell harder words
for you in your spiral dictionary)
No awkward, repetitious, fragments, or run-ons
Context Clues (If someone did not know the meaning of the
vocab. word, could they figure it out using the other clues in the
sentence? Make sure you provide enough details without rambling
on and on.)
------10 points total