Writing _year_3 EDS 2015

Name _____________________
Stepping Stone 3
I can:
1. I can spell words with prefixes and suffixes and understand how to
add them to root words.
2. I can recognise and spell homophones
3. I can identify the root in longer words.
4. I can use the first two letters of a word to check its spelling in a
5. I can spell words which are in a given family correctly.
6. I can spell some of the commonly mis-spelt words from the Year ¾
7. I know which letters should be joined using diagonal and horizontal
8. I understand which letters should be left unjoined.
9. I am beginning to use these joins consistently in my writing.
10. Composition
11. I can discuss my ideas and make a simple plan for my writing.
12. I am beginning to identify the key structural and grammatical
features of different genres of writing through looking at and
discussing examples.
Draft and write
13. I can rehearse the sentences I want to write orally, building in a
varied/ rich vocabulary.
14. I can write a narrative with a setting, characters and a plot.
15. I can use headings and sub headings to organise non-narrative
16. I am starting to use paragraphs in my writing
Evaluate and edit
17. I can say what is good about my writing and begin to suggest further
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Sentence structure
18. I can use ‘a’ or ‘an’ correctly depending whether the noun begins
with a vowel or consonant.
19. I can express time, place and cause using conjunctions such as
when, before, after, if, because and although.
20. I can write sentences that have been dictated by the teacher.
21. I can express time, place and cause using adverbs such as next,
22. I can begin to write sentences that have more than one clause.
I can:
23. I can express time, place and cause using prepositions such as
during, because of.
Text structure
24. I can use the present, perfect form of verbs
E.g. He has gone out, rather than he went out.
25. I can use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.
26. I can use an apostrophe for possession and contraction.
27. I can use CL and FS, commas in a list, ? and ! correctly.
28. I can use a comma after a fronted adverbial.