Classification 1. General features — Global descriptors of the experiment 1.1. Experiment identifier or name 1.2. Responsible person or role 1.3. Quantitative approach 2. Definition 104330001_iTRAQ macrofagos Lola Gutierrez / Felipe Clemente iTRAQ-8plex Experimental design and sample description —2.1 Experimental design Control vs interaction 2.1.1 Groups 2.1.2 Biological and technical replicates 2. 3 biological replicates and 1 technical replicate (mix of controls and mix of interactions) in the same iTRAQ experiment Experimental design and sample description —2.2 Sample / Assay description Labelling protocol (if applicable) Labelling at peptide level. Sample description Sample name Sample amount Sample labelling with assay definition, i.e. MS run / data set together with reporting ion mass, reagent or isotope labelled amino acid View table 50 ug/ sample Sample name iTRAQ reagent CONTROL 1 CONTROL 3 CONTROL 4 INTERACCION 1 INTERACCION 3 INTERACCION 4 CONTROL MIX INTERACCION MIX Replicates and/or groups 2.2.3 Isotopic correction coefficients 2.2.4 Internal references 3 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 View table Reagent iTRAQ113 iTRAQ114 iTRAQ115 iTRAQ116 iTRAQ117 iTRAQ118 iTRAQ119 iTRAQ121 % of -2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.09 0.14 0.27 % of -1 0.00 0.94 1.88 2.82 3.77 4.71 5.66 7.44 % of 0 92.87 93.00 93.12 93.21 93.29 93.29 93.33 92.11 % of +1 % of +2 6.89 0.24 5.90 0.16 4.90 0.10 3.90 0.07 2.88 0.00 1.91 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.18 0.00 List of internal references used and their amount. Also state their specific purpose such as quantification, normalization or alignment. Input data — Description and reference of the dataset used for quantitative analysis: type, format and availability of the data. No actual values are requested here. 3.1 Input data type tandem MS 3.2 Input data format Import from oracle DB 4000 Series Explorer v 3.6 4800 MALDI TOF/TOF ABI Sciex ( .t2d). 3.3 Input data merging Sample was fractionated using a 3100 off-gel fractionator (Agilent Technologies), collecting 24 fractions on pH range of 3-10. Each fraction was individually fractionated in a nano-HPLC (LC Packings), coupled off line to a 4800 Plus MALDI-TOF/TOF (ABSciex), each off-gel fraction yields 416 MALDI spots. Datasets corresponding to each fraction were merged and combined by the Protein Pilot software v3.0 (ABSciex) for identification and quantitation purposes. 3.4 Availability of the input data 4 Protocol —Description of the software and methods applied in the quantitative analysis (including transformation functions, aggregation functions and statistical calculations). 4.1 Quantification software name, version and manufacturer Protein Pilot v.3.0 from AbSciex 4.2 Description of the selection and/or matching method of features, Centroid, peak area and peak area error. Ratio of peak reporter area, the protein ratio is calculated as average ratio: 10exp(weighted average of log ratios)/bias together with the description of the method of the primary extracted quantification values determination for each feature and/or peptide 4.3 Confidence filter of features or peptides prior to quantification Peptide confidence is based on the score, which is the number of matches between the data and the theoretical fragment ions. In general, a higher score leads to a higher confidence, but the factors listed below also influence the confidence. Hypothesized modifications – Rare, unexpected modifications tend to decrease confidence. Delta mass – A larger delta mass tends to decrease confidence. Peptide cleavage – Cleavages inconsistent with the digest agent specified in the analysis method tend to decrease confidence. Alternative hypotheses for the same spectrum – A peptide with a high score could receive a low confidence because there is another peptide hypothesis for this spectrum with an even higher score. 4.4 Description of data calculation and transformation methods 4.4.1 Missing values imputation and outliers removal 4.4.2 Quantification values calculation and / or ratio determination from the primary extracted quantification values Peptides with a combined feature probability < 30% are excluded . Features with this low probability include semi-tryptic peptides, peptides missing an iTRAQ reagent label, peptides with low probability modifications and peptides with large delta masses. Peptide ratios 0 and 9999.99 Ratios of peak area iTRAQ reporters. 4.4.3 Replicate aggregation Normalization: mean protein iTRAQ ratio in all replicates and all ratios in each replicate Are divided by mean. Average ratio for quantified protein in all replicates and p-value (<0.05) and/or ST < 0.2 4.4.4 Normalization Auto bias correction: median average protein ratio.. 4.4.5 Protein quantification values calculation and / or ratio determination from the peptide quantification values 4.4.6 As stated in point 4.4. For shared peptides: A shared peptide is when the same spectrum with the same peptide sequence is claimed by more than one protein. These peptides are excluded when there is another protein which claims this peptide but only if the Unused ProtScore for the other protein is 1.3 or higher. Precursor overlap – The spectrum yielding the identified peptide is also claimed by a different protein above the confidence cutoff, but with an unrelated peptide sequence. This can happen when more than one peptide is fragmented at the same time. These peptides are excluded. Only proteins with at least two peptides identified are included in the quantification. Protocol specific corrections 4.5 Description of methods for (statistical) estimation of correctness p-value < 0.05; EF<2; FDR 1% 4.6 Calibration curves of standards 5 Resulting data —Provide the actual quantification values resulting from your quantification software together with their estimated confidence. Depending of the quantification technique or even of the quantification software, only some of the following items could be satisfied (e.g., for spectral counting, only quantification values at protein level can be provided) 5.1 Quantification values at peptide and/or feature level: Actual quantification values achieved for each peptide and/or, in case of feature-based quantification, for the corresponding features (mapped back from each peptide), together with their estimated confidence. 5.1.1 Primary extracted quantification values for each feature (e.g. area, summary.xls height, etc.), with their statistical estimation of correctness 5.1.2 Quantification values for each peptide as a result of the aggregation of the values of the previous section (5.1.1), with their statistical estimation of correctness 5.2 Quantification values at protein level: Actual quantification values achieved for each protein and for each protein ambiguity group, together with the confidence in the quantification value. Basic / raw quantification values with statistical estimation of correctness summary.xls 5.2.2 Transformed / aggregated / combined quantification values of the changes_R1R3Rmix.xls proteins at group level, with their statistical estimation of correctness