Classification 1. 2. Definition General features — Global descriptors of the experiment 1.1. Experiment identifier or name 01_Cvs4h_iTRAQ, 02_Cvs4h_iTRAQ 1.2. Responsible person or role Dra. Montserrat Carrascal. CSIC/UAB Proteomics Facility, IIBB-CSIC, Building M, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain 1.3. Quantitative approach Isotopic labeling, iTRAQ-4plex Experimental design and sample description —2.1 Experimental design Control vs 4h activation with PMA ionomicine. 2.1.1 Groups 2 biological Cvs4h_iTRAQ replicates for each condition 2.1.2 Biological and technical replicates 2. Experimental design and sample description —2.2 Sample / Assay description Labelling protocol (if applicable) iTRAQ from AB Sciex at the peptide level. 2.2.2 Sample description Sample name Control and activated samples, each one correspond to a pool of five donors.. Sample amount 1 mg before SCX and phosphopeptide enrichment. Sample labelling with assay definition, i.e. MS run / data set together with reporting ion mass, reagent or isotope labelled amino acid C1(114) and C2(115) group resting T-lymphocytes, A1(116) and A2(117) group activated Tlymphocytes. Replicates and/or groups C1 and C2 are technical replicates in resting T-lymphocytes group, A1 and A2 are technical replicates in activated T-lymphocytes group 2.2.3 Isotopic correction coefficients Label reagent (-2,-1,1,2) iTRAQ114 (0.0,1.0,5.9,0.2) iTRAQ115 (0.0,2.0,5.6,0.1) iTRAQ116 (0.0,3.0,4.5,0.1) iTRAQ117 (0.1,4.0,3.5,0.1) 2.2.4 Internal references 3. 4. Input data — Description and reference of the dataset used for quantitative analysis: type, format and availability of the data. No actual values are requested here. 3.1. Input data type MS/MS data 3.2. Input data format mgf converted from raw file with ReAdW. 3.3. Input data merging 16 SCX fractions 3.4. Availability of the input data 32 mgf files Protocol —Description of the software and methods applied in the quantitative analysis (including transformation functions, aggregation functions and statistical calculations). 4.1. Quantification software name, version and manufacturer Homemade python script 4.2. Description of the selection and/or matching method of features, together with the description of the method of the primary extracted quantification values determination for each feature and/or peptide 4.3. Confidence filter of features or peptides prior to quantification 4.4. Description of data calculation and transformation methods Average of reporter ions of replicates in the same experiment.Log2(A/C) of no phosphopeptides were adjuted those with a µThree search engines for peptide identification were used. Only peptides found at least in two search engines were selected. 4.4.1. Missing values imputation and outliers removal 4.4.2. Quantification values calculation and / or ratio determination from the primary extracted quantification Peptide replicated missing an iTRAQ reported ion were removed together with peptides without labeling. Average of sample replicates and log2(A/C) values 4.4.3. Replicate aggregation n.a. 4.4.4. Normalization n.a. Protein quantification values calculation and / or ratio n.a. 4.4.5. determination from the peptide quantification values 4.4.6. 5. Protocol specific corrections n.a. 4.5. Description of methods for (statistical) estimation of correctness Activated phosphopeptides were those wiht a µ- 4.6. Calibration curves of standards n.a. - Resulting data —Provide the actual quantification values resulting from your quantification software together with their estimated confidence. Depending of the quantification technique or even of the quantification software, only some of the following items could be satisfied (e.g., for spectral counting, only quantification values at protein level can be provided) 5.1 Quantification values at peptide and/or feature level: Actual quantification values achieved for each peptide and/or, in case of feature-based quantification, for the corresponding features (mapped back from each peptide), together with their estimated confidence. 5.1.1 Primary extracted quantification values for each feature (e.g. area, height, etc.), with their statistical estimation of correctness 5.1.2 Quantification values for each peptide as a result of the aggregation of the values of the previous section (5.1.1), with their statistical estimation of correctness Output data of phosphopeptides are stored in relational database accessible in 5.2 Quantification values at protein level: Actual quantification values achieved for each protein and for each protein ambiguity group, together with the confidence in the quantification value. Basic / raw quantification values with statistical estimation of correctness n.a. 5.2.2 Transformed / aggregated / combined quantification values of the proteins at group level, with their statistical estimation of correctness