A New Creature Noticed been singing songs about Christ + resurrection, is common on what is typically called Easter Sunday. The word Easter is actually found in the Bible, although only in the KJV. Recorded in Acts 12:4, Herod the king apprehended Peter and put him in prison, “intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.” Original Greek word there is pascha, and it should have been translated as Passover, and it has been corrected in most all subsequent translations. The reason why the King James translators decided to use the word Easter instead of the correct word Passover was likely because King James had instructed them to, whenever possible, use words that conformed to the beliefs and practices of the Church of England during that time. I’m not exactly sure of the origin of the word Easter or when it was first celebrated in a religious sense. As best as I can tell, the first reference to any such observance was around middle of the 2nd century or so, but it’s unclear as to when it eventually came to be a tradition for some folks. Here at RH, we don’t elevate this particular Sunday above other Sundays. Like the very first Christians, we celebrate the DBR of Jesus every first day of the week. Which makes today + every Sunday a time to rejoice that our Savior not only was put to death on our behalf, but early that Sunday morning, the 3rd day from when He was crucified… …that stone was rolled away, and our Savior was triumphantly raised from the dead! Be turning to Luke chapter 23… I want for us to take just a few minutes to let the Bible remind us of the story, and then I want to apply it in a way that I think will make it very relevant to us today! Luke 23:44-49 (death) Luke 23:50-56 (burial) Luke 24:1-9 (resurrection) It’s an extraordinary story, isn’t it? But it’s so much more than just a story. It is an event that changed all of history thereafter. And more importantly, it is an event that can dramatically change your life throughout all of time and eternity! Jesus died, He was buried, and then God raised Him from the dead. This is the main idea I want you to take with you today: God wants to do the very same thing in each one of us! 1. Remove Guilt of Sin He wants to take that old person that is plagued by sin and worldliness, put it to death, bury it in the waters of baptism, and just as he did with Jesus, triumphantly raise you from the dead to walk in a whole new way of life! Romans 6:3-5 (look with me at this passage) This is God’s procedure for making us His. To belong to God, you’ve got to die, be buried, and be resurrected. Do you remember what Jesus said to Nicodemus as in John 3:7? “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’” (Do not be surprised that it takes a dramatic rebirth to become a child of God.) Before you become a child of God, no matter how good you might be, you are still a sinner and stand guilty of sin and therefore in a lost condition. But God has a solution to your sin problem! Just like Jesus was put to death / buried / resurrected… (God wants to do the same thing to you too.) God wants to take your old sinful self, that person guilty of sin, and put it to death God wants to take your old sinful self and bury it in the waters of baptism God wants to resurrect you from baptism as a brand new born again Christian Isn’t that the most amazing thing? And isn’t it remarkable how God combines what He did in Jesus’ life and what He seeks to do in your life as well?! V5 in KJV: “… we have been planted together in the likeness of His death.” (what happens to us is like…) NAS uses united. Greek word is SUMPHUTOI, meaning “grown together.” We have all seen trees which were planted so close together that over the years they “grow together” and became inseparable. So it is that when we are converted, there must be such a close association between the death of Christ and our death to sin that the word SUMPHUTOI emphases they are “grown together”. God wants to do the same thing in each one of us as He did concerning His own Son. And He will accomplish that in your life when you put your faith in Jesus Christ as the one and only Son of God, and then allow God to wash away your sins by being baptized into Christ. When you do that, your old self will die and be buried, and you’ll rise to a whole new life as a child of God. This morning, if you have never done that, God so much wants for you to give your life to Him. He wants so much to save you and make you one of His precious children. He paid the most extreme price for you by giving His own Son to suffer and die to pay your debt for your sins. He longs for you to come to Him. If you believe in Jesus, and you understand what God did for you, please don’t make Him wait any longer. God is like that Father of the Prodigal Son. He is looking and longing everyday for you to come to Him. His heart aches for you to come to Him. At the end of this sermon, we’re going to stand together and sing an invitation song, and that is your opportunity to step out and walk down here to the front. You can express your love and appreciation for God by giving your life to Him today. Please don’t wait any longer to let God wash away the guilt of all your sins. 2. Remove Power of Sin Romans 6:6-7 But also to save us from sin itself! To deliver us and set us free from bondage to sin! Rock of Ages, cleft for me... Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood... From Thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure... Cleanse me from its guilt and power! Through Christ's sacrifice on the cross we have access to a double cure Free not only from the guilt of sin, but also from the power of sin! Exactly How Does God Do That? Look again at v6… Paul said, “our old self was crucified with Him.” How does God get rid of the power of sin in your life? By crucifying the old self that wants to sin! The phrase “was crucified” is in the passive tense, which means that the old man or self had an action performed upon him at a point in time in past (at our conversion)! We cooperated in this action, agreed to it, but the crucifixion was performed by another upon us. Even though the action of our crucifixion was not without our consent, still the action was, in some powerful way, performed on us! There’s something else that God wants to do in your life, something else He will do to you and for you when you’re baptized into Christ. Surely the two thieves likely went “kicking and screaming” to their crosses, and likewise our “old self or man” does not go easily and willingly to death. It’s an incredible thing that God wants to remove the guilt of our sins, but even more incredible is the fact that God wants to do even more than remove the guilt of your sins! God wants to change you from being a person who all too easily gives in to sin time and time again . . to a person who no longer is enslaved to sin. God wants to do the most wonderful thing in you when you are born again. He intends for you to have an incredible new life with the greatest of blessings through your new relationship in and with Christ. And so, by our being “dead and buried,” not only does that get rid of the old self that was guilty of sin, but it also frees the new self to overcome the power of sin! Again, I urge you: Do not wait to let God do this awesome thing in your life. Matthew 1:21 Angel of Lord told Joseph about Mary, "She will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins." Not only do you desperately need to get rid of the guilt (you’re lost right now if you’re not in Christ), but you also need to get rid of the power that sin has in your life! When Jesus saves you from your sins, He wants to fully remove the burden of your sins. That means He will do more than just save you from the guilt of sin in your life. It’s certainly not doing you any good whatsoever! He will also save you from the power of sin in your life! We need to remember why Jesus died on the cross... Not just to save us from the punishment of Hell brought on by our sin Notice latter part of v6: “...Our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with.” “Done away” (KJV is “destroyed”) comes from the Greek word KATARGATHA, meaning to “make ineffective, powerless, idle.” It’s getting rid of something, it’s making something powerless that has previously been unnecessary, or counterproductive, or even harmful. Luke 13:6-7 (find this same Greek word here) The phrase “use up” is that same Greek word KATARGATHA. Notice in the parable the thing which is being “used up” is not the tree, but the “ground”. In short, the sentiment of the owner of the vineyard was that it was a waste for a tree which had not born fruit for three years to continue to “waste” space in his vineyard! Therefore, just as the worthless tree was useless to the vineyard, so also is our old sinful way of life useless and even detrimental to our life in Christ. 1 Peter 4:1-3 Just like Christ died on the cross, likewise we need to die to our old way of life. Wasted enough time already… That old sinful way of life therefore has been crucified, destroyed, and done away with. We just don’t need it, and it’s no longer there to affect us or trouble us any longer. 3. Resurrected to a New Life Romans 6:8-11 Therefore, just as Christ was resurrected to live a new life (you might say), so also are we as Christians resurrected from our death to sin to live a new life a new life which is glorious and abounds in spiritual blessings, a new life which seeks to live according to righteousness instead of the old way of unrighteousness. Remember Paul writes about such in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me...” That’s resurrection; that’s a new life in a new believer! 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." This morning, the good news is: He is Risen! The even better news for us today is: God wants to do away with your old life of sin and raise you up to a great new life in His Son Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian, a baptized believer in Christ, then know that God has done this wonderful thing in your life. If you are not, then I implore you to let Him do this wonderful thing in your life today!