بسم هللا الرمحن الرحيم Course Name: Strategic Management Professor name: Prof. Dr Majed El-Farra Course Objectives: 1. Understand the Strategic management concepts. 2. Improve student knowledge on corporate governance. 3. Enhance students’ knowledge and understanding on social responsibilities and business ethics. 4. Develop the knowledge on the influence of social responsibility on business strategy. 5. How to create competitive advantages to business. 6. Develop students’ skills in strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. 7. How culture differences affect management. Outcomes: Students will be able to: - Formulate a strategic plan. - Formulate annual plan. - Ethical behavior of students will be improved. - Acquire the knowledge on the concepts of strategic management. - Conduct environmental analysis and able to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Skills acquired - Skills of preparing a strategic and business plan. - Skills of analyzing case studies. - Skills of working within a team. Course Description: This course aims to provide MBA students conceptual and theoretical framework in strategic management. Strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation processes will be considered. In addition, students will be able to use several analytical tools to conduct business environmental scanning. Furthermore, cross-cultural management, business ethics, social responsibility corporate governance and reengineering processes will be highlighted. Further case studies will be used to enhance the practical and empirical parts of the course. Course Teaching Plan Course Contents Duration General introduction to the course will be Lecture one given. Basic Concepts of Strategic Management Corporate governance and social Responsibility. Lecture two External Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis Lecture three Internal scanning: organizational analysis Lecture four Case 7: APPLE Inc. PERFORMANCE IN A ZERO-SUM WORLD ECONOMY Lecture five 1 Teaching &learning techniques Lectures, discussions, group work, mini case studies and group presentations. Lectures, discussions, group work, mini case studies and group presentations. Lectures, discussions, group work, mini case studies and group presentations. Lectures, discussions, group work, mini case studies and group presentations. Lectures, discussions, group work, case studies and group - Mission, Vision, Long term objectives. Mission, Vision, Long term objectives Continues.. Types of strategies in different environments. - Case 13: Amazon.com: An ECommerce Retailer -Requirements for strategic implementations. - Implementation (chap. 9,10) - Cultural issue Case 13: Reorganizing Yahoo - Global Issues in Strategic management, - Case study Analysis: AZTC case presentations. Lecture six Lectures, discussions, and seven work, and presentations. group The Eighth Lectures, discussions, group Lecture work, case studies and group presentations. The Ninth The tenth - - Business Processes Reengineering. - Students' presentations Lecture Eleventh - Students' presentations The Twelfth - LO - Strategic Evaluation and control. - Students' presentations The Thirteenth Fifteenth Presentations and evaluation Lectures, discussions, group work, case studies and group presentations. Lectures, discussions, group work, case studies and group presentations. Lectures, discussions, group work, and presentations of strategic plans prepared by students to local institutions. Lectures, discussions, group work, and presentations of strategic plans prepared by students to local institutions. Lectures, discussions, group work, and presentations of strategic plans prepared by students to local institutions. Lectures, discussions, group work, and presentations of strategic plans prepared by students to local institutions. References - Wheelen and Hunger, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy, 13th, Prentice Hall 2012. - David, Fred, Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases. 13th edition, Prentice Hall 2012. Grades Evaluation methods Attendance, participation in discussion, able to work within a team, analyze case studies and prepare short reports. Prepare a strategic plan to local businesses. Summarize and present a latest 50grades (recent) article in the field of strategic management. To prepare a strategic management, team works from the beginning of the course will be formulated. 50grades Final exam Total 100 grades 2